Thursday, October 29, 2015

Oedipal Complex


  1. In the article it compares and contrasts the Oedipal Complex to the story Oedipus Rex. It says how the story, Oedipus Rex is not actually the complex. The Oedipal Complex is when a child wanted to get with the opposite sex parent and get rid of the other one. In the story Oedipus Rex, Oedipus left his parents because he found out his fate and he didn't want to hurt them, but he ends up with his mother and killing his father. He didn't create that situation, fate just had it that way. So the Oedipal Complex and Oedipus Rex are not the same thing and it wasn't necessarily based off the complex.

  2. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus is given up to be killed as a baby. He is saved and is never told that he is adopted. When Oedipus finds out that his fate is to kill his father and marry his mother, he flees and tries to prevent it from happening. It turns out that without knowing, he actually kills his father and marries his mother even though that was what he didn't want to happen. This relates to humans today because we often find ourselves stuck in the exact situation we didn't want to be stuck in. For example, a girl that was abused during her childhood ends up getting married to an abusive spouse. This girl tried to get out of an abusive relationship as a child and wanted to prevent it again, but never saw that the relationship she got into with her spouse was the same. In other words, humans try so hard to avoid something but then they actually end up causing it to happen while trying to avoid it.

  3. Oedipus Rex is said to create a universal understanding of human behavior. Humans are said to create the fate which we fear and we place ourselves in the situations that we planned to avoid. We all have the best intentions but we choose a path which leads us to where we don't want to be. Once we grasp an understanding of what has happened to us in the past, we are able to control it from happening again in our future.

  4. We identify with Oedipus not because we wish to possess one parent and eliminate the other, but because we too end up precisely where we didn’t want to. Typically boys are associated with the Oedipus complex. For example in the text it relates a women who was abused as a child; later dating men who abuse her as a women. History has it we repeat what we desperately try and forget. With many crimes you see this usually the parents created this behavior.

  5. The article is trying to show why Oedipus Rex still matters. Some people thought it was to show what the Oedipus Complex was. Which is not why the play Oedipus Rex still matters. It shows how people will make the fate they fear, just like what Oedipus Rex did. He ended up doing the thing he hoped he didn't do. Oedipus Rex is something that people can relate to because sometimes they end up being in the place that they feared the most of being in.

  6. This article talked about how Sigmund Freud used the play Oedipus Rex to come up with the Oedipus theory. Which in turn basically states that for some kids it is part of the development stage to have feelings towards one parent but not the other. Then as the article goes on it starts to take a different turn in describing how the author believes Freud misunderstood the play of Oedipus Rex. Also how the misreading affected his theory. Then by the end of the article the author goes on to describe how the play relates to real life events, that many people go through. Which is generally. People end up in places they try to prevent from getting.

  7. This article talks about what the meaning behind Oedipus Rex. The story is wired but the author did have a purpose behind it. The way that we are treated as a child affects how the child is when they become an adult. For example he said that is a woman is abused as a child, she will probably find a husband who abuses of her too. We need to take into consideration how we treat children because it could affect their whole life.

  8. Freud said that the Oedipus Complex was when a child wanted to possess his mother and get rid of his father but this was not really true because Freud misread the play. Instead of Oedipus wanting to kill his father he actually wanted to protect his parents that is why he left and he did not want to with his mother that is why he feared the prophecy. Oedipus fears his own fate because he created without knowing what he was doing and now the prophecy is basically inevitable for him. Oedipus keeps going with what he really just wants to escape and that is the prophecy.

  9. Oedipus Rex gives you a understanding of the things we seem to want to forget always come back to haunt us. Oedipus wishes to escape what he knows is his destiny, just like humans do as well. We fear what might happen to us later on. We fear our destiny and our fate in many cases and that makes us either not want to believe in fate or destiny, and/or just make our destiny what we want it to be in the future.

  10. The tale of Oedipus Rex does not support the Oedipus Complex- where a child feels possessive of the opposite sex parent. Instead it was one where "we unwittingly create the fate we fear and abhor. " Oedipus unknowingly married his mother, Jocasta after solving the Sphinx riddle and killing his real father Laius. However, Oedipus originally left his home in Corinth to protect his adoptive parents from his fate- not trying to "possess his mother and eliminate his father" like the Oedipus complex entails.

  11. In the articles it explains how these two different people saw and read the play different. Freud said that it was about Oedipus who wants to kill his father so that he could be with his mother. He misread the play because the reason behind it is you can't determine your fate. In the play, Oedipus hears about his fate and in order for him to not kill his father or fall in love with his mother, he leaves, soon to find out that he killed Lauis, his father, and married Jocasta, his mother. Therefore his fate came true even when he did everything he thought he could to prevent it. One example in the article of how we cant determine our fate is how a woman who was mistreated as a child ended up with someone who abuses her. What they are trying to say is we try to prevent problems in our lives but there is no running away from the troubles in life and from your fate.

  12. Freud's complex that is symbolized in the story Oedipus Rex when Oedipus sleeps with his mother and kills his father. Freud said that really his complex was that children learn and follow their parents. In the story of Oedipus this complex is exaggerated. Freud's complex tells us that people need to consider the role that they are giving their children because they need to predict that their children will most likely become it.

  13. Basically what the article talks about from a standpoint of a therapist is how we unwittingly create the fate we fear and try to stay away from. For example how Oedipus tries to avoid his whole life from murdering his father and sleeping with his mother but realizes with time that it has happened already. This article also says how Oedipus Complex explains the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious. It says that more therapists now a days see how more peoples behavior is linked by "specific relational contexts".

  14. According to Freud, the real Oedipal complex is the desire for a son to eliminate his father, and sleep with his mother. In the article it talks about how we often run into or create the fate we try to avoid the most. This is shown very profoundly in the Oedipus Rex story. Oedipus spends so much time trying to avoid that fate that was supposed to happen to him that it eventually led to it coming true.
