Monday, March 3, 2014

Tuesday 3/4- New VOCAB

Take a vocabulary paper from the stool.  Choose FIVE words.  Construct a paragraph written in THIRD person using those 5 words (any that you choose).


  1. She suppliant for a expedient. Then he ordained like a hellcat for regicide. Then Paul made a PB&J.

    1. The diviner try to parry away from the din. Then Tommy scanted and baited away from the malediction

  2. Summer is a hellcat. She ordained other people around. She used pestilence to kill people. Summer committed parricide on her father. He became harrowed when he died.

  3. Scantly did he ordain her to riven the pestilent regicide from well meaning society.

  4. Knight Levi had to parry the opposing kingdom when they tried to besiege our queen. The evil King was unhappy with Levi's deeds and put a malediction on him. When Levi came back to our castle he was maundering and no one knew what he was talking about. Everyone was in din.
    ~The End~

  5. In school we always besiege Bobby. I tend to always ordain him and Patrick to do what I want. Since I am a king, they always try to regicide me. Sometimes Bobby acts like a hellcat, then again he is. But every time I try to shoot Booby, he always parries my shot, no head shot for me.
    -Dirty Mike

  6. Sarah and Sam are twin brothers and sisters. Sarah ordained Sam to clean his room all the time because she thinks he won't ever get a girl with a messy room. Sam's room is a carrion so he couldn't really argue with her. While Sam was busy cleaning his room upstairs, Sarah was down stairs when she herd a din. She ran upstairs quickly to Sam's room. Same had batten himself while cleaning because of all the food he found in his room. Sarah was so disappointed that she decided to parry his room forever.

  7. Rachel heard a loud din and Johnny ordained Tony to call for house repair. The house repair man Bob put a malediction on Rachel. Rachel being the Hellcat she is went and regicided, a very important person. Tony then ordained Rachel to leave this village.

  8. Summer heard a loud din. She ordained Levi to go figure out what is was. Lauren saw what Levi was doing and was maundering about what he was doing. Rachel was hellcat, and started fighting Lauren for what she was saying. Summer then figured out it was Regicide.

  9. A maledicition was put upon Goethe. The cure that was put upon him was execrable. No one liked him anyway. Then the hellcat, Bertha, ordained Goethe to make himself fatter. Since he was undesirable anyways, there was no shame in making him fat. The food that Bertha would feed Goethe was a pestilence! Everyone in the town square would twitch if they came upon the delicious treat of cake. After one hundred cakes in 6 hours, Goethe died.

  10. John the Diviner walks up to the castle to Besiege the King. The King Ordained his best guards to guard him. Outside his chamber the King heard a din, in came John to finish what he started 10 years ago. The Regicide was done and John seized the throne.

  11. Harold got a letter today from a hellcat up north that ordained him to go to the police station where he would be baited for the malediction he cast upon her. When he went in and the questions were being asked he just kept maundering, and the officers got increasingly more and more mad. They said if he didn't tell them what they wanted to know, they were going to kill him. He started to talk, but the words he was saying weren't pretty, and the guards killed him anyway.

  12. Nate battens every night of the week. Patrick likes to besiege Nate about his eating habits. Patrick starts to bait Nate in with a cookie. Nate puts a malediction on Patrick. Then they fight causing a big din and Nate kills Patrick.

  13. There was once a boy named Oliver. Oliver went to his regional king one day and gave a very suppliant request for more grain for his family farm. The King complied and ordained his grain suppliers to drop some off at Oliver's farm, this expedient was very helpful to Oliver. As the King's men drove down the road they arose such a din that Oliver felt his ears would riven. But they did not and Oliver parried danger of starvation once again and lived happily ever after.

  14. There was once the king and the queen of Pennsylvanian and the queen had a very pestilence sister, who was jealous of everything her sister had. Many years before she had secretly parricide her father and no one knew who had done it. Then many years later the queen found out that her very own sister had killed her father. That was regicide because their father had been the king of Pennsylvania before. After learning this the queen diviner her sister from the kingdom. Later that nigh the queen's sister found out that her sister knew and was going to regicide again but with the king and the queen. She went to the kingdom that night and she was a hellcat. As she killed the king and the queen she felt good as she parricide. She then became the queen of Pennsylvania and know one ever knew what had happened to the king and queen.

  15. There once was a hellcat that everyone was afraid of. She lived in a huge scary looking house, her house was looked pestilence. Kids that play outside in the neighborhood are always hearing a din that comes from her house. All the parents that lived around her baited about their kids safety. She had the power to curse people and there were rumors that she put maledictions on other people before.

  16. There once was a hellcat that lived in a neighborhood full of little kids. She was always maundering at them, this caused them to fall under a malediction. Under this malediction she would ordain them to riven their parents marriage and cause pain in others lives.

  17. The Hellcat ordained the group to riven, while she's batten by the Diviner

  18. Due to the hard breakup, he battens himself with donuts until he cant eat anymore. She was a hellcat, thus was flinty when she broke up with him and was quite harsh. She ordained him to be a better boyfriend but he refused. Later that day they were riven and no longer together.

  19. There was this hellcat that was very pestilence, and ordained her minions, so she could besiege the land, she was flinty when she besieged.

  20. There was a man that everyone did not like and they tried to parry an incident with him. He always ordained everyone around to to their work. Although everyone avoided him, he tried to bait them to do there work or else be punished. So, they all got together after the found out his plan, and placed a malediction on him to punish him. As a result of this malediction, there was a regicide to create a expedient.

  21. Doug runs his own army, he once ordained his men to Burn down an entire village were many people that lived there were hellcats. Doug's men Besiege everyone in the village. Once his men were finished they stole all the village food to battens themselves. When Doug heard about the battening that was going on he decided to Expedient his hole army and start fresh. Fin.

  22. A long time ago, in a kingdom named America, there was a great king named Obama. One day, a Hellcat named Amanda. She brought along with her waves of pestilence. The great kingdom of America was falling. The air reeked of carrion. Amanda was done toying with the citizens of America. She went straight to the castle, stormed the halls. Finally she reached Obama. The had a great duel, parry after parry. The battle lasted 2 days and 3 nights, and on the third night, Amanda was victorious. The citizens of America wept for the rest of eternity for the regicide that had been committed upon their great leader.

  23. There was a boy named Harrald. The besiege he received had started to riven his confidence. He had tried to parry this bullying but it was flinty. One day he gainded the courage and ordained to stop this carrion teasing. The bully was impressed with Harrald's confidence and stopped his teasing forever. the end

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Bob had to parry the carrion that was on the road while he was on his morning jog. When he got home he started maundering to his dog about the din that he heard at the neighbors house when he passed. The next day he found out that a hellcat had shown up at his neighbors house.

  26. Nicole battens herself everyday after school, besieging her stomach. Then her Hellcat of a mother come in and tells her to stop eating the food. Nicole suddenly feels compunction and feels carrion.

  27. The Queen was put under a malediction. She would live in bait as long as her husband was alive. She told one of her knights that she couldn't live like this anymore so she ordained for a regicide. So at dawn the knight snuck into the Kings bedroom trying to be quite but tripped over the carpet. It made a loud din and awoke the King. The knight was caught with a sword in his hand attempting to kill him and was sent to jail for the rest of his life.

  28. As Sam and Dean where battling the Hellcat, Bobby was trying to riven from the ordain from Charles. Bobby finally succeeded and went to get a pestilence to abolish Charles.The Hellcat suddenly stop and looked forward, leaving Dean and Sam in a state of confusion. All of a sudden the Diviner comes, blasting light into the room and a forceful carrion that made Dean and Sam blacking out. Out of nowhere Booby comes with his malediction bracelet and attacks Charles, passing out on the spot. After the regicide of Charles, Sam, Dean and Bobby left to continue there journey of the family business

  29. The Hellcat ordained her children to clean her shoes as she sat and thought about regicide. The children noticed that their mother treated them scantly. As a result, the children produced din and left forever.

  30. There once was a hellcat named Helen. She was constantly maundering with her horses, because she had no friends. When she was 16 years old she committed parricide, to her Uncle Eugene. Now at age 21, she feels compunction for her actions made when she was 16. She battens with bacon and baked beans because those were his favorite foods.

  31. Very long ago there was a young girl, born into the "perfect" family, all was great until a few years ago. As the girl grew older her parents grew harsher, scolding her constantly, beating her for all she has ever done wrong, they would besiege her when ever they had the oportunity. When the girl finally hit tweenty one she had enough. Her parents forced her into a hellcat, driven by her rage she cast a malediction on her parents. After a few days the parents whent missing. The cops were called puzzeled by their disapearence sent the dogs out to look. As they got deeper into the woods a certain smell grew stonger, almost like carrion when they came upon two bodies laying side by side. A few weeks later the girl showed up on every tv, every newspaper, every computer add. She had commited parricide.....twice.

  32. One morning, a hellcat was marauding, and anyone who heard her maundering was put under a malediction and considered a pestilence.

  33. After talking to the priest told me a malediction was set upon me, because I killed and ate my neighbors cat.I baited what the malediction meant and what was going to happen to me. I told my flinty brother, who laughed and just said I would be dead in a few hours. Then I went back to the church, and suppliant prayed to be forgiven for what killing the cat. By wondering what would happen, I battened my self, buy sitting in KFC eating their 20 piece basket. The malediction never came true I woke up the next day breathing.
