Thursday, March 6, 2014


Using 3 of your vocabulary words, describe this picture: 


  1. Replies
    1. The cat battens himself without thinking.
      There is no other word than flinty to describe this cat.
      This cat is more execrable than the original Grumpy Cat.

  2. This battening cat looks like he is declaring an edict about parricide or something else that makes him mad.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. He is a pestilence to the owners. When I tried to get past him he was very flinty. The cat battens on donuts.

  5. battens, malediction, and hellcat

    1. This fat hellcat named Izzy is mine, she is a malediction and battens too much. I hate her.

  6. Hey it's Mario! Flinty, Hellcat, an Battens

  7. Gary, the cat, battens himself in chocolate quite often, as you can see by his fat fury body. Afterwards, he always feels compunction because he knows he shouldn't have eaten more. Maybe he would be skinnier if he didn't eat so much chocolate. He finally realized that chocolate wasn't good, and it is nothing but a pestilence.

  8. The cat is totally not flinty. If it could be a talking cat, it would be suppliantly asking for food. The cat thinks execrably about moving.

  9. The cat is not flinty but looks pestilence and is probably committing parricide.

  10. This cat battens with tuna. After he eats he always has a compunction. I ordain him to stop, but he keeps on eating.

  11. This is Drew who battens himself in cat food. Drew is such a besieger and quite a pestilence

  12. Chester the cat battens alot, all he does is sit around all day causing a din for more food. He always ordains me for more food.

  13. This cat was quite the malediction to his family. The owners are usually very baited about the cat. Many times, she is ordained to follow their orders.

  14. This cat battens a lot. This cat is a hellcat like Nates. I will put a malediction on it if she attacks me.

  15. The cat was given an ordain to not eat as much. But the cat didn't do it so it was put under a malediction, where it can't stop growing. At night the cat battens, it can't control it's hunger.

  16. Furry Dickens the Cat was such a noisy feline that his owner's eardrums were riven. Furry Dickens besieged his family with all of his nonsense and noise. But to contradict all of these annoyances Furry Dickens could not move; he is quite a battens and is quite "large and in charge".

  17. The cat battens himself almost everyday. He is so full from eating that it is about to riven. Although he battens himself, he still makes a din when someone takes his food.

  18. The cat is execrable. He looks like he wants to commit parricide or put a malediction on someone.

  19. Harold the cat battens himself regularly. Harold is a Hellcat, his relative "grumpy cat" is also a hellcat. Harold's owner has Ordained her to stop eating her meow mix. Harold don't play no games...

  20. The cat clearly battens himself, and is flinty about it. The great tasting food seems to be a malediction set upon this cat.

  21. The cat Battens himself with food, once down we guards the rest of his left over like a hellcat, we would even parricide his mother to protect his food

  22. The cat was battens himself after being ordained by his owner to stop eating a lot. The cat did not agree to with the owner, so he put the owner under a malediction to bring him food whenever he pleases without complaint.

  23. The cat was parry from the humans. He was ready to besieger anyone who came near. He was angry at the din noise the humans had made

  24. The cat battens himself with doughnuts, because a malediction was place upon him. He was ordained into priest hood the next day.

  25. The cat does not feel compunction after he battens himself on seafood carrion.

  26. This cat sure battens himself up with donuts. If this cat fell it would make a large din due to its large structure. He looks quite angry and could be or become quite a pestilence.

  27. The carrion of a cat decided to by indulge himself in parricide. Which resulted in him eating his fellow felines, leading to his pestilence of a state otherwise known as obesity.

  28. Emily was known as the hellcat of all cats. She always managed to produce so much din that her family would put her outside. Being flinty, she couldn't help but to knock everything over.

  29. Whiskers battens himself everyday and then feels compunction when he feels sick. His owners try to parry his vulture like eating by hiding the food bag, but Whiskers always manages to find it.

  30. Wiskers is the type of cat who battens himself constantly. He is flinty around any food, devouring it in seconds. Wiskers was baited that he might explode one day from how much he ate.

  31. The cat is disturbed by its' owner maundering at him and was planning ways to bait her with carrion.

  32. The cat battens himself by eating so many mice. He parrys young children because they like to pull his tail. They cat often creates alot of din during the night because he is very clumsy.

  33. The cat's heart was riven when he had to decide between pizza or cheese sticks. He was so upset he made an annoying din. He decided to batten and just eat both.

  34. The cat battens himself with food. This food is like a malediction because he cannot stop eating and whenever he has the chance to eat something, he is flinty.
