Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Greek Project

What are some connections from Greek mythology that you can make to our culture today???

For example...

PAN creates the word panic.  You can't use that...:)


  1. Pandora is related to Pandoras jewlery. It is make to be beautiful and was influenced directly by Pandora herself.

  2. The word "arachnid" comes from the myth of Athene, where a weaver by the name of Arachne became a spider.

  3. In the myth of Athena she turns a girl, Arachne, into a spider which explains why spiders are called Arachnids.

  4. I have learned from the Athena myth that we get the word arachnid from the girl arachne that Athena turned into a spider and this is why another word for spiders is Arachnid

  5. At the end of Athena's myth, she turned Arachne into a spider. It then explains that that is why spiders are called Arachnids.

  6. Nike is the godess of victory, thus why the sport shoe brand uses her name, so people with think of victory while wearing the sneakers

  7. In the myth of Demeter, Persephone eats the 6 seeds in the underworld and has to stay there for 6 months and then returns to Demeter for 6 months and while Persephone is gone Demeter doesn't let anything grow she leaves the earth barren. That is why we have summer and winter.

  8. When Persephone was captured and Demeter tried to get her back but she ate food so she must visit Hades for 6 months every year is a connection with our culture today. That is why summer and winter are the way they are.That means there is a time for planting and a time where the earth must sleep under a deep frost. Today we still experience summer and winter, obviously.

  9. Zeus was a cocky god who cheated on his wife Hera all the time. Therefore men cheated on there wives on Earth. Sometimes they even had multiple wives along with prostitutes. Sadly today cheating and idolatry still exist which connects to many mythological stories.

  10. The Greeks had many impacts on our society in the 21 century. The god I am studying, Dionysus, is the god of parties and wine. He is was many fraternities are based of off. Another example is that according to the myths, we have many natural disasters because of fighting in the sky. The shaking causes earthquake and tsunamis, and the lightning comes from Zeus.

  11. Athene's myth is related to why spiders are called Arachnids. It was named after Arachne who had hung herself. Afterwards Athene turned her into a spider.

  12. In the myth of Demeter, she is punished for eating 6 pomegranate seeds while she was in the underworld. Her punishment is that she has to stay down in the underworld for six months out of the year. This punishment symbolizes the seasons we have today. When Demeter goes down in the underworld the plants and grass start to die which also starts the season of Autumn. Once everything is dead, the world above ground gets uglier and there is bad weather which starts the season of Winter. After Winter, Demeter comes back up from the underworld and makes the plants bloom again and this starts the season of Spring. Once all the plants are bloom and growing weather gets warmer and this starts the season of Summer. After Summer, this process of the seasons starts all over again. This process changes our lives every year in today's culture.

  13. In the myth of Athene one of the most famous cities in Greece was named after her, and was named "Athens"

  14. In many myths they explain specific things about why things happen in our world. Like for an example why we have winter for a certain amount of time and why we have summer for a certain amount of time. This is because of Persephone's mother, when Demeter's daughter is stuck with Hades no grass will grow and no trees will bear, so this is why we have winter and summer.

  15. A connection from Greek mythology that i can see today is in the myth of Athena. After Athena had finished her picture it was too much for the people, the girl named Arachne was also watching and had not moved since she started. She then hung herself after Athena had finished. Athena came down from the hill and saw that the girl's face was black, her eyes bulging, and her hair streaming. She touched the girl but it only grew worse, she shrank, the arms and legs multiplied. This is why spiders today are called Arachnids by those who know them best.
