Monday, April 28, 2014

Wednesday- Plane

If you were to jump out of a plane, how would you handle that situation?  Give me a 5 sentence dialogue of exactly what will go through your head.


  1. If i were to just out of a plane I would be extremely nervous. I would probably start to over think and freak out and shake when it got closer to my time to jump. I would think about my family and hope I get to see them again. Also i would think about the bad things that could happen but would try to stay positive. I would probably have a ton of things going through my head like where i would land.

  2. I would think about the situation I was in as soon as I was ejected. I have watched enough skydiving vines that I feel like I would know when to pull my para shoot. My plan is to be as calm as possible. When I reached a certain height I would pull my para shoot. As I reach 150 feet I would pull my strings to slow down.

  3. "How far are we from the ground? Is it going to hurt when we reach the bottom? I'm afraid my parachute won't work!!! Someone please go with me, I'm too scared. I really have to pee."

  4. If I were to jump out of I would not handle that situation well. I would probably feel calm jumping out knowing I have to jump out into clear skies where nothing would happen. If there was a bomb about to explode, I would totally panic and forget what I would have to do.
    " I need to stay calm and relax. If I die, I know that I would have died trying. I know that if I don't go now there will be no chance for me to live and I will lose everyone I love....One, two, three."

  5. If I were going to jump out of a plane I would be very scared. I would not have the courage to jump out of the plane, so there would be someone to push me out. I would be scared but I would have fun after I got pushed out. In the end i think i would like it but i would be in shock after i did it.

  6. "What to do!?" Wait look for a parachute, aha I found one. Now where is the emergency exit?? Okay get the door open and ready. *Gasp. You're in free fall get ready to open your chute. Oh dear goodness I hope I'm ready for this.

  7. Well if I was going to jump out of a plane I would try to remain calm. I would immediately grab my parachute and jump out. If there was a thunderstorm I would start to freak out and probably pull the handle thing to soon. If it was clear skies I would be more relaxed and wait a little longer to pull the thing. Then try to land and not die.

  8. If i had to jump out of the plane, I think I would handle the situation fairly well. I would definitely be freaking out but I'm pretty good at managing that and doing whats important. When i jump from the plane the first thing that i would think of is when to pull my parachute. I would also be considering places i should avoid landing on; like water or rocks. After I assessed all of that i would try and calm down the other passengers that jumped from the plane.

  9. If I were forced to jump out of a plane, I would be scared on the inside and try to be calm on the outside. I would first prepare for what is going to happen by thinking about how this could play out. I would think about hurtling through the air at extreme speeds, then I'd be trying to avoid trees, and buildings. I'd be extremely scared. I'd take a few breaths. Jump out of the plane, eyes wide open, arms out and legs together, and then pulling my parachute and trying to land safely.

  10. First I would think of the song Free Fallin by Tom Petty because its on my bucket list. Then I would obviously pose like superman because it would be awesome. Then I would pretend I was a bird and flap my arms. Then I would think I should probaly pull the strings. Then land safely like a boss.

  11. If I were to jump out of a plane, I'd freak out. I would get really nervous and probably pee myself. Then I'd jump. The main thing to remember is pull the parachute. Then, I'd pull my parachute and hopefully land safely. But I'd still be freaking out.

  12. I would flip out and be crying to my momma. Then i would be yelling for they sky king to come and rescue me. I would say "Oh Dear Sky King come thy help me!" Then I would yell some not so friendly words.

  13. I would be pretty scared. I would probably be spazing out about what could go wrong, but i would still want to do it. I would pull my parachute and then cruse down to a safe area to land- trying to avoid trees, buildings, and water.

  14. First I would grab the parachute. Then I would just go for it and jump out the door without looking around for anything that I might not want to leave behind (assuming that this is an emergency situation). Eventually I would realize that I have no idea how to open a parachute, and by the time I read the instructions I would be too close to the ground for the parachute to be effective. I would then bend my legs at the knee and curl my feet upwards due to the fact that this is the most likely way to survive jumping from anywhere extremely high up. However I would be completely terrified the entire time because excessive heights are scary....

  15. If I had to jump out of a plan I would prolly be freaking out. I can handle stress fairly well so first I would find out where my parachute ring was. Then I would try to find out how high up in the air I was. After I figured this out I would pull my ring and the parachute will come out. I would then safely land on the ground and act like it was the coolest thing ever.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. If i would have to jump out of a plane I would be extremely terrified and nervous. My mind would be racing and I would most likely be screaming at whoever is pushing me out of the plane. Before I was pushed out I would write a super fast will and call those who mean the most to me suspecting the worst possible thing to happen. As I was being pushed out of the plane I would grab multiple parachutes in case the one I had was broken.

  18. Oh god, what was I thinking. WHY WOULD I SIGN UP FOR THIS!! Thats it I CAN'T, TAKE ME OUT OF THE OVEN IM DONE!!!! Who would even think about doing this, who came up with this dumb idea!? I am leaving bye! As i get shoved out the plane.

  19. First I would begin to scream extremely loud. Then I would try and figure out where my parachute handle is located so i don't splatter on the ground. Once I have found the handle I would begin to think of happy thoughts and not the pain I'm experiencing during the fall. Then I would begin to slowly fall from the sky and hope that the parachute works. Finally before landing pull the string and land completely bruised up, cold and exhausted.

  20. If I was forced to jump out of a plane, I would be extremely scared.
    "How far am I from the ground? I need to remain calm. Where am I going to land? What happens if I don't have a parachute. Am I going to die?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I hate Miss. Barnhart. I should've grabbed on to her and taken her down with me.

  23. If i jumped out of a plane many different thoughts would occur. First i would do a triple back flip in the air and film the entire experience with my go pro. Next i would check for my parachute string to make sure no problems would occur later. After i knew the parachute functioned properly i would de-friend Ms. Barnhart on Facebook for pushing me out of the plane. Next i would think over my options after i landed and pray for survival. Then i would pull my parachute and land safely on the ground. Finally i would send in my awesome go-pro film into a TV studio and become famous.

  24. If I jumped out of a plane I would probably freak out a little bit. I would be thinking that OMG I am going to die! I would say a prayer and think about my family and how much this was going to hurt. I would think that I have a parachute so it's going to be okay. I would be thinking about when the right time to pull the string is.

  25. If I were to jump out of a plane, I'd flip out...literally. If I'm going out of this plane and had one phone call left, who would I call? I would say some choice words not exactly appropriate and then pray to the heavens. I would most likely scream and flap my arms like a scared fool. I would try to move myself to avoid buildings, trees, and flying birds. If I could not, I would want to find a tree, preferably soft and try to grab onto it. I would then use my monkey like abilities and climb down the tree. I would return safely to my family and friends and most likely cry.

  26. If I was forced out of a airplane, I would say some few choice words and then have a bit of a panic moment. I would make sure if I had a parachute and if I did YES! If not i'm would think i'm screwed. I would try and remain calm, remember where I am and how far I was when I got pushed from the plane. See if I can find a decent spot to land.

  27. I would be thinking, oh my god. I'm going to die. Everyone I love would be running threw my head. I'd think, is there anyway I can save myself? I would also think it was the stupidest thing I ever did. "Just close your eyes and think of what makes you happy." I would say to myself.

  28. If I were forced out of an airplane I would feel as if I were dying. I would tell myself that there was no hope for me and probably would just pray. I honestly would be in full panic mode and not focus on saving myself. I know I would be screaming the whole way down. I would think about my family and wonder if they were going to be okay with me gone.

  29. i would be thinking, how am i doing this. i would be thinking that it was a dream. I would be calm but also scared... I would try to hide my fear of dying even though. I would think i was in the last to moments of life. At the same time i would be intrested with what was happening to me as i feel through the air. I would enjoy it for the time i had, but also i would be spontaneous thinking about how surivie the sisutation i was in, because i would have a ba story to tell.
