Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Reflect on your own persuasive speech.  How are the pillars of persuasion in your speech going to affect your audience?  Which pillar did you use the most, and why?


  1. It can cause the audience to believe me more. I used pathos a lot in my speech.

  2. The pillars of persuasion will affect my audience because they are used to help them believe what I am saying. I think I used pathos and logos the most. I used pathos because people are greatly effected by emotion and logos because I need statistics to back up my points.

  3. My speech mostly contains logos so it will affect them and think that it is very accurate. I use logos the most, because i couldn't put to much pathos in it or it would be way too biased.

  4. The pillars of persuasion are mostly logos so it kind of shocks people and shows them the truth about an important issue.

  5. The pillars of persuasion will affect my audience because they are used to get the audience to believe my thoughts. I used logos the most because I used a lot of logic in my speech/essay

  6. The pillars of persuasion in my speech are going to affect the audience to make what I'm saying more believable. I used logos and pathos the most.

  7. I used logos a lot in my speech and I feel like the facts will shock and captivate my audience

  8. My pillars will make the audience feel emotion and sad i used logic a lot to set in the realisticness of the article and to further imply the audiences emotions.

  9. I tried to have a fair balance of all three. I have a collection of quotes from esteemed figures in support of my bias for ethos, an array of statics that also support my bias for logos, and hopefully a strong set of points and the ability to convey them and empathize with listeners, pathos. The most important I think is pathos, being that an extremely credible and logical speech is worthless if the audience has no care or feeling for it

  10. This pillars will provide facts and add emotion to the speech. The pillar I used most was pathos. I had a lot about the harmful and sad things that happen to animals.

  11. The pillar i used most was pathos to get people to see my topic in a different light and emotionally change their opinions.
