Friday, January 30, 2015


What does it mean to justify something?
Give two examples.


  1. My sister said you have to be 16 to get your permit in Maryland, I said you have to be 15, My dad checked it on Google and JUSTIFIED me.
    I had to justify a friendship when i made a mistake/

  2. To justify something means to use facts to prove some type of situation to be true/false. For example, if your sibling stole a donut that your mom had saved for you and denied it; you would want to justify this so that your sibling can get in trouble like they should. Another example would be if me and my stepdad where in an argument about a topic then my mom could go online and find the correct answer to justify who is correct in the situation.

  3. To justify something is to support something or do something for a reason. In court you have to justify why you did something. In an argument you have to justify what your opinion is and why you believe that.

  4. justification is where you have to prove something is right and "just".

    one time you would have to justify something is if a friend doesn't believe something you say, so you have to prove it.

    another time you would have to justify something is if you are the police force and have to justify an action you did

  5. To justify something means to prove something right. For example, if I wanted to borrow money from my mom, I would have to justify why. Another example is if I did something wrong like steal I would have to justify why I thought it was the right thing to do.

  6. To justify something is to give a reason to why you did something. You would have to justify something in a argument or if you make a mistake you have to justify why you did it.

  7. To justify means to prove something right or make something seem reasonable. You could be justifying a point you're trying to make to someone, or you could be justifying something you did wrong in order to make it seem right.

  8. To justify an action is to validate or to reason/argue the validity of that action. Like how an officer may use footage of a criminal attacking him to justify the use of lethal force, or how a student may use fictional illness to justify staying home from school.

  9. To justify is to use reasoning or facts to support what you are stating. Just like in the 8th grade debates when we had to justify the topic they gave to us. Another example is when you don't do something and you have to justify why you didn't do that thing.

  10. Justifying means to prove something with an explanation or facts backing it up. Usually in school i do this a lot with Mr. Ottey because hes wrong 99% of the time because he said that im not smart and ill never be able to make it big in the world but i showed him my scheduling paper showing i was in accelerated English and accelerated biology he shut up pretty quick after that.

  11. To prove something, give a reason behind it, or an explanation. If somebody does something just because, there is no justification for what he/she did. Or if a boys parents question something he did, they might ask for justification behind his behavior.

  12. Justification Means to prove something, make a point, or back yourself up and it is usually backed up by facts, not opinions.

  13. To justify means to show or prove something. A lawyer has to justify that his client is innocent by showing the facts. If someone told another person their opinion on something then they would have to back it up by saying why you think and believe this.
