Friday, April 25, 2014


What would you do if you were stranded on a desert island?


  1. Get off the island and go home.

  2. I would make myself a civilization with all sorts of things. I would make myself an xbox talk to bobby and then make people come to the island and make me a millionare.

  3. If I was on a stranded island, I would try and find a way to survive. And I would try and get off the island and find a way back home.

  4. The movie Castaway with Tom Hanks is what I plan to do if i get stranded on an island.

  5. If I was stranded on an island I would try to survive and use my resources to find a way to go back home.

  6. I would build a boat or try and get off the island.

  7. If i was stranded on a Island, i would attempt to build a hut to live in and find food. Then i would wait to be rescued...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I would make a giant SOS out of rocks. Then i would make a tree house and eat exotic fruit. Maybe throw a few beach parties.

  10. If I were stranded on a island I would try to survive with what was around me and I would try to signal someone for help

  11. If I were on a deserted island by myself, I would first build a shelter with the surrounding tree branches, leaves, etc. Then I would find food from various fruit trees. I would try to light a fire for warmth with wood, and then I would venture to the jungle to try to find clean water and maybe a better habitat. I would try to survive for as long as I could.

  12. If I were on an island i would first make a shelter, then get food and water, make a SOS symbol of something, then get picked up and leave the island.

  13. Once i leaned the lay of the land, and the predators that lived their, i would attempted to make a shelter as well as weapons. I would then survive off the land and use its resources to assist my survival until help arrived.

  14. I would try to survive off the land. First i would build a shelter and find a source of water. After that i would find food. When i was all set up then i would try to signal for help somehow.

  15. If I were stranded on a deserted island by myself, I would first try to find/make a shelter and a source of food and water. I would look around to become familiar with the area. I would try to make a fire to keep warm and possibly heat my food. I would also find a branch of some sort and try to make it into a spear. This would be used to protect myself and kill any live source of food. I would try to survive as long as I could and hope that someone would rescue me.

  16. I would make an awesome civilization and then take over China and call it USA jr.

  17. First I would build a nice hut with leaves, mud and sticks. Got to do the hard stuff before dehydration kicks in. Then I would roll in the mud to camouflage myself and go into the highest point of the forest to find water. I will have my water bottle with me. Then out of no where a wild hog will start running towards me. I will then climb a tree and land on it and tame it like a horse. His name will be Hoss. I will then instruct Hoss to kill animals and give him half of my food. Then I will gather a lot of sticks and spell "HELP" and light it on fire so flying devices over head will see it and save me. Until I am rescued I will tan and make cute crop tops and skirts out of animal hide like Katy Perry did her music video of "Roar".

  18. I would try to survive off the resources I am given and can find. I would first make a shelter, then would move on to find a steady source of clean water and protein. I would try to make or find a way of protecting myself and a method of hunting or trapping.

  19. If I were stranded on an island the first thing I would do would be signal for help. I would probably do this by making a fire in the open or making a "SOS" sign in the open. While I was waiting for help I would travel the land a little bit to learn about it and to collect supplies that I would need to survive for the time being.

  20. First, I would build a shelter and make myself familiar with the area. I would find food or try and kill food, and find fresh water. I would make sure that I have plenty of firewood along with fresh greens to build a signal fire to try and be rescued. I would also make some kind of protection like a spear or knife. I would try not to die.

  21. If I was on a stranded island, first off I'd freak out! The thought of being alone on an island is scary. Then once I've relaxed, I would try to find something to make a signal to catch boats or planes attention. I would start looking for food and find a way to survive. I'd try to find resources to make something to protect myself and to hunt. Survival and going home would be the main thing on my mind.

  22. If I was stranded on an island, I would first find a source of fresh water and food. I would then build a shelter to protect myself from bad weather or animals. I would try to survive as long as possible and try to get help.

  23. If I were stranded on an island, I would first explore the island and find a safe place to make my camp. The next priority would be to find food that is safe to eat and a clean source of water. Then I would build a fire, eat whatever food I caught, and sleep in my hut because I'm probably tired. The next day I would make a spear to protect myself and build something to signal for a rescue. Until I'm rescued I would explore the unknown and find some animal friends to help cope with my loneliness.

  24. Since I have seen plenty of Survivorman, I would survey the area, look for any useful materials (such as sharp rocks, metal pieces, rope/string, bottles of some sort), then get to work on my shelter. I would probably make some sort of hut made out of branches, leaves, and plastic lining that is conveniently right next to where I was making camp. Once I have enough food stocked up, along with some makeshift weapons, I would build a raft out of trees....heck, why not an actual boat. I would sail to civilization, go to a doctor, and find out I contracted some type of bacterial infection from either a rabid mammal or contaminated water. Then I would probably wish that I had died on the island.

  25. Look around the area and where I am. I would try to find water and mark the the trees so I dont get lost as I search. I would then make myself a little hut of sorts to sleep on. i would make me a weapon suitable enough to hunt and make traps around the stream and my little home. I would start a huge bonfire and keep it going day and night so that someone would see the smoke and come and get me

  26. I would probably enjoy everything that is around me. After a while I would probably freak out a bit because I love food and it would be hard to find food. I would always try to keep walking in order to find food and actual people.

  27. I would first gather supplies like food, stuff to make shelter, and wood for a fire. Id make the shelter first just in case I were to be stuck for a while. Then fish for some food or get some coconuts. Ill make the fire to keep me warm and when the weather gets warm ill add lots and lots of leaves onto the fire so it makes lots of smoke so someone will see me. Also write SOS in the sand.

  28. i would try my best to survive
