Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Read your horoscope at the following link:


Answer the following questions:

1.  What is a horoscope?

2.  Do you believe in horoscopes? Why/why not?

3.  Does your horoscope of the day make sense?  WHY?


  1. A prediction/analysis of one's immediate future. Based on categorized personality traits and situations, which are in turn based on one's Zodiac sign.

    1. I don't entirely trust in them. It made quite a bit of sense, drew many parallels to my teenage emotional struggles and other things.

  2. 1) A horoscope basically tells you your future based on a specific circumstance. Your horoscope is based on when you were born.
    2) I like to believe in horoscopes, mostly because it's a fun thing to do, and I sometimes find them pretty accurate.
    3) My horoscope of the day does makes sense because it's actually explaining certain points of things that are going on in my life right now.

  3. 1. A horoscope is like a fortune teller who is capable of telling your future

    2. No, because they can be made up and usually everybody can relate to it

    3. Not really because it says I should enjoy a night out on the town and a fine meal but I work tonight so I can't do that

  4. 1. A horoscope to me is advice, words of wisdom, or future decisions that are given based on your zodiac sign.

    2. I do and dont. Horoscopes are very accurate sometimes and i think its fun to look at them. But they also seem unrealistic from time to time.

    3. I am a Pisces and my horoscope for the day does kind of make sense to me. It says that something today may be off even though I am in a really good mood. Both of these things are true because i am very happy today but something is off and i just need to ignore it because its probably me over thinking.

  5. 1. A horoscope is a daily reading that tells your future for whatever sign you have depending on your birthday.
    2. I'm undecided on believing them because sometimes their true and sometimes their not and everyone's life is different.
    3. yes because i have an aversion to work and lack self discipline and expect to feel a great deal of love and affection from others.

  6. A horoscope is a prediction of what may or may not happen to you, it is often very vague. Not really, but they are fun to think about and often make me feel a bit better. Yes, the leo horoscope was pretty much spot on, as well as the chinese zodiac horoscope. And mostly because I am always like that.

  7. A horoscope is the telling of one's future, based on their Zodiac sign, and it represents the alignment of the stars and planets. I do believe in horoscopes, and I am one to read them daily, and they are very accurate for me. I believe them because they're usually true. My horoscope of the day does make sense because it says that things will happen today, and they have been correct so far. It's been applied to my life, and it does make sense for today so far.

  8. An astrological forecast, as of a person's future, based on a diagram of the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment is a horoscope. I believe in horoscopes because they are often very accurate to what I am dealing with. My horoscope made sense because it says to let go current stresses and today I am trying to let go my stress of taking my biology test so its accurate.

  9. 1. A prediction of your future based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth.
    2. No I do not believe in horoscopes because everything it says is very vague. Even if I have the same birthday as someone or close to it, it does not mean that we will be alike.
    3. Yes my horoscope of the day does make sense. It talks about how I will get annoyed and I have been annoyed and frustrated with others today.

  10. a horoscope is saying things about your zodiac sign, i dont believe in them because anything could be true for anyone, My horoscope is the exact opposite of whats happened today

  11. 1. Horoscope's predict your future based on certain circumstances.
    2. Yes and No. Sometimes horoscopes make no sense then other times they are spot on so it depends.
    3. No because what it said will happen to me today isn't happening it the exact opposite.

  12. 1.It predicts your future and personality
    2.No i think you make your own future
    3.No its not really accurate because it says im not fitting in with the energy of the day but i like to day and i feel like im fitting in

  13. 1. A horoscope predicts your future mostly based on when you were born.
    2. I do not believe in horoscopes because something as arbitrary as when you were born can not help some internet guru tell you your future.
    3. Not really because all of my friends that have left live all over the country now.
