Tuesday, March 11, 2014


What is Oedipus tragic flaw, and how do you know?


  1. Oedipus's tragic flaw was that he tried to control his whole world. He realizes this in the end of the play but the readers could tell earlier.

  2. He always wanted to take control of everything

  3. He always wanted to be in charge of everything. I know because they said it at the end..

  4. Because Oedipus was always trying to be in charge, but later on he figured out that everyone could tell that beforehand.

  5. Oedipus always wanted to be in charge, because whenever he tries to take charge it ruins his life.

  6. Oedipus was too controlling, this was his tragic flaw because it caused him to try to find out the origins of his birth, leading to the realization that the prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother came true. He then stabbed out his eyeballs with his dead mother/wife's brooches.

  7. Oedipus's tragic flaw, was that he wanted to be in control of everything and that led him to harmful things to others and to his own self.

  8. Oedipus's tragic flaw was being controlling and oblivious. He realizes what was going on by the end of the story but as a reader, we already knew earlier in the story.

  9. He wanted to be the boss of everything. It says it in the story.

  10. Oedipus tragic flaw is that he tried to control everything that went on around him. Towards the end of the plane there is a line that Cronos tells Oedipus that he need to stop controlling everything that is around him. Also, he pushing people until he gets what he wants.

  11. Oedipus wanted everything his way, he wanted to control everything. Throughout the whole story we learn that he is.

  12. His Tragic Flaw is that he was too stubborn. I know because he just kept pushing and asking stuff he didn't know

  13. His flaw was being stubborn and trying to control everything.

  14. He is fixed on his own ideas very near sighted and tries to take charge of things that are out of his control.

  15. His flaw was his stubbornness and trying to oversee everyone.

  16. his tragic flaw was being stubborn. i know this because multiple people told him to not look into his own birth but he was too stubborn to stop.

  17. Oedipus' tragic flaw was that he was stubborn. I know this because he kept pushing for his questions to be answered to reveal the truth and it was the truth which destroyed him.

  18. Oedipus' tragic flaw was hes unrelenting curiosity. He dug deeper and deeper into the truth and he eventually found out what he didn't want to know.

  19. His tragic flaw was ignorance. He insisted that he was always right, and everybody else was always wrong. I know this because the play itself is based upon the idea of him not listening to others, and that leading to most people's worst nightmares.

  20. Oedipus's tragic flaw was that he always wanted to be in control of everything and everyone

  21. His tragic flaw was his stubborness. He always wanted to know the truth to his questions.

  22. Ooedipus's tragic flaw is his stubbornness. People tried to make him drop it and stop asking questions but he kept pushing and the truth was revealed.

  23. Oepdipus's tragic flaw was the he was very stubborn. People would advise him to stop asking questions, but he was too stubborn to stop. His stubborness lead to his downfall

  24. His tragic flaw is that he is very stubborn

  25. His tragic flaw was that he was stubborn and trying to do things in his way.

  26. His Flaw was himself being stubborn and asking to many questions.

  27. Oedipus' tragic flaw is his stubbornness. I know this because he asked to many questions when he was told not to and he found stuff out the he didnt want to.

  28. Oedipus's tragic flaw was his stubbornness. People would try to help him and give him advice but he would not listen and the truth was told.

  29. His stubbornness because since he was so persistent in asking questions, even after people begged him to stop, he found out he was the reason for the drought and had to leave.

  30. Oedipus' tragic flaw is that he tries to be too in control of everything when he can't be. I know this because at the end Crono said that he should not try to be in control of everything.
