Thursday, February 27, 2014

Monday 3/3

What is the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person?  How do you figure out which an author is writing?


  1. First person is written from the pov of the characters using 'I' or 'We'. Second person is written using 'You'. Third person is written from the pov of a spectator, sometimes seeing the thoughts of the characters.

  2. The way the point of view is written when you read a story. By looking at how he/she addresses the characters.

  3. First uses "I", second is using "you", and third is not being anyone specific but you know what the characters think.

  4. first person using me, myslef and 1
    second person is you
    third person is like saying a persons name and them

  5. 1st person is using "I", the 2nd person uses "you", and the 3rd person uses "he, she, it, they."

  6. First person uses words like 'I', 'us', and 'we'. Second person uses 'you'. And third person uses specific names of characters and is omniscient. The reader can identify which one the author is using by finding what words the author uses.

  7. The difference is that 1st person is using the words like I,me, myself.. 2nd is an outside person telling the story of someone they know. 3rd person is when they are reading a story using words like he, she, they, ect.

  8. First person is when you use I or We. Second person is when your using You. Third person is when your writing from someone outside the story who can see everything that is going on.

  9. 1st person - the author uses "I" describe the story
    2nd person - "you", "your"
    3rd person - author uses "he", "she", or "it"

    By looking for the key words that are above.

  10. The difference is how the story is being told either from the 1st point of view which is "I" or "We", 2nd is "You" and 3rd is when you know what all the characters are thinking.

  11. First person is when you see the story as the character. Second person is when the authour uses words like you, he, and she. Third person is when there is an all seeing person narrating and knows all the thoughts and feelings of all the characters

  12. First person is the pov of a character using "I" or "We". Second person is using "You". Third person is writing from the pov of a spectator, seeing how they feel or what they are thinking.

  13. 1st person: "I" or "We"
    2nd person: "You"
    3rd person: "He" or "She" or "It" or "They"
    To identified which one the author is using is to look for those key words.

  14. First= the use of I or we
    2nd= the use of you or they're
    3rd= The

  15. First person has "I" and "we" the person telling the story is in it. Then second person has "you". In third person is when the narrator knows and see's everything of the characters.

  16. 1st person talks in there point of view. it uses I or we
    2nd person uses you
    3rd person talks about someone, uses he or she, it. they, you

  17. First person person is using I or we. Second person is using you. Third person uses she, he, him, her

  18. First person uses 'I' and 'we'. Second person uses 'you'. Third person is when there is a narrator that talks about what the characters are going through, they can either know everything that the characters are thinking, or they can just talk about their actions and what their personal opinion is about what they are doing. It uses the word 'they', or the actual names of the characters.

  19. First person uses "I" and "we" and talks in their point of view. Second person uses "you". If the author uses third person, the narrator knows everything about the characters and what is going on.

  20. First person is when you use the words "I" and "we." Second person is when the word "you" is used. Finally, third person is when the person telling the story knows everything about the characters. Some words for third person are "he" and "she."

  21. First person view uses I, My, Me, Second point of view is directing to a writing to the readers, Third point can be view by any side of the story of the characters.

  22. 1st person is I or we, 2nd person uses you, 3rd person a narrator telling the story.

  23. First person uses, I and we
    Second person uses, you
    Third person uses, he/she and they
    You can figure out the point of view an author is writing in by looking for key words such as the ones above.

  24. First person uses words like "I"
    Second person uses words like "You"
    Third person uses words like "She"

  25. First person uses "I" or "we". Second person uses "you". Third person uses "they", "he", and "she". Third person is a view point of someone outside of the story who knows everything about the thoughts and feelings of the characters. You figure out which the author is writing by finding the words that the author uses throughout the writing.

  26. You can distinguish the differences between the 3 by whether you can hear characters thoughts, whether you can observe their actions, and if you can see what the main character can see. You can figure out which is which by how the author describes the situation and whether you can hear thoughts and feeling of main characters.

  27. In first person, the author uses the words "I" or "we". Second person uses "you" and third person point of view uses the words "he" "she" or "they". Often in third person the author knows the characters thoughts and opinions.

  28. first person talking about yourself when using third person talking about someone else

  29. First Person uses the words "I", "my", "me" ect.
    Second Person uses the words uses "you"
    Third person is when someone is telling the story and knows everything including emotions.

  30. First person uses "I" and second person uses "you" and third person uses "they".

  31. First person uses "I" and "me". Second person uses "you", and third person uses "they", "he" and "she".

  32. First person uses "me" & "I"
    Second person uses "you"
    Third person uses "he" & "she"

  33. The difference between first, second, and third person is that first uses "I , Me, We, Myself". Second person uses "you" and third person uses "he, she, her, his, their ,they him, them". You can figure out which person an author is writing in by looking for these words.

  34. First Person: me, I, we, myself
    Second Person: you
    Third Person: he, she, they

    You know what point of view the author is writing in my finding these key words.
