Wednesday, February 4, 2015


 Let's REVIEW!

Watch these Super Bowl commercials.  Choose two.  What are the mood and tone of these two commercials?


  1. Commercial 4:
    Mood-funny, feeling of hunger
    Tone-attention grabbing, wants you to feel tempted by the food

    Commercial 6:
    Mood-funny, makes you feel hungry, entertaining
    Tone-makes you want to eat, makes you want to buy snickers

  2. I picked the avocados from mexico commercial and the mood of this is hungry. The tone is to make you want avocados from mexico because they were the best from the beginning of time. I picked the Clash of Clans commericial and the mood of this is funny and challenged. The tone is to make you want to download Clash of Clans and challenge other people like you're the best.

  3. Avocados from Mexico
    Tone- make you want the avocados for Mexico
    Tone-to make you want the snickers and make you think it conquers your hunger

  4. I watched the videos Clash of Clans and Avocados from Mexico. The mood for the Clash of Clans was humorous, the tone was dark and revengeful. For the video Avocados from Mexico mood was amusing and cute the tone was very enthusiastic.

  5. Avocados from Mexico:
    mood- funny, hungry
    tone: funny, wants the viewers to want to buy avocados

    Clash of Clans:
    mood- funny, serious
    tone- funny, wants viewers to want to download clash of clans

  6. I chose the quote, “There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them.” This quote inspires me because it encourages me to always keep doing new things and to not be afraid to take a step forward in my life. It tells me to not fear doing things, or saying things, that I might be afraid to do.

  7. Commercial 3- Tone- Very pretentious and superficially gloomy, then spontaneously humorous and light hearted.
    Mood-Initially irritated and bored, then mildly amused.
    Commercial 4- Tone- Funny, bright, beckons attention.
    Mood-Amusement and then hunger

  8. Quote- "Whatever you're ready for is ready for you".
    When I read this quote it gives me motivation. It reminds me that my options are endless I can do whatever I want. No one is stopping me except myself. I just have to be ready for whatever I want to take on and whatever it is ready for me.

  9. Commercial #4: the tone was funny, entertaining while the tone was funny and makes you want to buy their food.
    Commercial #6: the mood was also funny and entertaining while the tone was make you want to buy snickers and funny

  10. Snickers:
    Mood: Makes me want a snicker
    Tone: The author wants you to feel as if you need a snickers when you are hungry so you do not get angry

    Avocados from Mexico-
    Mood: Makes me feel as if Avocados from Mexico make the best guacamole
    Tone: They want you to buy avocados to 'support' the superbowl

    "Getting what you want is not nearly as important as giving what you have"
    -Tom Krause

    This quote is saying that you should give more than what you get. If you give more then basically you will get rewarded in the near or far future. The quote encourages you to not be greedy and be happy with what you have instead of what you don't have, and to also not take things for granted.

  11. Commercial #4: the tone was funny, entertaining while the tone was funny and makes you want to buy their food.
    Commercial #6: the mood was also funny and entertaining while the tone was make you want to buy snickers and funny

  12. The first commercial i chose was the avocados from mexico.
    Mood: Confusing but funny
    Tone: funny
    The second commercial i chose was the snickers commercial.
    Mood: Hilarious
    Tone: Funny

    The quote I chose is: "One day at a time- This is enough...Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering." -Ida Scott Taylor
    I chose this quote because it feels like something i would say. I try to make every day as memorable as i can and try to stay positive every day. I think its really important to live every day like the stereotypical quote "Live every day like its your last". I also like living for the future though. If we make today a great day, then looking back on it maybe 20 years later we can still see the great decisions and how we treated others. Most importantly i think we should try to do everything to the best of our abilities, if its a project, a relationship, or even a household chore we should do our best because we never know if this is one of our last days or one of our first days.

  13. Oh yea BTW i choose the quote "Water water everywhere, but not a single drop to drink" It's relating to the ocean and how you cant drink the water but you're surrounded by it. I find this very true and seemly clever because it can relate to my life and how temptations are strong and everywhere but i cannot let myself fall into them.

  14. Commercial 4: Avocados from Mexico, the tone is humorous and playful and the mood and the tone was happy and cheerful.
    Commercial 5: Clash of Clans, the tone is serious, but in a funny way. The tone is funny and suspenseful.

  15. Avocados from Mexico: the tone for this commercial was comical.It was supposed to be a funny way to lead to the actual point of the video which was about avocados. The mood was confusing because it was a weird way to lead to the point but it was still funny and it made me hungry haha.
    Snickers: The tone for the snickers commercial was also comical. I think it used the Brady Bunch to help convey their point. The mood was also funny.

    The quote i chose is "...very little is needed to make a happy life." This is by Marcus Aurelius. I chose this because i feel like this generation things being unhappy is such a "cool" thing. We think we need money, or a relationship for example to make us happy. All we really need is family and friends to make us happy and people take that for granted.

  16. Avocados from Mexico
    The mood made me hungry and it was funny, the tone was to make you crave avocados from Mexico.
    The mood made me feel like we have come so far in 20 years. The tone was that new things need getting used to and to buy a BMW.
    Quote - Home is where you make it. I really like the quote because it is very true and a house and material things don't make a home. Also the quote was in Joe Dirt

  17. I chose the quote "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
    But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
    So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late." from Bob Dylan's All Along The Watchtower. It resonates with me in the way that I relate to the yearning for more than what the world offers at face value. Not to get trapped in the standard or the given meanings and plans you start with, and not to waste time conforming and squandering the possibilities of life.

  18. The quote i chose was "follow what you love and it will take you where you want to go" I can relate to this because i love football and I believe it will take me where I want to go in life.

  19. The quote I choose was,"Never let yesterday use up today". This quote tells you to live in the moment and not worry about the past that it has already happened and there is nothing you can do about it. I choose this because I can relate to it. Sometimes I worry and are regretful of what I have done in the past. I enjoy this quote because it tells you not to worry about it and to be positive about the new day.
