Monday, February 2, 2015

Cross examination...

Yesterday, you saved four people.
Group one saved: Geoff McGraw, Donald Heap, Sam Comfort, Mu Chado
Group two saved:  Geoff, Patience, Prudence, Sam Comfort
Group three saved: James & Prudence Butler, Donald Heap, Sam Comfort

Your job is to choose a group and justify why your group's decision was more logical than theirs.Nicely.  Go.

*Emily...check absent folder


  1. Group 1. Geoff has enough skill and experience to be useful to the group, fishing(specifically deep sea) is essential to survival in an open ocean/island living situation, pair that with his obvious precision(being a surgeon, plastic or otherwise) and he is a must for survival. Donald, as a successful business man, will have the ability to see past the limits of morality, thus enabling him to provide insight to the group for the hard decisions, the do or die moments, another key factor for survival. Sam is a nurse, and a medic of some form is crucial to survival, in the wild(ocean or otherwise), it doesn't take much to incapacitate or kill someone, and a the young age of 29, he brings vitality to the group as well. Professor Chado, as an experienced micro-biologist and an older educated man, will be able to bring possibly life saving wisdom and knowledge to the group, despite being confined to a wheelchair(confined to permanent prone/sitting position until we reach the island and build him a seat of some sort), which is an obvious but ultimately justified weakness. My initial pick for the fourth spot on the raft would have been Patience, being that she brings more skill and knowledge on survival than anyone else available, however, with the loss of the remainder of her family she would likely be of little to no use and in a shocked and depressed state. As valuable as she would have been, it isn't worth bringing useless mouths to feed in place of skilled survivors, James is a Church Minister(more faith than knowledge I'd assume), and his fishing skills aren't needed when the otherwise superior Geoff Crawford has equal or even more so. Prudence, despite her brightness and youth, has no real value other than her language skills(wonderful if we happen to find a lone Frenchman on the island), and is otherwise just another person to take but not contribute, and also an annoyance(10 year old girl).

  2. Group 1. In terms of survival I believe that group one is the weakest out of all of our groups and would survive the shortest amount of time. The fact of choosing Mu Chado sadly was a bad idea and not an option my group chose. We did not choose for Mu Chado to live because although the cure for HIV could help the world drastically they would need to survive first and the fact that he is disabled does not make that an option for him.

  3. Group two was my group. First off, Geoff is a good choice because he has skill. He can deep sea fish which is helpful for food supplies. Next we chose Patience because she is young and can have kids later on if it comes down to that. She also has written about survival so that tells us she has some experience. We also took Prudence because she can stay with her mom and she is very intelligent. Though, she is epileptic we are taking Sam who is a nurse and can help Prudence. Sam is also young and is very smart. The first group chose Mu Chado which to me is a terrible idea. One reason why is because he is in a wheel chair. Its going to be very hard for him to move around and keep up with the group if he is in a wheelchair, therefore leaving him useless. That is why group two had better people in our group rather then, for example, group one.

  4. Group one didn't have any girls so there wouldn't be any reproduction which means everyone would die and the island/forest would be abandoned again. Mu Chado was handicapped so it would be a big risk getting him on the raft and on the island safely. In a way its a waste of time saving the people they did because they will die and leave no civilization of humans on the island.

  5. Group one would save Geoff McGraw, Donald Heap, Sam Comfort, and Mu Chado. Saving this group of people makes sense because basically everyone is a stranger to each other, and since we aren't saving anyone from the Butler family, we wouldn't have to worry about anyone suffering from immediate loss. Groups 2 and 3, however, saved a few members of the Butler family. Group one also saved doctors, or people with a background in medical history, and people with skills that will make surviving easier. Also, unlike groups 2 and 3, we choose not to save Prudence Butler, mostly because she's an epileptic, and would need special care in order to survive.

  6. sam was awesome because he is a nurse, which is useful.
    Donald is athletic and he can sail, whic is useful when trapped on an island.
    third was patience butler. who wrote a book on helping people who are living in the state we would be in into modern society, so although she would appear to know how to survive, her specialty would be more on helping people get used to technology, rather than survival. however, she is female, and my team made it very clear that sex is an indisputable requirement, so.......
    lastly was James Butler, who even though he is a minister and a missionary, as well as patience's husband, he is completely useless except for fishing, which would only be limited to the island, and even then, the types of fish he would know how to catch would be limited, assuming he knew the fish in the middle of an unihabited island. I still think that Geoff McGraw would be better because even though he is probably sterile due to his age, he knows deep sea fishing, which when combined with donald heap's sailing expertise, would make an almost unlimited food source.

  7. Group 3, James Butler had experiences in fishing and is a minister so he can give hope to the group and help them with providing food. Patience Butler is a young and fertile sense she had 3 kids and can be use to reproduce with her husband James, she is very crafty and can make things that is useful to the group she also wrote a book on survival. Donald Heap he's self made and is willing to do whats necessary to survive he also is very skilled in athletics and he is good at sailing and growing food. Lastly Sam Comfort young and is a skilled nurse, he knows how to treat special conditions like hypothermia and enjoys swimming and is skilled at it.

  8. Group 2 had two of the same people as my group but they also took Patience and Prudence Butler. I believe that was a bad choice on there part. They both will be upset over losing there father/husband so they will be too depressed to give any help to us. Also Prudence doesn't really have any use to us except knowing other languages which would be helpful but we can get around that. She also is epileptic so she needs medicine to survive so she will end up dying eventually. I do agree with group 3's reasoning though.

  9. Group two was the most logical decision. Geoff has the ability to reconstruct facial features after accidents. This is very useful because if someone gets hurt then he will be able to help them. One of his hobbies is deep sea fishing. This hobby will help them survive by getting food to eat. Patience is very good at crafting. She has wrote a book about survival, so she might have tips on what they could do to stay alive. Also, she would be able to reproduce with the others which would repopulate the island. Prudence is very intelligent and she knows many languages. If they come across someone on the island or somewhere else and they happen to speak a different language then she would be able to translate. Sam is a nurse and has study on hypothermia. If someone would get sick or develop hypothermia he would be able to take care of them and possibly treat them. Another advantage is Sam is a good swimmer.

  10. Group 3. James Butler can give people hope by saying stuff like god is going to save us. He also likes to fish so that could come in handy for food. Also he could help patience get over her daughters death and he can reproduce with Patience. Patience wrote a book about people in indigenous people and their way of like so she could use what she learned from that to help us survive. Also she is good at home crafts so she could build some stuff. Donald Heap because he was junior minister of the department of defense. He also is an Olympic medalist in track so he is athletic. He is also has a hobby of sailing so he could help build and steer the boat. Finally Sam Comfort because he is a young nurse so he could help people when they are hurt. Also he was in the Antarctic so he is use to harsh weather. He is also a good swimmer so that could come in handy.

  11. My group's decision was more logical than the other's because we really thought about who would be the fittest to survive. We chose the survivors out of their past and their knowledge, not who they are or how old they are. We chose people that would be able to keep alive when stranded on an island. They work well with each other and when put together, they could do great things like making a nice life stranded on an island.

  12. My group's decision is more logical than the other two groups decisions because the people we picked are more suitable for surviving. We chose the people that would be most beneficial to stay alive on the island. They each have very important skills that would be very helpful in keeping alive. Although they all aren't young and fit, they still play a very big role in helping everyone survive. An example is P. Mu Chado. He is 60 years old and disabled, but he has excellent microbiology skills which is an extremely good quality to have on the island.

  13. Group 1 made a good decision by taking Donald and Sam. But all Geoff can do is fix peoples faces, yes he can deep sea fish, but others can do that too. P.Mu Chado was a bad decision because yes he has the cure for cancer, but he doesnt have the supplies to do it. Group 2 made a good decision by picking Patience and Sam, but Prudence was a horrible decision, she wont survive without medication, and they dont have that available to them. Overall, group 3 made the best decisions, and did the most productive choices.

  14. I was in group number 1. We made good decisions on who to take due to their personality. But we would not have the ability to reproduce because we chose all men, which would not help us survive. Group number 2 decided to bring Prudence with them, in my opinion she seems like she would be a dead weight, and I'm not saying Mu Chado would not be dead weight either. He does have knowledge though, which is something that Prudence did not have. Geoff McGraw was a good choice because he had knowledge on reconstructive surgery so he could help repair the injured. Donald Heap is strong and has a background on sailing so he could help us try to find food. Lastly we chose Sam Comfort because of his training as a nurse and because he enjoys swimming which would help with catching food.
