Tuesday, April 8, 2014


What is the theme of this song, and how do you know?


  1. Being happy, more than a third of the words are "Happy" "Happiness" or something similar.

  2. The theme of this song is happy because it is very happy and exciting sounding..

  3. The theme is happiness because it says happy a lot.

  4. The song's theme is happy because it says "Happy" over 9000 times. I feel like I want to shoot myself when I listen to this song.

  5. The theme is happy because it talks about all the things that can go wrong but people are still happy when they happen.

  6. The theme of the song is happy, and he constantly repeats the word happy. He uses repetition of words

  7. The theme of this song is happiness because it is faster, with uplifting beats, and it talks about happiness a lot.

  8. The theme of this song is about being happy. I know because it is upbeat and the tempo is fast. Also the key of the song is also in a major making the song bright and jumpy. Not only that but the lyrics explain what people seem to be like when they are happy.

  9. The theme of this song is Happy because the song is just so uplifting and bright. The song is called Happy and basically every other word is happy.

  10. The theme of this song is Happy because it has an uplifting beat and the word happy is said many, many times.

  11. The theme is about being happy. In the song it repeats the word "happy" many times

  12. Don't worry be happy because it is postive with fast tempo and upbeat notes.

  13. Every reason to be happy, because of the upbeat tempo and how simple and fast the song is.

  14. There is no reason to not be happy in life.

  15. The theme is be happy no matter what because Pharrell is talking about how you should do whatever you want and not care what people think.

  16. to try to bring his spirit down but he will always be happy

  17. The Theme of this song is to be happy in life. Its to make everyone happy no matter what.

  18. The theme is to be happy and do not let other people both you. i know this because of the lyrics.

  19. The theme of this song is to be happy because there is always a reason to smile. I know this because of the words expressed in the song along with the beat and tone.

  20. The theme to the song is happy. The tempo is upbeat and they repeat the word happy tons of times.

  21. The theme is happy because the song is very upbeat and exciting. It also repeats "because I'm happy" a lot.

  22. the theme of this song is obviously happiness considering it repeatedly says happy and i'm happy

  23. happiness,, because he repeats happy many times

  24. The theme of the song is to be happy because the song is upbeat and makes you want to sing/dance along

  25. The theme is that bad things might happen but if you have a positive outlook on life, and you try to be happy, you'll be able to get through it.

  26. The theme of the song is to be happy and just enjoy the little things in life. You can know if you listen to the lyrics because they tell a story.

  27. The theme is being happy. I know because in the lyrics it talks about just enjoying life

  28. The theme of the song is to be happy. You can tell because if you listen to the lyrics he repeats the word happy many times

  29. The theme of this song to joy and being happy, the way it is upbeat and repeates the word happy

  30. The theme is happy. The way the singer is singing his song and he repeats the word happy.
