Monday, February 9, 2015

i think

WHY SHOULD YOU NOT USE THE WORDS "I THINK" IN WRITING!?!?!?  Or do you think that you should be able to?  Why or why not?


  1. You shouldn't use the words I think in a writing because it makes you seem like you're not sure of your answer. In a writing you want the person reading it to think wow the writer knows what they are talking about and they are confident in what they are saying.

  2. I THINK that we should be able to say i think in a writing piece because its our right! I believe it stresses the point more than it does jest saying something.

  3. We should mostly not use the words "I think" in writing because it's showing our opinions rather than facts, as well as makes the reader think we aren't acting like we "know" what we're saying.

  4. 'I think' is not a good choice of words to use in a story because you come off unclear of what you are 'thinking' and it also seems to bore the reader because they might not care what you think.

  5. It doesn't necessarily matter if you say i think or not because a writing is about your beliefs. Although if you're proving a point you shouldn't say i think because you should always have backup points to explain your answer and saying i think makes it seem like you're unsure of your opinion.

  6. Because "I Think" is viewed as informal and is represented you have no comprehension about what you're writing about and many of times in writing its not asking for your opinion and using that sentence is opinionated.

  7. You should not use the words "i think" in writing because it doesnt sound right. It also makes it seem like you are not positive of your answer or opinion. You could write "i know" but in my opinion it sounds and looks wrong. Though, i sometimes do it by accident because that is how we talk to others in person.

  8. the words "I think" are not a good choice when writing because it makes you seem biased. It also makes it seem like opinion when you could actually be saying fact, which takes away some credibility

  9. I personally tend to avoid saying things like "I think" or "I believe" unless it's in response to a request for my opinion, otherwise it puts off an air of uncertainty that can throw off the whole mood of your statement(s).

  10. You should not use the words "I think" because you want to make the reader think that you are 100% sure of what you're saying. When you use those words it is not as persuasive as saying "I know" or just saying what you're trying to say without anything in front of it.

  11. The words "I think" should not be used in formal writing because the reader should leave themselves out of the passage. When the writer says, "I think" it is giving their opinion, but they should base it on the facts.

  12. In writing, I think that it is fine to say "I think". See, I just used it. It makes the writing feel like it's coming from a real person and it expresses how they feel or think.

  13. You shouldn't use i think because it shows your not confident or sure of what you are saying which comes of not as strong as if you where saying i know.

  14. I believe you shouldn't use I think in writing. It reduces your credibility and makes you sound like you don't know what you're talking about
