Monday, February 24, 2014

Wednesday- Kanye West

Watch the following video of Kanye.  What makes this video so ridiculous? Define the literary device that Kanye is using.


  1. This is ridiculous video because of how inappropriate and disrespectful it was. I believe is was an anecdote.

  2. He is being a huge tater tot, and it assonance.

  3. This video is ridiculous because Kanye West goes on stage after Taylor Swift receives a VMA award stating that Beyonce had one of the best video of all time. The literary device is an anecdote.

  4. It's ridiculous when Kanye takes the spot light away from Taylor and puts it on Beyonce. The literary device he's using is an anecdote which is when something interesting is happening to a real life person.

  5. He embarrassed Taylor Swift and assonance

  6. this video is ridiculous because he just came up and took all the spotlight off Taylor and just changed the whole topic... The literary device is Allusion.

  7. Kanye West came up and was referring to a video of the past and embarassed Taylor Swift. The Literary device is allusion.

  8. Kanye is being a little disrespectful to T-swift by taking away the spotlight from her while she was receiving her award. The literary device is an anecdote. Oh Kanye........

  9. This video is so ridiculous because Kanye comes out of nowhere and interrupts Taylor Swift in the middle of her speech. A literary device is an anecdote.

  10. This video is ridiculous because the was Kanye acted and went up to the stage wasn't necessary. The literary device is an anecdote.

  11. He went up on stage after Taylor won to state that someone else should have won. The literary device is an allusion.

  12. Kanye completely embarrassed Taylor Swift by telling her that she didn't deserve the award she was just given. The literary device he's using a hyperbole.

  13. How he went up and said. that Beyonce had the best video of all time and how Taylor's video was not that good

  14. The video is ridiculous because Kanye went up there and embarrassed both Taylor and himself while she was receiving her award. The literary device is an anecdote.

  15. He acted like a total jerk to taylor, literary device used was assonance.

  16. He said that Beyonce should have won the award. I think he is using assonance.

  17. Kanye was being really rude and embarassed Taylor Swift. Kanye is using assonance

  18. It is ridiculous because of the way kanye went up on the stage in front of thousands there live and millions at home and pretty much said that she didn't deserve the award. The Literary device is anecdote.

  19. He was a complete jerk to her. the literary device that was used is assonance

  20. Its ridiculous because Kanye is being very disrespectful towards Taylor. The literary device that he is using is an anecdote

  21. The video is ridicules because how kanye disrupted Taylor Swift on stage when it was her moment and not his. This literacy device is anecdote

  22. This video is ridiculous because Kanye West went up on stage in front of everybody and made a rude remark while Taylor Swift was trying to make a speech for receiving an award. The literary device he used was a hyperbole.

  23. This was ridiculous because Kanye was being disrespectful to Taylor Swift. The literary device he used was a hyperbole.

  24. this video is so ridiculous because Kanye cuts Taylor off in the middle of her VMA acceptance speech. Kanye is using a hyperbole in this situation

  25. Kanye basically said that Taylor's video was terrible and that Beyonce had a lot better video. He used a hyperbole.

  26. What makes it so ridiculous is that Kanye interrupted Taylor at a very public event to say that someone's video was better than her. He used a hyperbole.

  27. This is a ridiculous video because Kanye got up and interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech and said that Beyonce had the best video of all time. Literary device was an hyperbole.

  28. Kanye was really rude to Taylor Swift and said that Beyonce's video was better. Kanye is using assonance.

  29. Hyperbole, Kanye exaggerated by saying Beyonce had the best video of all time

  30. he uses a hyperbole... because you told us

  31. Kanye was extremely disrespectful to Taylor while she was given an award. It was her time and he comes up and says that Beyonce's video was better. The literary device was hyperbole.
