Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Zen Parables

Part one of journal

Zen parables are simple stories originally used to teach aspiring monks about Buddhism.  Zen parables contain a paradox, a contradiction that is true.  Read the following Zen parable.  Identify the following on your notecard:


Muddy Road
Tanzan and Ekido were once travelling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling.
Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection.
"Come on, girl," said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her over the mud.
Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he no longer could restrain himself. "We monks don't do near females," he told Tanzan, "especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?"
"I left the girl there," said Tanzan. "Are you still carrying her?"

When you are done, just wait for your classmates and leave this journal open.

Part two of journal

With your group members, write a Zen parable about one of the following topics:

1. a person who becomes rich by giving something away
2. a competition that is won through losing
3. an enemy who becomes a friend when he or she is trusted
4.  DANGEROUS SITUATION that changes when a person stops feeling fear.

*this should be short, to the point, and contain a paradox.  Choose just ONE member of the group to type your Zen parable, and post it to the journal.  This journal post should only have 4 posts per class.


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    2. In a land far away their was a competittion going on to win the heart of The Princess. A man named Juan wanted to win so bad, he trained e did not know how bad The Princess was. everyday to win the tournament. The tournament had arrived, and Juan headed off to the Palace. The tournament took place and Juan lost. He didn't know that the princees was a royal pain

    3. Paradox- He wanted her because he didn't know she was a pain
      Moral- Know someone before it's to late.

    4. The paradox is that Juan wanted to win the heart of the princess even though she was a royal pain.

      The moral is know someone before you fall in love with them.

    5. the paradox is he did know she was a pain in the butt but Juan still wanted that princess. the moral is know someone before its too late.

  2. Billy was a rich man, but was not rich in happiness and other feelings. One day he saw a homeless person and felt like he could help. He gave him $10,000 and then went to a homeless shelter and gave all his money away. Billy was now homeless, but was rich in happiness and learned to enjoy his life to the fullest.

    1. 1.) The meaning of this parable is that people do not need money to be happy. (Money is not always richness.)

      2.) He helped others become rich when he himself became poor and happy.

    2. The meaning would be that everyone can be happy even though they don't have money.
      The paradox is that he wasn't rich with money but with happiness.

    3. 1. You don't need money to be rich.
      2. He was rich, but not with money.

    4. You don't need money to be happy, because he is homeless doesn't mean he cant be rich and happy by being a good person

  3. A young man was moving and had decided he could not take everything with him to his new destination. He started giving away select possessions that he felt were unnecessary and when he moved to his new living area he felt an emptiness. But a voice in the back of his mind slowly broke through to him saying "You may have given away your physical possessions but you have gained pride and have been enriched with the dignity and humility you have gained through giving away these unnecessary things without hesitation.

    1. Paradox- The man gave away everything he had but gained pride by the end of his journey.
      Meaning- You can't take everything with you when you go places.

    2. The meaning of this is that, while he has fewer physical possesions, he has enhanced the life of others and therefore, his own life has been enriched.

      The paradox here is that he gained through giving things away. He gained nothing physically but spiritually he has been enriched.

    3. Paradox - Even though the young man was giving things away, and now he didn't have as many "things", he gave it away for a good reason, and in the end he should feel good about himself.

      Meaning of the Parable - Even when you give things away, you make yourself feel better internally.

  4. Special Olympics
    There were five seconds left on the clock. The crowd was cheering loudly. Chris was hoping this would be the game he scores. Sweat was beading down his forehead as the butterflies flew around in his stomach. He took the chance and shot the ball. The ball went around, and around and finally went in. The buzzer rang and the scoreboard read Chris's team 10 and the opposing team 20. Even though the team lost, it was the happiest day of his life.

    1. Meaning: Take pride in what you do, play to have fun
      Paradox: He took pride in what he had accomplished and had fun even though his basketball team had lost.

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  7. Joe Shmoe wakes up the morning of the marathon pumped, he begins to run the marathon. Half way through the marathon someone fell, everyone ran by the man who had fallen besides Joe Shmoe, Joe helped the man up while everyone else just stepped over him. At the end of the race Joe lost, but a man in a suit came out with cameras presenting Joe with a check for 1 million dollars telling him he was on an hidden camera show and Joe had won for helping the man get up. Joe lost the marathon but left feeling like a winner.

    1. Paradox - Joe lost the race, but he won in his and the viewers hearts
      Meaning - Do unto others what you would want done unto you

    2. Meaning is even though you may lose the race, a good act will always be rewarded.

    3. The meaning of the parable is that the man still won while he lost.

  8. The girl's soccer team couldn't seem to get along before the big game. They knew it would be a tough game, but they couldn't seem to work together. The game started and they were all fighting and yelling at each other. After half time, they found a rhythm and a way to work as a team. They ended up losing the game 3-1, but they all found a new friendship and family.

    Meaning: a competition that is won through losing

    1. a competition that is won through losing

    2. Meaning: A competition that is won through losing.
      Paradox: They ended up losing the game 3-1, but they all found a new friendship and family.

    3. competition is won through losing- meaning
      lost game but gained friendship

    4. A competition that is won through losing.
      The ended up losing the game 3-1 but gained friendship.

    5. The meaning is a competition is won through losing.
      The paradox is they ended up losing the game but wining a new friendship.

    6. They lost the game- but they won friendship

  9. Eric was a homeless man who lived in a box. He met Luke Bryan outside of Walmart one day. Luke's groceries were all over the ground due to his bag being broke. Eric notices the situation and gives his box to Luke, to carry his groceries in. Luke then returns to Walmart a week later with a news crew, searching for Eric. He locates Eric and they interview him about his good deed. Therefore the local citizens recognize Eric and courteous actions.

    1. Meaning: A good deed can be notice.
      Paradox: Eric is homeless man and helps Luke with his groceries

    2. The meaning is that you can still get something when everything you have is gone.
      The paradox is he only had a box then he gave the box away and then got recognized for it.

    3. Paradox: Eric gave away the only thing he had but in return he was given recognition

      Parable Meaning: Eric gave away the only thing he had but in return he was given recognition

  10. Haley and her soccer team prepared for weeks to play in the 2014 annual Memorial Day tournament. There were 6 minutes left of their championship game, and Haley was two steps away from scoring the winning goal. A girl from the other team, who looked like a walking tree, ran into her. Haley flew across the field and sat up holding her ankle. It was broken; Haley was unable to play. With three minutes left, the opposing team scored three goals. Haleys team, now playing for Haley was able to score two of the back. The buzzer rang, and the game was over. Haleys team lost 5-4. For the first time, her team had played as if they all wanted to be there. Although they physically lost, her team was closer than ever.

    1. Although they have physically lost the game, they won in the end by the bonding of the team

    2. Lost a team player and gained a team connection and bond.

  11. Meaning: A game that was won by losing. Although Haley's team lost by one point, they all became closer as a team.

  12. Ashlyn was the poorest person in Gettysburg. She begged and begged for money, but no one gave her anything. One day she was dumpster digging in the largest dumpster in Gettysburg. She was in the Montezuma's parking lot just digging around. Then she felt something hard and cold. She grabbed a hold of it and pulled it out. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was a taco shaped like a heart! She got so excited that she dropped it again. She reached down and pulled it out. This taco was shaped like a perfect heart. She jumped out of the dumpster and ran inside. As she ran inside, she ran right into a fat lady. The lady looked back and eye-balled the taco. "I'm from Mexico and I want to bring back a souvenir, but I haven't found the right thing to bring back home. This taco is perfect! I'm willing to pay you $50,00 for this taco," the lady yelled. "Sure why not," Ashlyn said. In less than 24 hours, Ashlyn went from the poorest person in Gettysburg, to the richest!
