Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Summarize chapter 4 from yesterday.


  1. In Chapter 4 they go to the village where the grandmother lives and when they think that the rebels are done 5 days later they hear gun shots so they gather a bunch of people and they run as far away as they can and crawl to the other side of something...

  2. Ishmael went back to the village and tried to get what they could scrap together, they found some money thinking they could get some food with it. While they were leaving the rebels fired upon them. Ishmael and his friends made it out but they were still trying to find food and a place to stay.

  3. Chapter 4 they run away from their hometown and eventually come back to get money and food.

  4. Ishmael and his friends go back to the village where his grandmother lives, and whenever they think the rebels are gone, 5 days later they figure out that they are still back. They are extremely hungry, and even when they try to go and get food, all the places are closed because they want to keep the food in case times get even worse. They have no place to stay at the moment.

  5. Ishmael and the boys went back to the village to try to see if there was food, water, or money left over. The rebels spotted them and shot after them, chasing Ishmael and his friends away. They are still currently trying to find food.

  6. Ishmael went back to the village and tried to get money. When they went he almost got caught by the rebels. One of the people that went with them was carrying to much stuff and got caught by the rebels. When Ishmael and his friends went back to buy food no one would sell to them.

  7. Ishmael is on his way back to his town to get money that he wanted so he could buy money. When they were leaving, the rebels were there and they were getting attack. Ismael and his friends went to another town where they found another group of people and they tried to help escape. While trying to escape, the rebels started to shoot at them.

  8. They risk their for money but when they get back to the village they were staying in no one is selling food

  9. Ishmael and his friends went back to the village to try and find food and money and found some supplies but enough. Then they were leaving and they were spotted by the rebels. The the rebels started to fire at them and Ishmael luckily his friends got away but others did not.

  10. In Chapter 4, Ishmael, his friends, and a few people he found across his journey returned to the village to try to save whatever they could of food and money from the village. They heard rebel shots and tried to run away, one boy carried too large of a bag and wouldn't leave it behind. While the rebels were scanning for them, most of them got away, but the boy who had too large of a bag didn't make it. The rest of the people went to the marketplace where food is made, but they stopped making them because they were saving food for when things got worse, and for other reasons.

  11. Ismael went back to his village to go check on his family, and then the rebels came back and the ran away, and they were hungry and desperate for food and to live.

  12. Ishmael and his friends are running away from the rebels. They went back to their town to get money because they were starving. When they went to go buy food no one would sell them any. The people who wouldn't sell any food were saving it for themselves.

  13. The rebels came and attacked the village Ishmael and his friends were staying at. They had to run to stay alive. They ran for days and then decided to turn around so they could go back and get money to buy food. They couldn't find any places that were selling food so they had to steal from people when they were sleeping.

  14. Ishmael started travelling back to their home village but realized there was nothing to go back to and starting trying to evade the rebels.

  15. Ishmael and his friends were trying to get back to their village, but the village was mostly raided and they failed to get enough to survive. As they attempted to get to the next village, they ran into some rebels and one of their new friends died. Once they got to the next village they found that the shops were closed due to the lack of food. They had to steal food while the shopkeepers were asleep.

  16. Ishmael and friends try to go back to the village. The village is not suitable to stay at so they move on. They run into rebels and after most of the boys cross, another little boy is spotted by the rebels. He is shot and killed while crossing the opening. In the next village, shops are closed and they steal food while others were sleeping, so that they could survive.

  17. Ishmael try to go back to the village in order to get money. they get the money and make it out alive but it was pointless because the shops would not except it anyway. They are really hungry and they steal food.

  18. Ishmael and his friends went back to there village, the homes were already "looted" but they found some money, thinking it was a big deal that they found money they later found out that money is now useless, everyone is saving there food, now Ishmael is hungry and his trip made him even hungrier.

  19. Ishmael's friends and himself try to go back to their village but when they get there everything is gone. In this chapter they run into the rebels and barley get away from them. In the next village they try to get food but either people are out of it or won't sell it. This leaves them no choice but to steal some food while people are sleeping so that they don't starve.

  20. Ishmael and his friends try to go back towards the village to find his friends and supplies. The village was no longer safe to stay and so after they got supplies and ate they went to cross the opening and the one little boy was shot her on the way crossing. The others survived and then later went to town to discover that the shops were no longer open so they stole the food to satisfy their hunger.

  21. The town was attack by the rebels after a couple of days of their threat. Ishmael and his buddies escape. They go back to their friends house to get food, but realize there house got raided and the only thing left was there hidden money. They sneaked off with other people's food and ran off the forest

  22. Ishmael and a few of his friends were trying to get back into their village to get money to buy food. Half way out of their village they were spotted and shot at but when they got to the next village to buy food, no one would sell because they were stocking up for themselves. Ishmael and decided to steal food to survive.

  23. The boy and his friends go to the village, and see dead people. Then they find rice but dont take it because too heavy, then they go away because they run away from the rebels. And come to another villahe with money, but no one will selll them food

  24. Ishmael, his brothers, and friends came back to their village to find it empty. They moved on to another village where they stayed for a little while but eventually ran into rebels. They go back to their village to collect money and move on to find a market to get food. After a while of running away from the rebels and losing one boy, they reach the market. However, there they find that they are unable to buy food and later that night steal it instead.

  25. Chapter 4 is all about the struggle of the main character Ishmael, and his family/brothers. He goes back to matru jong in order to get money from under his bed in an attempt to pay for food. He saw that the town was ransacked but the rebels didnt find his money. He got the money and long story short spent the rest of the chapter running away from the rebels with his brothers. Finally when he found some food markets to spend his money in, the refused to serve him, or anyone for that matter, considering they were only looking out for themselves.

  26. Ishmael and his friends go back to the village. The village is damaged and they have to move on. They need food, but they run into the rebels. The rebels shot a little boy and he died. They run from the rebels to the next village.They were still in major need of food and they steal some while people were sleeping.

  27. Ishmael and his friends attempt to return to their village to scrape together some food and money. They leave the village with no food and very little money. They run for hours to the next village, but are spotted by rebels. And when they arrive, no one in the village is selling food, so their efforts were useless.

  28. The boys were starving so they went back and risked their lives to get money from their friend's house. When they got back the food stands weren't selling food so their efforts were worthless. That night they stole food. A boy died on the way back because he was trying to carry to much stuff. Ishmael had a dream that he was carrying a dead body and when he uncovered the body he saw that it was him. There was lots of dead bodies.

  29. Ishmael, his brother and friends went back to his village to get the money under his bed. Shops wouldn't except their money anyway. Ishmael had to steal food because their hunger was intensifying.

  30. They escaped the city they were staying, which had been attacked by rebels. After a few days they needed food and money, so they went back to the city. It was pointless though because everything was gone.

  31. Ishmael and his friends are running away from the rebels. They went back to their town to get money because they were starving. When they went to go buy food no one would sell them any. The people who wouldn't sell any food were saving it for themselves.

  32. In chapter 4 Ishmael, his brother Junior, and friends had continued to walk farther from the rebels that had attacked Mattru Jong. Due to their hunger the boys went back to Mattru Jong to get money for food. The money was useless because nobody wanted to sell their food, so the boys had to steal food during the night.

  33. I have once had the feeling that everyone around me could be a potential enemy. This means that I can relate to Beah when he said that people stopped trusting each other. I felt that every stranger in New York was an enemy after five different people tried to pickpocket me within an hour. The first time I just thought, “Oh, well that sucked. At least he didn’t get my wallet.” The second time and beyond, I started watching for anyone reaching out in my general direction. Everyone was a potential threat. To this day, I dislike when people get too close to me, all because of that trip to New York.

  34. Patrick Heidecker
    Chapter 24
    Why did the rebels attack so fiercely? What was their goal? Does it make sense to you? (Pg. 24)
    The rebels attack very fiercely to prove a point not to mess with the rebels. Their goal was to keep as many people as possible in the town. It did make sense to kind of have “Hostages” and to do it with great fear so the non-rebels would not revolt.

  35. Tara Bankert
    A Long Way Gone Questions
    The rebels attacked the towns so fiercely to make a point and to demonstrate that they are powerful, strong, and unstoppable. They wanted to scare everyone and make them fear them, because if they feared them they wouldn’t come back. This makes sense because they wanted to be the higher power, to have the authority. They’re rebels against the government, they wanted the control and this is their way of getting it.

  36. Chapter 4

    In this chapter the boys steal food because they are starving, they stole from people who didn’t have much food either. I feel that their action was not very smart of them because they shouldn’t have stolen from other people that did not have any food either. If they knew that the families weren’t going to come back or maybe were dead and the food was going to go to waste that could’ve maybe been acceptable. They should have went somewhere and bought food or went to somewhere they knew so if wouldn’t have been as bad. Also if they were in need of food they could have went to someone they knew or asked for it instead of just stealing and then running.

  37. Chapter 3: The rebels attacked the town fiercely because they wanted to keep as many people as they could in the city. If they had people then they could use them as hostages if the government came. The rebels also attacked fiercely so that they could scare the villagers. Then the villagers wouldn't mess with them. Yes their tactics make sense and the way the rebels attacked made sense because it got their goal across.

  38. Ishmael Beah tells the story while telling the story chronologically and the he flashes back. This changes the way that the reader feels. Life is always about living the next step, when Beah tells his story chronologically, I am able to picture myself there believing understanding what happens when and the timing of it. When Beah has a flashback, the feeling is deeper, what he remembers is the hardest parts of things that has happened to him. I appreciate that he keeps changing the way he is telling the story because life is not moving forward, sometimes people like to live in the past.

  39. Chapter 3
    The rebels attacked the town so fiercely because they want to show everyone that they are in control and that they have all the power. Their goal is to take over all the towns and they are using dictatorship to do this. This really doesn’t make sense to me because there isn’t a major reason why they are doing this it’s just for their own purposes.

  40. Chapter 3
    The rebels would attack the towns so fiercely because they would want to show that they are the most powerful. Their goal would be to try and recruit soldiers and scare the people that are in each village. This does kind of make sense to me, if you want to show your power than you have to do some things to show that. Killing all of the people does seem a little outrageous though.

  41. Chapter Six
    When Ishmael wrote “This was one of the consequences of the civil war. People stopped trusting each other, and every stranger became an enemy.” I can’t really relate to that feeling. But I do understand where he is coming from. People say that your true character comes out when you have to handle a difficult task like that. It’s like survival of the fittest, you’re on your own. The people have to fight to survive.

  42. Chapter three:
    The rebels attacked Mattru Jong so fiercely because they were trying to spread fear and get their message across. The rebels were killing people and causing chaos because they were showing the people who was in charge. They were hoping to make all the villagers and people afraid of them so they wouldn’t fight back. The rebels also planned to steal from the homes and recruit people for RUF. This makes no sense to me because they could easily recruit people and start a better government without all of the killing and violence. It’s also hard to understand how they could kill women children without feeling any remorse.

  43. The rebels attacked so fiercely because they wanted the people from the villages they were attacking to be afraid of them and wanted them to be scared to do anything. The rebels goal was to scare the people of the villages and get the things they wanted like food and clothing and shoes. Also they wanted to be in charge of the villages and have people be afraid of them. This makes sense because if they wanted to get things they would make the people be scared of them.

  44. Matthew Balas
    Chapter One:
    • What did the old man in Kabati mean when he said, “We must strive to be like the moon”? Is this advice that could apply to you? Why or why not?
    -He meant that everyone should be on their best behavior, be respectful, be humble, and be calm, like the moon is during the night. This is definitely advice that could apply to me because I need to find a “calm point” in my life and in how I act so I’m not as headstrong and competitive.
