Monday, March 31, 2014

What type of a person is Ishmael?

What type of a person is Ishmael?  How do you know (one specific from the story)?


  1. Ishmael seems to have a very positive outlook on things. It shows this because no matter how tough times are getting, he keeps staying with his friends and enjoying the time he has with them.

  2. Ishmael is a tough kid because he has seen some pretty bad stuff.
    #Memoirs #Of #A #Boy #Soldier

  3. Ishmael is a brave boy who is very loving towards his family for going back through all this to try to find them. He is also brave for continuing to stay where he was and stick with his friends even after seeing all of these kids dying and getting injured..

  4. Ishmael is a tough kid because he has seen so much death and a lot of bad things.

  5. Ishmael is a person that is scared of the things that can happen and he wants to change. I know because he was scared and worried of what might happen to his family. He decided to go back to his home town instead of going to compete.

  6. Ishmael is a positive person and very humble, and and never thinks about the bad things hat could happen.

  7. Ishmeal is Hard skinned. In the book he is seeing all of this stuff but he just keeps walking and tries not to think about it.

  8. Ishmael is a tough kid because he seen things that would scar most people and he has to deal with it. #To #OP

  9. Ishmael is a tough kid who has a positive outlook on things....i don't know i wasn't here.

  10. Ishmael is very new to the combat that is going on around him and he is doing everything to stay sane and calm making him a very tough and very uplifting person.

  11. Summer Hughes-FIssel- From what I've heard Ishmael is very tough and brave because he made it through the war. I haven't read it yet because i wasn't here.

  12. Ishmael is good t tucking stuff inside himself like when he sees all those people bloody and stuff he puts it deep inside of him

  13. Ishmael is very optimistic because he was still hoping that his family and friends had survived despite the odds.

  14. He is tough. when he saw that horrific sight he did not have a big reaction towards it.

  15. Ishmael is an optimistic person because even after a war, he was still able to joke around about it with his new high school friends.

  16. Ishmael was one of the main character in the story. Ismael is very strong in the sense that he is able to quickly cope with traumatic events and move on.

  17. um optimist.. looks on the bright side

  18. Ismael is a determined, strong person. He hasn't given up on his family and friends yet even though there is a slim chance that they are all okay.

  19. Ishmael is a very brave person because he goes back to find his family after all the bloodshed.

  20. Ishmael is a brave and very confident boy because he goes to find his relatives and family even though the danger he put himself into.

  21. Ishmael is a optimistic young man, he always hoped for the best even though he dreaded the thought of what is happening to his parents and siblings. He is a tough young man to be in the middle of this disaster and deal with it, rather than freaking out over the situation.

  22. Ishmael is a caring person but he also is quiet

  23. Ishmael is determined, strong and optimisti c. He didn't give up hope that his family was okay even when he knew there was little chance they were okay.

  24. Ishmael is very tough. He has seen some horrid stuff that other kids only see in nightmares

  25. Ishmael is brave. Although he was affected by war, he remained calm when other students asked about his experience.

  26. Ishmael is a very brave young man that cares for his family.
    From, Isaac

  27. Ishmael is tough and optimistic. He survived the whole civil war and looks on the bright side of things. He looks at this as a new start. In the beginning of the book he sees horrible things and just keeps going.

  28. Ishmael is a very optimistic and brave young boy who is doing a very good job of coping with the traumatic situations he has seen.

  29. Ishmael is a brave optimistic person, who has seen and been through alot.

  30. Ishmeal is brave and strong. He has gone through and seen a lot but has been able to deal with the circumstances he had been in.
