Thursday, March 6, 2014


Why is it so important to be aware of point of view?


  1. The POV changes the mood and tone. If you are aware o the POV you can understand each side of the story.

  2. It changes the tone of the story and it explains different perspectives of other people

  3. You can understand whats happening in the story with different feelings.

  4. Point of view can change a story completely

  5. It changes the tone of the story and helps you get a better feel of what is going on

  6. The point of view changes the mood and it shows different sides of a story.

  7. The point of view changes the tone and mood of the story.

  8. If you know the point of view, you know exactly who is talking to whom.

  9. Point of views changes how the audience feels about the story, and changes what we know about the characters and the situation.

  10. The POV can change the mod and tone of the story. It can also can show the emotion of the character and that is going on.

  11. Sets the tone mood and any other important aspect of the story.

  12. The point of view is important to know so that you know what side of the story is being told, and you get the mood and tone of the story too.

  13. To understand who is telling and certain information about certain characters.

  14. If you change the POV you change how the story is told. Giving you a whole new perspective on an event. ex. Someone reporting on 9/11 vs someone who survived 9/11

  15. P.O.V changes what you know, and it affects the mood and tone, it also changes the way you see the story.

  16. It changes the mood of the story and it helps the reader to comprehend the article that they are reading.

  17. To know what side of the story you are getting

  18. The point of view is important to be aware of because it can completely change the way the story is told. It affects the mood, tone, and how the reader understands things.

  19. So you can know who is telling the story, and it effects all the events in the story

  20. So you know who is telling the story and what side of the story it is.

  21. To able to know what information the characters know. To help us understand what is happening to who. It gives away the tone and the mode of scene

  22. POV is important because its how you look at something so that it helps you understand.

  23. It can change the kind of information you know because it is a different person telling it. It changes the mood and the tone.

  24. It changes the mood and tone. It also changes how the reader feels towards the situation. Different point of views can cause the audience to feel a certain way towards something or someone.

  25. The point of view changes the mood and tone of the story. Point of view helps you understand different sides of the story, and it can change the amount of information you recieve.

  26. POV changes the readers perspective of the story and depending on the POV the mood/tone will change.

  27. It is so important to be aware of point of view so you can tell who is explaining the story, as well as the thoughts and feelings of other characters.

  28. It is important because it helps the reader know who is talking, what the mood of the story is, and why the character's opinions are the way they are.

  29. POV is important because it helps you to understand who is telling the story and how reliable they are as a source.

  30. It is important to be aware of point of view because this way the reader can undersatnd who is explaining the story and opinions
