Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Use 5 of your vocabulary words to create a paragraph that makes sense.  About what?

Your day....
A made up experience....


  1. One day, I deliberately ate too much food, and my belly was distended. I took some anti-acids, but they must have been defective because when I tossed them down my cavernous throat, they didn't do anything. When I went for a swim later, I found that even though I ate so much, I was still slightly buoyant.

    yes, I know my story is stupid XD

  2. One day there was a girl walking home from school. She was a very peculiar girl who didnt have a lot of friends. She did not mind though, she liked to be alone. On her way home she stopped abruptly and noticed a squirrel. The squirrel was lonely looking. It was defective and looked like it needed help. So the girl picked up the squirrel and named it Pablo. She took the squirrel home and gave it food and water and deliberately gave it a bath. Then after she had bathed him, Pablo ran out of her arms and through the window. The girl never saw Pablo again. She lost her only friend.


  3. One day I was walking around and became lost, and ended up in a peculiar place. It was harrowing how I somehow got there. The place was luminous and uncanny. Even though I did not mean to go there, I was actually elated that I was there seeing the beautiful views.

  4. So one day there was a squirrel who lived in a cavernous tree. It ate peculiar group of nuts. The next day the squirrels tail distended abruptly and grew as large as branch. A squirrels friend came over the next day not knowing of the change, and was eaten by the harrowing squirrel with the inexplicable tail.

  5. Today I deliberately woke up at 6:20 a.m. My mom had to wake me up because my alarm was defective. As I got ready for school my cat was acting really peculiar. He kept following me around the house. After awhile I left my house to go to school. I stopped the car very abruptly, which scared my mom. As the day went by I was very elated that I was not assigned any homework.

  6. As i laid down in the dark room Cleatus drew near, suddenly it happen very abruptly a great harrowing overcame me as i was kicked again and again. He stopped only once and smiled with elation all over his scar covered face. My body began to distended from the massive beating that was inflicted upon me. But something very inexplicable happened Britteny rushed in the room and tackled down Cleatus she had saved me from certain death and from this day forward i was leave a flower on her doorstep in gratitude.

  7. One day there was a little girl living in a peculiar environment. She was walking down the road and she abruptly turned around and started screaming at this squirrel who lived in a cavernous tree. The squirrel deliberately dropped a nut so it fell and hit her in the head. The defective little girl ran away crying.

  8. A peculiar man named Steve was leisurely walking down the side of the road in the country when abruptly a spaceship with neon green stripes went racing over his head. The spaceship seemed to have a defective something, because a dark smoke trail followed behind it. The UFO then disappeared behind large oak trees. Seconds later there was a humongous splash, like a 30 ft. tall wave hitting the shore. Steve was a very curious person so he ran towards the direction of the noise. 10 minutes later when Steve was done weaving through the trees, he can upon the spaceship which seemed to be buoyant. He began to swim out to the UFO and while doing so Steve was thinking to himself how uncanny this whole thing was. Steve then entered a circle shaped terminal and entered it. He was never heard of again and the spaceship was never found.

  9. Ginseng Hitler Beepollen was once a proud and strong man, until the accident. He had been taking his nightly walk too dump off all the empty butter containers from under his desk into the trash cans, when a hamster in a Kia Soul deliberately pulled onto the side walk and struck him. He woke up abruptly in a hospital bed the next morning. His nurse, noticing his awakening, notified him that there was no major damage to his brain or any major organs, but that he would live the rest of his life with a defective anus. The news was harrowing, he felt a powerful sense of emptiness and sorrow, like his soul was now a cavernous abyss of sadness and dysfunctional buttholes.

  10. A cat named Slap was elated. His curse was finally gone! Every day for the past year somebody deliberately slapped him in the face, but now for the first time it was late night and nobody had slapped him today! Then he was sitting on his cat-bed and heard an inexplicable sound coming from the bathroom. He jumped up abruptly and ran to his closet to lock himself inside.
    After 30 minutes in the closet he decided to go to the next room and check it out. As he opened the door, he saw nothing. So hew checked the water heater and it turns out it was just a defective water heater. Then he went back to his couch. Then a knock on the door came, and he turned his head with fright! SOMEONE WAS HERE TO SLAP HIM!!! He grabbed his door handle and a baseball bat, opened the door, and swung for his seventh-life. As the person at the door layed on the ground crying in pain. He saw the face of the cat on the ground, it turns out that it was his terminally-ill mother. He killed his terminally ill mother, then the cop slapped him.

  11. One day there was a fighter jet pilot. He was very elated that he finally got his flying license. He deliberately tried to egg on his mentor to let him fly his favorite jet the B-52. He fell in love with the jet the moment he had to repair one of its many defective parts. Once his mentor finally agreed he abruptly and without hesitation, stepped into the cockpit of the jet. When the plane lifted off the ground the massive G force overtook him and he was hooked instantly. Although he did not know what he was in for.

  12. As i was scuba diving in the ocean i came across a cavernous cave. It was a uncanny cave full of inexplicable animals and creatures. I deliberately went to go and look around. It started getting darker and darker. Then a quick peculiar luminous flash caught my eye. I deliberately went towards it. When I finally got close enough the luminous flash was brighter and brighter. It was at that time I knew i had arrived.

  13. Abruptly, I woke up early Saturday morning from, what I remember being an uncanny nightmare. My bedroom felt almost cavernous with the darkness of early morning still refusing to let the daylight take over. As I made my way downstairs, my overly elated mother embraced me with a gentle hug. She looked at me with a smile, and moved her lips as to say, "good morning". I tilted my head in confusion as to why I didn't hear her. She gave me a peculiar look, and moved her lips once again; her eyes filling with worry. After a moment, a terrible ringing sounded in my ears, and I knelt down in agony from the sudden pain.
