Monday, May 12, 2014


Reflect on your own personal speech before you give it.  How are the 3 pillars used in your speech?  How will this affect your audience?


  1. My three pillars are used in paragraph forms and it will help the audience understand my speech.

  2. Ethos- I am pretty confident and passionate about my topic
    Logos- I have a lot of solid facts to support my argument
    Pathos- I have included a sad story to persuade them

  3. Ethos will give the emotional appeal and back stuff up, pathos is supporting my topic with people kids looks up too or reliable sources and logos to support like financial

  4. The three pillars are used to make the speech more emotional and interesting for the reader. It also catches the readers attention and gets them hooked on.

  5. Pathos: I emphasized the importance of switching to solar by saying that we are the ones who screwed the environment up, so unless we want to kill everything with bad air, we need to get rid of fossil fuels.

    Ethos: 9/10 government ecologists agree that we need to switch to something other than fossil fuels and that solar is probably the best option. The other 10% are lawyers that just want more money for the energy companies with no extra work.

    Logos: In the past hundred years or so, the average global temperature has risen by 4 degrees and Co2 levels have risen nearly 30%!

  6. The 3 pillars are used to back up my speech by grabbing the listeners attention in three different ways. I used logos with stating statistics, i used ethos by giving examples about a former famous person, and i used pathos by showing pictures and using personal stories of others.

  7. The three pillars affect the speech by persuading the audience want to believe what believe in. This affects the audience because they think more about the topic in different deeper ways.

  8. Logos - I used logos in my speech by giving facts about the amount of school shootings in a certain amount of previous years, and giving facts about how many kids and staff have been killed in the past few years.
    Ethos - I used ethos in my speech by giving quotes from famous government people and celebrities with their opinion on school shootings.
    Pathos - I used pathos in my speech by showing parents reflections when their kids were killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
    This will affect my audience by getting them interested in the topic, and realizing other peoples opinions that will help them understand not only facts, but what other people think of the situation as well.

  9. Logos- I found different research on my subject, Ethos- I am the credible person because I know what I'm talking about. Pathos- There is an example that is emotional to people.

  10. The three pillars helped me in my speech by giving me somethings to use to back up my speech and to help people understand some things.

  11. My three pillars are used to help back up my point being made in the ethos and logos forms these will help influence my audiences decisions about which choices to make.

  12. Ethos- confident about my topic
    Logos- I used solid facts to support my argument
    Pathos- affects the audience

  13. Pathos: I talk about rape, which is a touchy subject.
    Ethos: I reference a supreme court case.
    Logos: I talk about how journalism is on the rise as a career.

    These will help persuade my readers into helping get the student censorship rules lifted or at least changed

  14. Ethos- confident and know my information
    Paths- I talk about how coral reefs benefit humans
    Logos- I used facts to support my argument

  15. ethos-Credible sources, Professor Williams, RewindandReframe
    pathos- Story about James Edwards
    logos- Facts and quotes form professors and organizations

  16. My pillars are spread out through my speech.
    I use all three of them and they help connect the audience. My main speech is mostly Pathos and connects the audience with my speech.

  17. I used pathos and logos. For pathos, i talked about popularity of certain players. For logos, I used statistics to prove my point. Using these pillars will persuade the audience to agree with me.

  18. ethos: Dr. Nagel, Author Alfie Kohn
    pathos: Relatable to students
    logos: facts and quotes from well known researchers and studies done

  19. Logos: the statics of clinics in each state
    Ethos: confident and rights to women
    Pathos: a couple having to make a choice for their unborn child

  20. Pathos: I talked about our freedoms being taken away, which scares people.
    Ethos: I mentioned SOPA and PIPA which were real things that happened in 2012.
    Logos: I talked as if I was a friend looking out for the audience's safety.

    These will influence my audience to be aware of their surroundings, and to know what their rights are.

  21. The main pillar used in my speech is ethos because I use quotes from well known people as well as trusted doctors. Pathos is also used in my speech when I talk about how girls are being victims to men. Finally, logos is used in my speech when I talk about the consequences to young girls performing in beauty pageants.

  22. ethos- because I use reliable sources
    Logos- Astronomical numbers that support my view
    Pathos- bring you something that will come close to them.

  23. Ethos-I know my topic and have smart people quotes
    Logos- have research and statistics
    Pathos- emotional statements

    These will persuade the audience because I have things to back me up and it will give them solid information.

  24. Pathos: I give a vivid description at the beginning of the speech
    Logos: I use a lot of facts and statistics from studies
    Ethos: I give a reference to the National Caner Institute

    The three pillars will affect the way the audience currently views the topic and possibly change their current view.

  25. Pathos: doping goes against morals
    Ethos:Reference to Lance Armstrong
    Logos: have statistics
    These will help me persuade my readers into believing my side

  26. Ethos: Credible sources (PETA)
    Pathos: Most people think animal experimentation is wrong, theres a connection to the topic because many people have pets.
    Logos: I used many facts and statistics

  27. Ethos- Referencing Universities and Researchers
    Pathos- Using Obesity and Children
    Logos- I went to several different sites and such

    This will keep my readers focused and interested.

  28. My main pillar is pathos because I have a lot personal subject. A lot of stories that happened to me and my family. Logos and Ethos have facts statements from doctors and im confident in talking and convincing them of my subject

  29. Ethos- I reference the National Cancer Institute
    Pathos- I make personal connections
    Logos- I use a lot of statistics
