Thursday, August 27, 2015


Please watch the video and answer the questions by number in your comments.


1. Who were the Muses?  If you do not remember from the video, you may also click this link:


2.  Does music play a part in your life?  How?

3.  From the video, we have already found connections between our society and the ancient Greeks.  What is one?


  1. The Muses were a group of goddesses that were said to spark inspiration. There are usually 9 muses that all had a specialty in different types of creative skills. Yes, music does play a part in my life. I listen to it all the time. It seems to calm my nerves before a game or helps me get out of a bad mood. One connection between our society and the ancient Greeks society, is that music was used all the time and they thought some music was bad for us. In today's world, some people look at kids who listen to rap music and think they are bad kids because they think rap music influences people in a bad way.

  2. 1. The Muses were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Erato, Calliope, Polymnia, Terpsichore and Ourania.
    2. Yes, music plays a large part in my life. I listen to music all the time. I love many different kinds of music and music is a big part of my family as well. There is always music playing in my house, whether it's from the radio or someone playing an instrument or singing.
    3. One connection from society and the ancient Greeks are both really love music. Music is such a big influence in our lives today and was in ancient Greece.

  3. 1. There were 9 muses all together. They were: Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope. They gave artists, philosophers, and individuals inspiration for creation.
    2. Yes, music does play a part in my life. I listen to music very often. Sometimes in the car, before games, or just doing homework. It can effect my mood sometimes.
    3. Music was used for worship in both ancient Greek society as well as our own society.

  4. 1.The Greek muse's were almost like goddesses to the Greek people. They each represented a type of study and then were said to turn it into music.
    2. Yes because I play an instrument and I am exposed to music pretty much everywhere. Depending on the music it can motivate me before a game.
    3. That both our societies are addicted to music. Also that we prefer to learn by music and lean to music to help us with our problems.

  5. 1.) A group of nine goddesses that gave civilians their inspiration for creation.
    2.) Everyday you hear different kinds of music all around you; varying from commercial jingles or something playing on the radio.
    3.) That Plato was very concerned that certain kinds of music would invoke violence within youths and wanted everyone to avoid it, This is similar to how the radio would censor some songs or put labels to show it's inappropriate for parents.

  6. 1. The Muses were Cilo, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope.

    2.Yes music plays a part in my life. It is something that I listen to everyday. I also listen to certain music depending on how I feel and sometimes that makes you feel better.

    3.One connection is that the ancient Greeks love music just as much as we do now a days.

  7. 1. The muses were a group of goddesses that were all music inspirations to all the Greeks. There were nine muses and each of them invented some sort of music or tune.
    2. Music plays a huge part in my life. I am always listening to music either to help me concentrate, distract me, or to just brighten my mood up a little. Music has been there for me when no one else was and has really played a huge part in my life.
    3. One connection between society today and the ancient Greeks was that it was always a huge part of their lives and for us now it is too. It still continues to inspire many people and also is used in a lot of the same ways as it was back then.

  8. Muses were the godesses that gave human creativity.
    Music is important to me in many ways, it helps me focus on something when it needs to be done and also calm me down when i am upset.
    well some of our words come from ancient Greece, music and harmony. Also they use music to tell some sort of story, like many songs today.

  9. 1-The Muses are a group goddesses that were believed to give divine inspiration to humans which resulted in human creativity.
    2- Music does play a part in my life, It can change my attitude at any time.Also I cant remember the last time i went a day without listening to music.
    3- One connection between our societies is that certain music is not allowed in certain places. For example we cannot play rap/profanity in school.

  10. 1. The Muses were nine goddesses that sparked inspiration.
    2. Music is a large piece of my life and my families. Everyday music is played in my house.
    3. One connection is that they both love and really enjoy music. Also, that some music is a bad influence on people.

  11. 1. The Muses were a group of goddesses who controlled areas of the arts. They gave inspiration for creativity.
    2. Yes, i listen to music every day. It makes my mood a lot better. I always listen to music to keep away distractions. It helps me think clearly.
    3. The Ancient Greeks and our society both love music.

  12. 1.The nine Muses were Gods or Goddess who gave artist, philosophers and individuals the necessary inspiration for creation. 2.Music personally doesn't play a huge role in my life. Every now and then i will listen to it. 3.When the video explained ethos is when i connected it to our society. The movie Straigh out of Compton just came out. Clearly during that time there music affected people and started massive riots. Clearly what we listen to can affect our ethos.

  13. 1. Muses where gods who inspired creation in many people like philosophers and artists.
    2. Yes, music is a very big part of my life. I listen to music many times during the day. I listen to it when I work out, eat, or when my day isn't going very well.
    3.There are many connections between us but the biggest one I found was music.

  14. The nine muses were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope.
    Music does play a part in my life because I listen to it everyday.
    We like the ancient Greeks because we are inspired by music too.

  15. The muses, also known as mouses in Greek were goddess that gave artist, philosopher and many other individuals inspiration for the work and creations they made later in the future. Yes, music plays a huge part in my life, I use it whenever i do my homework. I use it whenever I don't feel like talking to anyone else at that time, I even use it before my games on the bus and while I am warming up. One connection could be how The Greeks and Our society both use music as inspiration to do many things, specially make new ideals for the world.
