Thursday, February 12, 2015

Key Point & Purpose

Read the paragraph and answer the following questions (you do not need to re-state the questions...just number them in your response):

Karen Kataline, a mental health professional near Denver who participated in child beauty pageants in the 1960s, says she understands the motivation to ban the competitions, but doesn't think that's the answer. The problem "is not just the pageants, it's the parents" who support and encourage the sexualization of their children, Kataline says.
"I'm not against children singing and dancing on stage, but you want them to sing and dance and perform in age-appropriate ways," she says. "Today, we've pushed the envelope to ridiculous degrees."
"People need to be educated as to why exposing and displaying a child in sexual ways beyond their years is wrong," says Kataline, author of the memoir FATLASH! Food Police & the Fear of Thin--A Cautionary Tale. 

1.   What is the purpose of the paragraph?

2.  Which key points/details/words support this purpose?


  1. she believes that child beauty pageants are bad because they sexualize the children, but it isnt the pageant's fault, it's the parents

    (She understands the motivation to ban pageants) (The problem "is not just the pageants, it's the parents"

  2. 1. To state that pageants aren't wrong enough to be banned but they have been pushed too far and should be changed and reconsider the things that the girls do during the pageants.
    2. "it's not the pageants it the parents." is a key statement from the passage because it proves that the parents encourage and aid these inappropriate things that happen with the children at the pageants.

  3. 1. The purpose is to show that pageants shouldn't be banned but stating that they have been pushed to far.
    2. It says pageants have been pushed to far and need to change.

  4. 1. The purpose of the paragraph is to say that its okay for children to sing and dance, but when they do it provocatively its the parents fault, not the beauty pageants.
    2. "Its not just the pageants, its the parents"
    "...but you want them to preform in age-appropriate ways"
    "People need to be educated as to why exposing and displaying a child in sexual ways beyond their years is wrong"

  5. 1. The purpose is to persuade the reader to agree with her and to express her feeling towards the child beauty pageants. The author wants to get people to change the things that the children are doing to more age appropriate activities.
    2. A key point would be her saying that "People need to be educated as to why exposing and displaying a child in sexual ways beyond their years is wrong"

  6. 1. The purpose of the paragraph is for Kataline to give her opinion and persuade people that the parents allow their children to think that performing in sexual ways is okay.

    2. She says "Today, we've pushed the envelope to ridiculous degrees." showing that our society has taught kids that this is okay to do these things when its not age-appropriate.

  7. 1. The purpose of the paragraph is to inform the reader of Kataline's opinion of child beauty pageants.

    2. The paragraph has many quotes that are from Kataline. For example, the author wrote that Kataline said "I'm not against children singing and dancing on stage, but you want them to sing and dance and perform in age-appropriate ways,"

  8. 1) The purpose of the paragraph is to state that beauty pageants aren't necessarily the only issue. The parents are ones to blame as well.
    2) The paragraph states that parents are the supporters of their child's sexualization. It also says that there isn't anything wrong with performing on stage, but it needs to be done in age appropriate ways.

  9. 1. To show that its not the pageants itself but also the parents
    2. The key point is that parents support and encourage the sexualization of their children

  10. 1. to persuade the reader that beauty pageants aren't the problem, it's the parents and the way people go about them today

    2. "I'm not against children singing and dancing on stage, but you want them to sing and dance and perform in age-appropriate ways," "Today, we've pushed the envelope to ridiculous degrees."

  11. The purpose of this paragraph was to show that its not the pageants fault that the children are being sexually expressed and instead its the parents fault and these parents need to take responsibility and stop this. Points like "pushed the envelope to ridiculous degrees" and "displaying a child in sexual ways beyond their years is wrong" which these two points help show that what the reader is trying to prove, that pushing children into being too sexually expressed is terrible and the pageants aren't to blame.

  12. 1. The purpose of the paragraph is to explain to the reader how child beauty pageants affect children negatively.
    2.Karen Kataline says," but you want them to sing and dance and perform in age-appropriate ways".Kataline states,"displaying a child in a sexual ways beyond their years is wrong". She is saying that child beauty pageants make them act as if they are older and that they should not be acting that way at this age.

  13. To differentiate between the validity of an actual, legitimate, appropriate children's pageant, in contrast to the perverted version of that idea that is seen to be a reality so often today. As well as to shed light on the parents behind the curtains, and to question their motivation and fitness as caregivers to be involving their children in a situation like this.

  14. 1. To show that sexualizing young children is wrong.
    2. Karen said "We have pushed the envelope to new degrees." I agree with this notion completely
