Thursday, April 17, 2014

Monday- Quiz

please log into

Here is your room number:  201032

Please be quiet while everyone answers the questions.  When you are done, summarize the three chapters in 5-7 sentences as a journal entry.


  1. He gets picked up by UNICEF and taken to Freetown so that he can learn to act like a boy again.

  2. Ishmael becomes more and more ferocious and dangerous as a child soldier and starts to become the type of person he originally had feared. Ishmael also starts to suffer from migraines and eventually passes out after a major one and is hospitalized. While he is a t the hospital he meets a nurse who is willing to help him and make him feel better. The nurse gives him medicine and takes him to the city of Freetown where he is amazed at the city. As a gift the nurse gives him a walkman and tapes for his enjoyment.
