Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday- Justification

The situation:  you're at home.  You got invited to you best friend's birthday party.  You are in bad standing with your parents because you came home late on Friday.  You have two options.

Option one:  you walk through the door, throw your backpack on the couch, and change into another outfit.  On your way downstairs, you ignore your parents.  As you're walking out the front door, you yell to your sibling:  "Yo, going to a party.  Peace out, word to my motha."

Option two:  you calmly come inside and have a polite discussion with your parents about the party that you would like to attend.  You tell them it is important and explain your reasons for coming home late last weekend.  You promise to never do it again.

Which one will go over better and why?  PS- be serious....


  1. ~ Option Two would go better because even if my parents wouldn't let me go after politely talking to them, I think they would at least be happy that I sat down and talked to them before just walking out the door.

  2. Option 2 because it is a more mature and responsible decision.

  3. Option two would go over better because my parents appreciate it when I respect them, and when I sit down and talk to them. If i just walk out the door they won't believe that i am honestly sorry for coming home late.

  4. Option 2 would most likely go over better with my parents because they are the type of parents who ask for respect and discipline, but can be very laid back about things as well. Option Two fits their parenting style and it would fit my style of being a good child.

  5. If you are trying to go to the party you would probably do the first one but you would upset your parents. The second one would go over better but there still is the chance that you might not be able to go to the party. Personally i would choose option 3 which is sneak out

  6. Option 2 because you are talking to your parents with more respect and then they might let you go.

  7. Option two because is a more respectful way to act towards your parents and they will be more likely to consider letting you go to the party.

  8. Option number two is a better decision due to the fact that our parents would respond better to a mature and respectable way of handling things. If I just walked out and didn't talk to my parents, then they would be infuriated, but if I talked to my parents, they would most likely let me go because I was polite and courteous.

  9. I would choose option two, if my parents are already mad at me, then there is a greater chance that they will become angrier at me. Talking things out is always better than to keep the aura tense.

  10. I would probably do option two. If I show my parents that I'm responsible enough to confront my parents about my mistakes they might let me go. Plus I don't think I could actually do option one.

  11. Lauren Guise- I would choose option 2 because you have a better chance of being able to go if you ask and if they are already mad about last week it would be much worse if you just said you're going and leave.

  12. I would go with option two because it's the mature way to handle the situation and it would get me in less trouble than I was already in.

  13. I would go with option two because it is easy to talk to my mom about situations like that. Option two is also more mature and will most likely give me a better outcome.

  14. Option 2 because you get to go to the party and you are on good terms with your parents.

  15. I would go with option two because it is way more mature and if I talk to my parents like that, I wouldn't be going anywhere. That would only had to the trouble.

  16. I guess I would pick option 2 :/ parents, or really anybody with authority of any kind likes to be treated with respect. Option one is funnier though...

  17. Option two- this is because it wouldnt get me in anymore trouble, and my parents would see me more as an adult.

  18. Option 2 would be the better situation for me. It is more respectful to my parents and gives more of a chance for them to accept my apologize, rather than me acting like a thug saying "peace out word to my motha."

  19. In reality i would do option two but for the sake of the journal i choose option one. This would put me on good terms with my parents, wouldn't anger them, and they may let me go to the party anyway. Peace out journal

  20. Option two because one I would like to not be killed by my mom and two its the more respectable and approachable way of actually getting to go to the party.

  21. I would choose option two because it's mature and respectful and there would be a better outcome.

  22. I would mix them together. I would calmly sit them down and talk to them while also using early 90s slang.

  23. Option two would definitely go better because if you just ran out the door your parents would probably get even more mad. Option two is a mature and reasonable way to handle the situation.

  24. Option two would result in a better outcome, and it is more mature to talk to your parents like that.

  25. Option two because it is the more responsible way to handle things and your parents would most likely say yes if they see that you can handle something like this.

  26. Option two because I was raised that way and that is the polite way to proceed with that situation. My parents would get even madder at me if I ran out the door. Option two handles the situation maturely and in a responsible and respectful manner.

  27. Option Two; If i was to do the first one then my parents would probably ground me till Im thrity for "direspecting" them and would never be aloud to go over to any of my friends house again. My parents would also reason more with the second choice and might alow me to go.

  28. the second one because parents like when children cummucate with them, and child and parent need to talk to understand eachother
