Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Friday: A Long Way Gone

What is your favorite part of the novel A Long Way Gone (so far)?  Why?


  1. The part with the man in the fishing hut because he was not supposed to help the boys who had been banished but he did anyway. He also seemed to be not quite right in the head, but that just made him funny.

    1. What theme does this support?

    2. This supports the theme that not all people want to hurt you, some people just want to help everyone who needs help.

  2. My favorite part of A Long Way Gone was when the seven guys were together and they fought for food and other stuff.

    1. It is an African Clique. It was so fun to read their adventures of being captured and other stuff.

  3. My favorite part was when the boys were on the beach and they kind of forget about what was happening. They had fun playing soccer with themselves and being at the beach together.

    1. Did this remind you of a personal memory?

    2. No because first off I'm not running from rebels, and second I have never played soccer on the beach.

  4. When they had to dance to stay alive, and because i feel like it was a happy time for him

  5. My favorite part was when Ishmael had to make a hammock out of the branches in the trees, and eat the strange berries. Entertaining is certainly the wrong word, but it was interesting to read.

    1. Did you learn how to make a hammock?

    2. Yes. If I am ever in the situation where I need to make a hammock to survive, I'll be able to. I think I may be a little bit too heavy to sleep in a hammock made of leaves up in the trees, unfortunately. Not to mention that heights are scary....

  6. My favorite part was when they were on the beach and they started to have a little fun and started to play soccer.

  7. My favorite part so far was when the boys were on the beach enjoying themselves and playing around. I like this part because the boys seemed to feel a sense of happiness even though it didn't last that long.

  8. My favorite part is when Ishmael describes how he swims to the bottom of the river and lets the current take him along the sandy bottom.

  9. My favorite part is when they were on the beach and the guy was bringing them food that was different from the random fruit they were eating. It was my favorite because that particular part was a relief for everyone.

  10. the way Ishmael can survive, and how he gets use to his surroundings and the places he goes.

  11. My favorite part is when they find the hut on the beach, and the man turned out to help them. Its my favorite because it shows that there are still some good people in this world.

  12. My favorite part was when they found the Yele tribe and the nice man fixed their burnt feet. After they rested for awhile they played soccer and danced. It seemed like a good time because they were all forgetting about the war and all the negativity that was going on.

  13. My favorite part of A Long Way Gone has to be when Ishmael becomes really excited about seeing his family but his whole world turned upside down. Even though the thing that happened before he went to go see his family was hard, it shows how things really happen. What happened to Ishmael was real but it happens to people all the time. When life seems like it is going to go well, life decides to turn everything around.

  14. My favorite part in the book so far is when Ishmael was out on his own. He showed that he can survive on his own. For such a young age, he did pretty good on his own.

  15. When he runs from the wild boar and hides up in a tree. It gave me a chuckle.

  16. My favorite part of the book so far was when the old man told the boys where the boys should go next. This was my favorite part because he was left by his village, but he was still happy, and still helpful to the boys.

  17. My favorite part is when he is in the Jungle on his own, surviving on the land around him. It was pretty cool when he hid in the tree from the boar, he described the way they looked very well.

  18. My favorite part of the book is the time when they discover the hut on the beach and the fisherman offers his help to them. I enjoyed that part because during the whole book the boys are running scared but when they get there they feel a sense of safety. People in the tribes are so against the boys but that fisherman understood their problem and gave them help.

  19. Its hard to distinguish a favorite part of the book considering its all so terrible and violent but I digress. My favorite part of the book so far was probably when Ishmael meets up with his "companions" from a flogging.

  20. My favorite part of the book is when the boys come across a village and the only person there is an old man. This is my favorite part because the old man is content and happy despite the fact that everyone left him.

  21. My favorite part was when the host saved the boys, and let them stay in the hut until they were healed,,

  22. It's all pretty harsh and not very happy, but my favorite part is when they meet up with the old man and he helps them out, just because it's very touching but sad at the same time.

  23. My favorite part of the book is when they found the old man who was really nice and showed them directions.

  24. My favorite part is when the man in the fishing hut helps the boys and gives them food and a place to sleep.

  25. My favorite part of the book so far was when Ishmael and the boys got to enjoy themselves on the beach. This was my favorite part because it was nice to read about them being happy for once and having fun because everyone needs to enjoy themselves every once in a while.

  26. I don't exactly have a favorite part, but I like how every time so far they are about to get killed, kidnapped, or something bad is going to happen they are able to get out of it. It shows how smart they or how lucky they get.

  27. My favorite part was when they ran in to the old man in the village. He was kind and helpful to them. He cared for them even when he got left behind by his own people.

  28. My favorite part of the book was when Ishmael and his traveling companions reached the beach. The beach was my favorite part because they finally reached a place where they could rest and not have to really worry about anything.

  29. My favorite part of the book is when the boy come across the old man. To me, he symbolized happiness because he was so content. He was the "light at the end of the tunnel." He knew that terrible things were happening but he was still happy and giving towards the boy.

  30. My favorite part of the book is when they came to the beach and meet the one village and was almost sent into the ocean to be killed and stayed in the hut of the man

  31. My Favorite part of the book is when Ishmael is goes to the forest to and climb the tree to escape from the wild boar

  32. My favorite part of the book was when they found the old man left behind in one of the villages. it really showed the theme of the story.

  33. My favorite part of the book so far was when Ishmael discovered all of the different fruits and berries along the creek, and then later had to sleep in those trees.
