Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is satire? And what is one example of satire?


  1. Satire is making fun of human vices or the tone used in the original text. An example would be the entire Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy because the whole time, it is making fun of humans as a species for being ignorant to all other life in the universe.

  2. Satire is a when the author uses humor to make fun of something or someone. An example of satire would be on "Saturday Night Live"

  3. Satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly. An example would be the movie "Scary Movie."

  4. Satire is a tone to ridicule or make fun of and one example is a political cartoon

  5. Satire is making fun of something human, like a voice or a weakness. An example is the movie Austin Powers.

  6. It is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. some examples of satire are in movies, politics,and in literature.

  7. Satire is making fun of human voices or weaknesses and an example would be Nate trying to sound like Coach Vice on the movie Division 3.

  8. Satire is making fun of what the author is writing(tone, words, etc..). One example would be Bobby trying to be like Coach Vice. Which is from a movie called Division 3 Footballs Finest.

  9. Satire is mocking someone or something in a literary tone. Youtube comments are mostly satire, its just people mocking the videos.

  10. A literary tone used to mock a human voice or weakness. Family Guy

  11. Satire is when the author is making fun of something, or uses sarcasm. and example is The Simpsons.

  12. Satire is to make fun of someone or something. Music parodies are an example of satire.

  13. Satire is using a mocking tone or humorous tone to make fun of someone or somethings shortcomings and weaknesses. An example of this would be Vampire's Suck making fun of Twilight.

  14. Satire is making fun of or mocking someone or something. An example of satire would be how Rob Dyrdek makes fun of videos he shares on his show Ridiculousness.

  15. Satire is when you make fun of human voice or weakness. An example Daniel Tosh from Tosh.o who finds online videos and critisizes with mean jokess

  16. Satire is a Literary Tone, and example is SNL

  17. Satire is making fun or something or someone. An exapmle of satire would be the movie Vampire Sucks

  18. Satire is a tone used to make fun of somone or something. Example aint nobody got time fo dat. The video is a remix of the interview form the lady.

  19. Satire is a literary tone used to ridicule or make fun of Human weakness. and example of satire is Saturday night live.

  20. Satire is a tone used to make fun of a human or weakness. Examples are SNL (Saturday Night Live), The Soup (tv show), Vampires Suck (making fun of Twilight), and music parodies on youtube.

  21. Satire is a tone of mockery and sarcasm used to make fun of someone. An example of a show were it happens is Family Guy.

  22. Satire is mocking someone or something through humor. An example of satire would be parody videos on youtube that make fun of singers.

  23. Satire is making fun of someone or an event . For example, Saturday Night Live makes fun of people and political events.

  24. Satire is a literary tone used to ridicule/make fun of a human voice/ weakness. An example would be when Hephaestus was ridiculed due to his appearance and disabilities.

  25. Satire is mocking someones voice or weakness. Scary movies represent satire

  26. Satire is using humor to make fun of something, like Saturday Night Live.

  27. Satire is when humor is used to criticize or make fun of someone. When Mr. Smith makes fun of me in 3rd and 5th mod.

  28. Satire is making fun of humans or human things. An example is parodys of popular songs on Youtube.

  29. Satire is using sarcasm or humor to make fun of someone/thing. An example of this is Tosh.0

  30. Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. an example is when the show Saturday Night Live does their "Weekend update" bit.

  31. A satire is a literary tone used to ridicule and make fun of a human voice or weakness. SNL makes fun of people and events

  32. Satire is a literary tone used to ridicule or make fun of a human voice or weakness. One example of satire is Scary Movie 4 making fun of Saw and other movies.

  33. Its when you use humor to make fun of something someone said or have done an example is SNL. They do this a lot in there shows.
