Friday, January 31, 2014

Restate Prompt

Restate the following prompt using a compound sentence.

Write a response based on your opinion on this issue; is this a valid punishment, or is this inhumane?  Is there a better way to handle this situation?  Use three key details to support your argument (at least one detail should come from the article).


  1. Whether or not this is a valid, humane punishment or not or whether there is a better way to handle the situation has recently been a controversial question. Three reasons it is a valid punishment are...

  2. The punishment based on what the prisoners did was valid, they could have handled this situation a little better, but there are many supporting details to go along with the situation.

  3. Joe Arpaio issued an inhumane punishment, and there are better ways to handle this situation.

  4. The bread and water punishment forced onto the prisoners for destroying an American flag sticker is a valid punishment.

  5. The issue of giving men in prison a week with only bread and water for destroying the American flag is inhumane. I agree that they should be punished, but in a different way.

  6. In my opinion the punishment that was taken upon these 38 inmates was inhumane. There are other ways this situation could have been handled.

  7. The punishment was valid and it couldn't be handled in a better way. They aren't civilized, they defaced the american flag, and there are people in the United States that don't receive anything to eat.

  8. The inmates that disgraced the American flag deserved their punishment of only bread and water for 7 days.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The decision of the prison to punish the prisoners for their beliefs was disrespectful and inhumane for three reasons.

  11. The punishments were completely humane because they're inmates, which means they already committed various crimes that put them in jail. They should not be subjected to specialties. Defacing government property is illegal and cannot go without action. There was no better way of handling this, than to strip them of the luxuries they already have.

  12. After reading "Sheriff Joe Arpaio 38 Arizona inmates who defaces flag to eat only bread, water", it is not right and inhumane.

  13. This punishment to feed inmates bread and water is a valid, but it could be handled in better ways.

  14. The correct course of action and the valid as well as humane action is to change the prisoner's meals. The desecration of the American flag is an extreme and federal crime which calls for punishment.

  15. The punishment was valid even though there could have been a better way to handle the situation and here are three reasons why.

  16. My opinion on this issue is that the punishment was and always will be entirely inhumane, and almost any other punishment would have been a better alternative. Blah blah blah.....

  17. The Punishment towards the prisoners was inhuman because it was viewed in a person view of an prison guard. The punishment could have been isolation or they could have had a higher person in charge to give out he punishment.

  18. This is a valid punishment, there is no better way to punish these inmates, there are three key supporting facts that prove that this is a valid punishment, and is not inhuman

  19. I feel this is a valid punishment because the bread that is given has enough nutrience and water. Yes the bread doesn't taste good, but those inmates were put in jail for a reason and destroying the american flag stickers didn't help their case. I think the situation was handled fine. Maybe not the man who issued the punishment, but the way it was handled was ok.

  20. The punishment of bread and water is a valid choice of punishment. There are other ways to punish the inmates but when the inmates are in a jail that plays "god bless America" every day, the inmates would have to know that there actions would have severe consequences.

  21. The punishment given to the prisoners was invalid and inhumane. There are multiple different alternative punishments that would have been more appropriate for this situation.

  22. Joe Arpaio's decision to punish the inmates the way he did was a valid punishment.

  23. This punishment is not inhumane. They are already in jail so obviously they already did something wrong. They aren't learning their lesson so more things need to be taken away until they do. The bread served may not taste good, but it does have everything that they need.

  24. I do not feel that the sheriff gave the prisoners a fair punishment for their actions. According to the article the prisoners defaced an American flag which can stem some decent punishment but once all the details leaked out, this was actually not the case. They defaced a sticker of the American flag which is not really that bad. He also made them live off of nutraloaf and water for a week opposed to bread and water. The sheriff could have given the prisoners many different punishments that were not as rash and unreasonable.

  25. This is a very valid punishment for the prisoners because they have made the decision to disrespect our country by destroying the american flag, and that is government property. The prisoners did this no one else. So, they will have to deal with it no matter the consequences.

  26. The punishment declared by Sheriff Joe Arpaio from the article "Sheriff Joe Arpaio: 38 Arizona inmates who defaced flag to eat only bread, water," was inhumane. There were many other possible ways to handle the situation.

  27. The punishment of bread and water is a valid punishment for the crime that the men at the Arizona Prison committed.

  28. Enforcing a diet of bread and water to inmates who defaced American flags in their jail cells is a valid punishment. This is a valid punishment in three main ways.

  29. I believe it is a valid punishment, because the criminals to get to prison had to take the action of a crime to be there. The criminals could be in a lot worst conditions, they should be glad they even have food to eat. Also it is fair,because the bread is nutritious and has many protein and vegetables in it, so they are being feed fairly. The taste should not matter they should just be happy to be alive.

  30. The punishment given by Joe Arpaio to feed inmates bread and water is a valid punishment for inmates who defaced the American flag. Since the bread has nutrients there is no threat to their life. The American flag is a symbol of nationalism, pride, and freedom. Inmates who destroy the symbol of it threaten our country by providing that they want to destroy the foundation of it. Therefore, actions need to be made to make the inmates aware that their actions are not acceptable.

  31. sorry i wrote "i believe' my bad

  32. The punishment that Joe Arpaio issued to the inmates was a valid punishment to the inmates that vandalised and disrepected the flag.

  33. The punishment of bread and water is a fair punishment for the people that destroyed the flag
