Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Check out the link below.  There are a ton of facts about Shakespeare's life, works, children, and records. 

Your job is to find 5 true facts about Shakespeare and then make up two lies.  The facts should be about Shakepeare's personal life and not about the plot in his plays although you may talk about how he wrote his plays.

 Respond to this post with the 5 facts and 2 lies in a mixed up order. 
Wait for the next directions.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pyramus & Thisbe

 Read & answer the questions that follow.

Pyramus and Thisbe
by Edwand Rivers
As told by the Ovid, This story is similar to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
It takes place in ancient Babylon, where these two children grew up in a one-room house that was connected to the other. Over the years, they fell in love with each other, but could only talk through a hole in their wall because their parents refused them to see each other.
Finally, Pyramus got fed up with his parents and so did Thisbe. They decided to run off one night and elope. Pyramus gave Thisbe the location of the place they would meet, and they agreed.
Thisbe was the first to arrive at the first Mulberry bush outside of the city, but as she was waiting, a lioness walked by with her jaws covered in blood from a previous kill that day. Thisbe, frightened at her sight, ran non-stop to the nearest cave. Soon after, Pyramus walked by and saw a cloak, his love gift to her, covered in blood and torn to pieces with the footprints of the lioness left behind. He immediately thought that his only love had been killed by a hungry lion, and unsheathed his sword (her love gift to him), letting the cold, hard steel pierce his broken heart. Thisbe, bringing courage to her heart, ran back and found her only love lying on the ground next to the blood-covered Mulberry bush with his sword impaling his chest.
She gasped in horror as she asked the still breathing Pyramus what happened. Barely able to stay awake, he told her what happened and she cried in sorrow. She took Pyramus' blood-stained sword and asked him to wait for her while she brought the blade into her own soft flesh. Thus they died together, in love and peace.
This is why the berries on the Mulberry bush are red, instead of their original white, in commemoration of the two young lovers and their great sacrifice. 

1.     What is the conflict in this myth?

2.     What does this myth sound like (hint: think play)…?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Shakespeare Web Quest

Shakespeare's Life Click here and answer the following questions.  Do not post a response.  Use a piece of paper to record the answers.
1. How much do we know about Shakespeare's life? Why?

2. Where was Shakespeare born?

3. What date was he born on?

4. Did Shakespeare ever get married? If so, to whom?

5. Shakespeare established himself as an ____________ and _________________ 

6. What day did he die? What is unusual about this date?

7. What did he leave his wife in his will?


After viewing the attached video, you have a job to do.

WHAT are these people talking about, and how do you know this?

How did you figure out what the made up words mean in the video?

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Read the following.  Choose one.  Respond:  what type of irony is this?  Why?

9 Hilariously Ironic Stories
4/12/2010 artist who was asked to paint the headmaster who expelled him

An artist who was thrown out of school and told he would 'never amount to much' was commissioned to paint a portrait of the headmaster who expelled him 55 years before. David Ingham was thrown out of Ermysted's Grammar School as a 12-year -old by Marcelus Forster. But the 67-year-old, who went on to become an art teacher himself, was approached by the school to paint a portrait of Mr Forster. (Link) man who drowned to death at a lifeguard's party

In September of 1985, there was a celebration held at a New Orleans municipal pool. The party was being held in order to celebrate the first summer in memory without a drowning at the pool. In honor of the occasion, two hundred people gathered, including one hundred certified lifeguards. As the party was breaking up and the four lifeguards on duty began to clear the pool, they found a fully dressed body in the deep end. They tried to revive Jerome Moody, 31, but it was too late. He had drowned surrounded by lifeguards celebrating their successful season. (Link) Darwin, the man who rose the importance of genetics, married his first cousin.

Darwin was a logical man, and he approached the important issue of marriage like he would approach any other problem. He made a careful pro and con list before deciding to marry his cousin, Emma Wedgwood. But it is ironic that the man who gave rise to the importance of genetics in natural selection chose to marry a first cousin. (Darwin wasn't alone in this - Einstein also married his cousin). (Link)

Monday, May 12, 2014


What have you learned about your peers from the speeches yesterday?  Please keep this response mature, and do not name specific names.  Make a "sweeping generalization."


Reflect on your own personal speech before you give it.  How are the 3 pillars used in your speech?  How will this affect your audience?