Monday, December 22, 2014

Today's Things to do


Please read the following Christmas story, and answer the questions.  When you are done, independently read your book.

Answer the following can either copy and paste these to a Word Document or answer them on a piece of paper...just number.  Do not reply to this post :)

The Gift of The Magi  Study Guide

  1. Think of your most prized possession:  the one thing you’d want to rescue if your house were burning down. Think of some of the reasons this possession is important to you.  Then try to imagine under what circumstances you might give it up.  For what, or for whom, would you sacrifice it?  In a journal entry, identify the possession, list the reasons for its importance, and suggest when or how you might ever be prepared to part with it.

  1. Even thought the Youngs don’t have a lot of money, describe their relationship.  Use text to support yourself.

  1. What are the two possessions in which Jim and Della “took a mighty pride”?

  1. How much does Della get for her hair and what does she buy Jim?

  1. Explain the irony of the story.

  1. Do you believe Della and Jim are wise of foolish?  Explain how both points-of-view might be argued.

  1. If Della and Jim “are the magi”, what really important gift do they give each other?  What theme can you identify and prove exists in this short story?

  1. Compare and contrast Jim and Della to Madame Loisel and her husband in “The Necklace”.  Make a venn diagram below to illustrate your findings.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


In Chinese literature, proverbs are very popular.  A proverb is a short, wise saying.

Check out this page, read some wise proverbs, and try to create your own.  If creativity fails you today, choose your favorite from this link.

Also, there was controversy on pronouncing "Lao Tzu" who is the founder of Taoism.  If you are interested, here is the correct pronunciation :

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


What are the most important types OR aspects of lit from the following cultures:

Ancient Greece:

African Literature:

Japanese Literature:

Chinese Literature (DID NOT LEARN YET!!! TRY :)):

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Name three aspects of Japanese literature.

How does the culture affect the literature?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Work Day

What do you know about Japanese literature?  

 When you finish this journal, please take a paper from the stool.  Click the following link to the on "World Culture" tab and the "Japanese" category. Fill in the notes according to what you find in the slideshow and other text.  Keep this.

On the libguide, there is also an assignment that reads “Haiku assignment.”  You can choose to print the assignment page and complete it, or you may choose to type up your Haiku on a word document and print this.  Make sure your name is on it, and turn it in.

Things you can do when you are finished:
·         Read up to chapter 15 in a Long Way Gone (do this at home if you do not finish)
·         Get someone to peer edit your paper (or finish…due at the beginning of class tomorrow)
·         Independent read

Your lyric writing project is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.  Remember to attach your rubric to the paper, and put this in the box if you are finished.