Monday, April 28, 2014

Thursday- Rankin

Re-read your journal from yesterday. From what we see of Rankin so far, how would you differ from his reaction?


  1. I can't respond today! I wasn't in school yesterday, SWAG

  2. He acted really calm from the beginning of the ejection. I would not stay calm in the beginning, I would freak out and forget to check everything. I would just close my eyes and hope for the best.

  3. I probably wouldn't be as calm as he is while free-falling.

  4. Rankin was a lot more calmer than we would have been. He has had prior experience parachuting. Rankin was recalling his last checks before his fall instead of freaking out.

  5. Rankin was very different from my reaction, he was really calm and i would be very scared but it would be fun.

  6. He was pretty calm and I wouldn't be. Also he was kind of okay with the situation he was in and I wouldn't be..

  7. Rankin seemed like he was shocked at first, as I would too, but then he started to feel pain and that made him feel relief because the pain was letting him know that he was still alive and still there, while I would've been freaking out the entire time. From the minute I left the plane, to the minute I hit the ground

  8. Well the difference from me and Rankin is that he was a lot more calm than I would be. Also he knows what to do when he jumps out of a plane and I don't.

  9. I would differ because i have no experience or training so i wouldn't know what to do with my body or how to pull my parachute. I definitely wouldn't have know what the decompression was, so the pain would have completely caught me off guard and i probably would have died.

  10. Rankin's reaction was a lot more sensible than mine would be. He's calm, cool, and collected...or at least as much as he can be for the situation he is in. My predicted reaction was frantic and nervous while Rankin just did what he had to do with out thinking deep into it.

  11. I would of done different things like the superman pose, and sang Free Fallin

  12. The way Ranking was so calm while doing all the actions that he was doing I would not be able to be that calm. I would probably be freaking out and screaming the whole way down.

  13. My journal response was completely different to Rankin, considering he was focused on his pain and survival and i was thinking otherwise.

  14. I would be a lot more frantic because I don't have the training to make myself more confident in myself that I will survive.

  15. Compared to me, he was really calm! I wasnt experiencing the physical changes that he was. But he wasnt screaming and wasn't peeing his pants. I was!

  16. Rankin was in control of the situation, he didnt freak out as much as most would. I would panic a bit at the beginning then try to get a hold of myself and handle the situation. I dont know if I could handle the pain as much as well as he did.

  17. My reaction was probably pretty on-point with his. The biggest difference would be that while he was extremely calm throughout the whole thing, whereas I would have been screaming while I was attempting to land alive.

  18. He was trained to be calm but he was freaking out in the inside. He was a brave man keeping his cool. My self, I would not keep my cool.

  19. Rankin was calm and knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He was level headed and was balanced in his mind.

  20. I would probably freak out even more. Now that I know all the things that would happen to me I couldn't stay calm.

  21. Rankin was calm and was thinking rationally. I would have panicked and I would not have known what to do if I was in Rankin's position.

  22. Rankin's reaction was more calm compared to my reaction. He was very calm in knowing what he needed to do to survive the fall, in my reaction i was freaking out and would not know what to do. Ranking was smart in his actions and he survived, I am not sure if I would be able to survive.

  23. I would probably be less calm than him. he stayed calm and stuck to his training, but i would flip out and probably messing something up.

  24. Rankin seemed very calm in spite of everything that was going on. I would be freaking out. I also would just be flinging around and wouldn't be thinking at all about how to fix anything, like grabbing the oxygen mask. I would just be thinking about the pain and when I hit the ground.

  25. Rankin was much calmer jumping out of the plane than I would have been. I would have been screaming and crying instead of going through a checklist to keep myself alive.

  26. Well I wouldn't be as calm as he was.
    From: Isaac

  27. Rankin was extremely calm when he was being ejected from the plane, while I would've panicked and not known what to do.

  28. I see us both being calm but excited in the situation, but i feel as if i would be more focused on the view i was taking in, more then the pain that was being forced upon my body. I would take more care into what would be surrounding me at every angle.

  29. Rankin controls his feelings as much as he can when he is ejected from the plane. He is extremely clam, due to his past training he has knowledge on what he should do in the situation. I would definitely not be as calm as he was. I would probably scream and not be able to control myself as much as he did.

  30. Rankin was calm and focused on what he needed to do to survive while I would have panicked and not been able to think straight.

  31. My reaction was more "amateur" as opposed to Rankin's response which was more experienced. If I were in that situation, I would be very scared, panicked, uncertain, and unexperienced. Rankin's reaction was calm, precise, and disciplined. He knew exactly what was suppose to happen and how his body was suppose to react to it. I would be scared of the unknown, and I don't think I would be able to see the positive as he did when he said that he was conscious and thinking.
