Friday, March 21, 2014

MONDAY- celebs

Indirectly characterize Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen in a paragraph.


  1. Charlie Sheen's catch phrase is "Duh, winning!" People around him cringe when he open his mouth and ask if he's been drinking. When he walks in, the girls walk out. He got fired for cursing out his boss in an interview.

  2. Lindsay Lohan doesn't keep a single hair color for very long, she has experimented with extemely large amounts of cocaine, Lindsay also has ingested copious amounts of alcohol. Lindsay knows how to have fun in a very special way, in college she majored in partying. Wait, did Lohan even go to college? Hollywood has done her well.

  3. Charlie Sheen goes to the bar and spends about a quarter of a million dollars. He spent a total of 5 hours at the bar. People always see him there and say that is that guy from that show about two and a half men. He gets arrested for doing things he shouldn't, but he is still cooler than Justin Beiber.

  4. She changes completely and ends up doing bad things. She also did illegal things. Some people say she ruined their childrens lives. Lindsey is seen with the cops an awful lot

  5. Charlie has multiple mistresses and does illegal drugs including cocaine. Sheen has been arrested on countless accounts of drug possession. His wild lifestyle has caught up to him because he was booted of 2 and 1/2 Men. Charlie's catchphrase, "Winning" is about the only thing successful to be produced from him in the last five years.

  6. Charlie Sheen gets arrested for drunk driving every night. When people ask him a question they shy away from him. His friends are jealous of him because the women flock to him.

  7. Linsay Lohan you always seem to see on the front of the tabloids. Her newest mugshot always lines the shelves. She is now trying to turn her life around on her new reality tv show.

  8. Charlie Sheen does lots of cocaine and gets arrested for drunk driving often. he got kicked off the show two and a half men.

  9. Lindsay Lohan is just the hollow shell of a person. Her life has been consumed by the fame, fortune, drugs, and paparazzi. All that she can do to hold her sanity together is try to make headlines for another reckless act, so that she can stay above the poverty line and afford her pills.

  10. Charlie is always out partying, driving home with girls in the backseat and a drink in his hand he gets home to party some more. When the cops show up at the door they know not to ask whats going on, nothing good ever goes on in there. Everyone goes home and the cops give Charlie the citation, with white powder on his face he accepts the note and goes to bed to start it all over again tomarrow.

  11. Linsay Lohan has mugshots selling throughout the stores. She does illegal things for fun and stars in movies as the good girl which is the opposite of her. She chooses to help out those in needs by experimenting drugs to see what they do to a human. Every Week you can catch Linsay out for a Drive with The Local Police, always the passenger of course.

  12. Watching Lindsey Lohan grow up, many expected her to continue to be the sweet girl she came across as in her movies. She fooled them. Arrested many times for different charges, Lindsey always seems to have a new mug shot pop up in the headlines.

  13. Charlie Sheen is on the main page of every news site again. Another bad decision he made last night. I wonder if it was the white powder or the intoxicating juice this time. Whatever he did its no surprise, not like this is out of the blue.

  14. Lindsay Lohan used to been seen on TV for her cute childhood movies, now she's seen in mugshots. Known for her misbehaving and alcohol consumption, she's always a great influence for the younger generations.

  15. Charlie Sheen likes to go to the bars and pile up a big tab. His tab is paid in cash as he leaves in his brand new Mercedes. While hes not at the bar he is either in a club or in his mansion with a mistress.

  16. Lindsay Lohan is a women whose in the spotlight of the media. She is often followed by paparazzi. The paparazzi follow her for the decisions that she had made in her life. Since she is a celeb, She gets the attention and critics of others

  17. The one always in court, who premeried in movies at a young age. She hides behind a thick mask, that changes from day to day.
    Two and a Half Men, is where Sheen is seen to be.. Rolling arround under sheets with another human being, who's hair is much longer than his, that is upon his head.

  18. Charlie Sheen can be found most nights in a bar. He has been arrested countless times and was kicked off of his television show, Two and a Half Men.

  19. Charlie Sheen and his wife divorced after an array of issues they faced in their marriage. He now goes around spilling rude words to the media about her and threatens to stop paying child support. Sheen lives a crazy lifestyle, always seeming to have a new girl by his side.

  20. Lindsay Lohan took drugs to a different level. While being in many movies, Lindsay decides to put that behind and focus on things that are not great. The person that people grew up knowing was now the complete opposite of what everyone expected her to be.

  21. 9 hours at the strip club, 4 hours at the bar, $60,000, 12 hours of sleep, and 2 Advil later, Charlie wakes up to his 5th woman this week, it's Tuesday. Living wild and free, Sheen is a wrecking ball, breaking free from the bars of life and living it up the way he wants to.

  22. Lindsay Lohan took many drugs. She used to be a role mode because she starred in many children's movies. She grew up to be an adult who behaves completely different than what fans think she would.
