Friday, April 4, 2014


Summarize your chapters from yesterday!


  1. Ishmael hid in the bush and ate strange fruit for a week or more, then he met up with some people from his village and they went from town to town looking for food and shelter.

  2. In the chapters yesterday Ishmael found a group of boys and started to walk with them. They came to a village and found an old man that was left behind. People were scared of them and would move when they came near their village.

  3. Ishmael was hiding in a bush for more than a week, Next he met some friends from his village and then there were seven boys savaging for food and shelter.

  4. The rebels attacked the village Ishmael and his friends were in so the boys got split up in the process of running away. Ishmael wandered by himself for a good while in the woods and on gravel paths. He ran into a group of 6 boys that he kind of new from his village and joined their group. The group of 7 boys then became feared because many thought they were rebels. Ishmael has not seen his brother since.

  5. Ishmael was by himself hiding in a bush. He ran into some wild pigs that tried to attack him. After the pigs left he began eating mysterious fruit. After walking for another while he ran into a group of boys and joined them. Now everyone is scared of them because they think that the boys our rebels.

  6. Yesterday in the book Ishmael found a few people that he knew that were in a group with a few other boys so he decided to join that group. They walked to villages and the people were scared of them because they were in such a large pack they didn't know if they were good or bad boys.

  7. After the rebels began to attack the village, Ishmael and his group of friends got split up while trying to get away from them. They went wondering through the woods and found a new group of friends from his village and joined along with them to be safer. Many people were still scared of them because they were accused of burning villages and killing families.

  8. Ishmael and a group of boys he found walked to a village together. On their journey together, the came upon an old man that was in a house that they found. The old man gave them food and told the boys to leave. He did not give the boys his name because he said it did not matter and he was going to die anyways.

  9. \Ishmael is all on his self and trying to live and struggling to find food and shelter. Then he finds these 6 guys that he has seen and he tags along and when they go to other villages the people are scared of them because they are young boys and the people think the boys are part of the rebels.

  10. In yesterdays reading Beah was attempting to travel to a sort of safehaven, free from the rebels. It was a long journey and his attempts to get them cost him more than a month by himself in the wilderness. He lived own his own in the forest, and survived by eating a mysterious fruit, and sleeping in trees to free himself from predators. He eventually found a group of boys about his age, who he had met during a flogging. they then worked together to find shelter and food

  11. Ishmael left to travel to a safer place, where the rebels would not be. He lived by himself in the wilderness for a while and ate mysterious fruit. Wild hogs chased after him and he slept in trees many nights. He found another group of boys his age and they worked together to survive. The boys also ran into an old man who was left behind when a village heard the boys were coming.

  12. Ishmael survived in the bushes (jungle) , and ate strange fruits that haven't been identified.

  13. Ishmael hid in the jungle and made basically a hammock out of the leaves. He ate the strange fruits, which turned out not to be poisonous

  14. After the rebels began to attack the village, Ishmael and his group of friends got split up while trying to get away from them. They went wondering through the woods and found a new group of friends from his village and joined along with them to be safer. Many people were still scared of them because they were accused of burning villages and killing families

  15. In the chapters yesterday, Ishmael was trying to travel to a safe town to stay. In his travels he encountered sleeping in various trees and escaping the wild pigs. He also ran into 6 other boys that he knew from school in Mattra Jong. They were known as the "seven boys." These boys worked together to find food and shelter.

  16. Ishmael went into hidding in the jungle and is learning to survive on his own

  17. Ishmael left to find a safer place. He was in the wilderness for many nights by himself where he slept in trees and struggled to avoid the wild boars that lived there. He came across another group of teenage boys, who took him in and together they traveled to a village.

  18. Ishmael left his hiding place to find a safer one. He stayed in many different villages on his way, all on his own. He had to learn to cope with the voices in his head and the constant loneliness.

  19. Ishmael got separated from his brother. It was only him and a friend. But soon he left him and went to travel. He spent most of the time in the forest. Once he was out of the forest, he encounter 6 boys who invited him.They were frighten by the 7 boys. Most of towns people because they mistook them for rebels.

  20. Ishmael left the boys and went out into the jungle alone. He was very lonely, but then met up with a group of six boys.

  21. Ishmael lost all of his friends and went out on his own. He survived in the jungle for a while and then decided to leave. He was walking on a path when he runs into a group of guys that he is kind of familiar with. He continues to be with this group and travel with them.

  22. Went hiding in the woods and was gone for a month, and made a home for time being. He was able to get fruit and fresh water that was close to his home. He left after a heard of wild pigs chased after him, he was afraid that this might happen again. He felt lonely because he has not talked to anyone for over a month, but then he meet some boys, and they went to this one old guys house.

  23. In the chapters from yesterday, Ishmael needed to travel to a safe village. He ended up sleeping in abandon villages. He needed food and escaped wild hogs. He found boys he knew from school. They started working together.

  24. In the chapters yesterday Ishmael was left in the forest until he found a group of boys and started to walk with them. They came to a village and found an old man that was left behind and he gave them directions from for the next city. People were scared of them and would move when they came near their village.

  25. Ishmael left his group to find safety. He was lonely and the only living thing he came face to face with for a while were animals and snakes. He had to eat strange fruit that he'd never seen before. He slept in trees and escaped wild pigs. He ran into another group of boys that he new from school and was given food and a safe place to sleep by an old man.

  26. Ishmael and his friends got caught by the rebels. The rebels selected a few that they wanted to take into their group. When led into the woods too kill the rest, the rebels heard gunshots and everyone scattered. The friends split up and then eventually found each other after they knew they were safe from the rebels to get out of hiding. They wandered on to find a new place. They eventually landed at a village where they farmed for a few months. That was the last place where Ishmael and his friends saw each other. He wandered alone for a while and tried to find a village to stay. However, nobody trusted him. He eventually met up with some other guys and is now wandering with them.

  27. The rebels had attacked Kamator, the village Ishmael and his friends were in. During the attack Ishmael got separated from his brother and friends. Ishmael wandered alone through different villages and got lost in a jungle. In order to get food Ishmael ate strange fruit he found in the jungle. When he was leaving the jungle he came across some boys he recognized from Mattru Jong. They went to a village where there was an old man and he gave the boys food, shelter, and directions for some island that was safe.

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