Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Unknown words

What tactics do you use as a reader to figure out what a word means (other than looking it up)?


  1. Read the words around it to find the general meaning of the word. If you are using a kindle, hover over the word until it gets highlighted then just read the definition.

  2. read the sentences around the word.

  3. I read the sentences around the word. It will give you a better idea of the word and make an inference of the word easier.

  4. As a reader, I use surrounding words, and words similar to the word to figure our what the word means.

  5. As a reader I look at the words around it or the sentence the word is in to see if the text gives any clues to what the word may mean.

  6. As a reader i would continue reading the sentence, or the surrounding words to get an idea of what it means.

  7. I look at the sentence before and after the word that I don't understand and then I also look at the prefix and the suffix of the word and see if I cant figure out what it means.

  8. I would read ahead to see if there is key words around the word and figure it out, this will help the reader.

  9. I read the sentences around the world to see if I can find the meaning of it.

  10. Read around the the word and look for context clues

  11. As a reader keep reading or re-read a section to make sense of what was said and to use the words around the mystery words to define it.

  12. I read the words around it, and see how the word fit in the sentence. I try to figure out what type of word it could be noun, adjective, pronoun, etc. I break up the word too.

  13. As a reader, when I come upon a word that I do not understand, I prefer to read ahead. If reading ahead does not help, then I replace the word with another word that sounds or looks like it. If not, then I go to to context clues.

  14. You could read around the word to find out what the word means. You could also re read the sentence to figure out what it means.

  15. Use context clues (read the words/sentances around the word you do not understand). But I know pretty much every word known to man, so, I don't need to use context clues :]

  16. I read the words that surround the word that I do not understand. If I still do not understand then I reread and even read ahead to see if it will start to make sense.

  17. When you don't know what a word means you can read ahead to see if the word is explained or restated differently in a later sentence.

  18. If there is a word I don't understand, I look at the words around it and see if it gives me a clue.

  19. I try and read the words around it to see how the word is used and if it is an adjective or verb or something like that.

  20. I read the surrounding words and look for context clues.

  21. When I do not understand a word, I look for context clues or key words around that word to help me figure it out and then read it again to see if its right.

  22. I use context clues. Clues that help you make sense of the word you are unsure of. I also read the surrounding words as well as reread the sentence or paragraph to help me.

  23. To figure out what a word means i will skip over the word and look around it to see if i could put together a meaning or a synonym.

  24. I use the words surrounding the uncertain word

  25. I read the sentences around the word and look for key words and context clues. This will help me try to figure out what the author is trying to say and how they are using the word in the sentence.

  26. You can use other words in the sentence to help figure it out,or use contex clues.

  27. I use read the word and try to find a prefix or a suffix, if i don't find one i read the sentence and read around the word.

  28. Read the whole sentence without the word you don't know and try to figure out what might fit there. Get context clues and read in between the lines.

  29. relating it to the rest of the text to try an decipher its meaning
