Monday, January 27, 2014

3- Weekend

What did you do this weekend?  What did your horoscope read today, and is it coming true?


  1. This weekend I went to my friends house. For the first time in 3 years, I went ice skating. My inspiration is a quote from Shinichi Suzuki. It is important to me because as a musician, learning to accept different styles and different people.

  2. I helped my dad coach a volleyball tournament. My inspiration Thon and it is important to me because I have been involved with it for most of my life.

    1. I also went snowboarding with Matt in a Winnie the pooh costume.

  3. This weekend i went to volleyball. My inspiration is a quote and I picked it because its motivation.

  4. My weekend was very busy. On Friday, i went to the girls home basketball game. Then on Saturday I went about 2 hours away in Maryland for a field hockey tournament. Later that day I went to Olive Garden for dinner! Sunday i had to get up early again to leave for Susquehanna University for a Indoor track meet. I came in 9th out of like 30 some girls in the mile, with a new personal record of 5:47! After my race, my dad and I went to the Hershey Bears ice hockey game. My inspiration for today is my parents because they did a lot for me this weekend and i want to strive to do my best for them.

    1. oh and also the women's USA field hockey team because someday I dream of being that on that team

  5. This is weekend I worked at the PA vs Maryland basketball tournament. My inspiration is a quote and it is important because it helps me with sports and my everyday life.

  6. This weekend I went to the girls' basketball game, and saw the movie Catching Fire. For my inspiration i brought in a fortune I got got a couple months ago, it say "Be a Winner". This is important to me because I keep it hung up in a place where I can see it everyday. This starts each day with a positive outlook for me.

  7. I went skiing and I went to a party. My inspiration is a family friend who lost his legs in Iraq. His college roommate at Army is the wide receivers coach for the New York Giants. In the Giants last two Super Bowl wins, Greg motivated the team the night before the Big Game. He also stared in the movie "Battleship". Greg has two super bowl rings.

  8. This weekend I slept till noon both days and played videogames until I went to sleep. When I wasnt doing that I was chasing my dog around the house. My inspiration is my dog King, he was my 3rd ever pet. He is my inspiration because all I have to do if I get upset is think of what he looked like as a puppy compared to how much he grew up in the past 3 years.

  9. BTW I watched the Senior Bowl, X Games, and Pro Bowl

  10. My weekend had been extremely fun but at the same time fairly busy. On Friday I spent my evening at our team swim meet, everybody did well time-wise but we ended up losing. Saturday was a little more relaxed, had lunch with a family friend and then went to a friends Sweet 16 which was extremely fun, everybody enjoyed themselves. Sunday I went to the Y and participated in our Youth Group's kind of "fun day" where we played volleyball and basketball. Then I went skiing and snowboarding with friends and yes, one was wearing a Pooh Bear costume, all in all it was a fun weekend and to cap it off got to watch the Grammy's.

  11. I did absolutely everything i could do this weekend and by that i mean i did nothing. My inspiration for today was a U.S. Marshall badge it is important because this is where i am going in my career path hopefully

  12. This weekend I stayed up until 4 both nights and slept until about 12:30, I went to the PA v MD showcase. My inspiration is a quote from Eric Thomas "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful", it is important because it is very inspirational.

  13. This weekend I went out to eat dinner with the family, and afterwards went shopping. My inspiration was a quote, I want to live, not just survive. It makes me live in the present, and not take things for granted.

  14. This weekend I went over to Connor Staubs house, had my friend John come over, and went skiing with Levi, Tyler, and Matt. I read my horoscope last week and from what I recall it didn't really describe my personality and i don't think any of it came true.

  15. This weekend I went to the basketball game and then layed around and relaxed. My horoscope read that my interactions would lead to romanctic encounters. This sort of came true.

  16. I went out driving this weekend. My horoscope said that I was going to have a successful day, and it came true for the most part, if by successful you mean, nothing 'unsuccessful'.

  17. This weekend I went to Bay City in Hanover for dinner with my family, I also went to my cousins fifth birthday party. My horoscope said that i was going through something emotional whether it was positive or negative. I'm not really going through anything emotional currently although I was alittle upset that my indoor soccer practice was cancelled on Sunday.

  18. This weekend I worked on Saturday from 10-6 and then I went shopping on Sunday. My inspiration is my best friend, because we have been through so much together.

  19. This weekend I celebrated my younger sisters birthday. I also spent time with my older sister since she came home from college. My horoscope for today doesn't apply to me because it says that I know what I want and I am not afraid to say it.

  20. my weekend was nice I saw the movie Frozen and I HIGHLY recommend it. and my horoscope says "the planetary constellation may create a few waves in your close relationships, but don't let this bother you, as it is an entirely positive process. A minor issue may have been creating some stress of tension recently, but you finally manage to trace the cause back to its source and so bring about a speedy resolution. Just a little more give and take, and all will be well!" And surprisingly most of it is true.

  21. This weekend i had a special guest come over and attack me many times. We saw a very interesting movie that was very weird, but I still liked it. I also got tickets see my favorite band. I am very excited to go see them. It was my dogs birthday, he turned 3 years old. My horoscope is not coming true because i have thought of being an astrologist but I haven't become it.

  22. Friday night I went to the girls basketball with friends, Saturday all of my Uncles and male cousins were at my house to do our annual pig butchering. Sunday I went to church, did homework, and went snowmobiling with Cole. My horoscope said "Your continued good fortune depends on your ability to get up to speed in several areas of your life at once. The timeliness of your actions will make an enormous difference." I think this is talking about how we just changed all of our classes, and my grades will stay up as long as I get up to speed with all of the changes. It did come true.

  23. This weekend I went over to Chris Sanjuan's house and we watched the movie "Her" it was really weird.... but other than that my horoscope said I may be overworked and need to take things easy but I haven't really been stressed lately so this weekend it wasn't true.

  24. This Weekend I Watched My cousins Wrestling Tournament and chilled out at my house.My horoscope was Libra and I read it on Thursday, that horoscope is not coming true. The horoscope said that my dreams will shed light on a relationship, and my awareness and intuitive will be my cosmic gift for the weekend.

  25. I spent this weekend with my parents and friend. My horoscope said collaborating with others now can open doors to a colorful new world. I guess this came true.

  26. I was ice skating a lot this week on my pond, my horoscope said that I am waiting for a big message and I will not receive it, I guess I didn't receive it so its true.

  27. This weekend I hung out with my friend Emily and Haley. we went to the basketball game and ice skated. My horoscope said involvements of all kinds will strengthen which is kind of true.

  28. This weekend I went out to dinner Saturday night for my parents anniversary. Earlier that day I had finished working at my neighbors farm, and now I am back to my regular job. Sunday morning I went to church and went to visit my Grandfather afterwards. My horoscope did not really come true.

  29. This weekend was very funfilled for me. On Friday I went to the girls JV and Varsity basketball games. Saturday my dad and I went to my grandparents farm in Chambersburg. There we, cut wood, put fresh bedding in with all the animals, and road 4-wheelers in the fields and on the frozen pond. On Sunday my family and I stayed home, watched the Dukes of Hazzard 35th Anniversary Marathon all day. I also studied and did homework. My horoscope said I would have a very happy day and that I was feeling very close to those around. Relationships, friendships and career are secure. My horoscope is true for me right now.

  30. This weekend I went shopping with my sister and riding four wheelers. My horoscope for last Thursday was "your going to do something today, so embrace whatever it is." It did come true because I had a lot of work to do in yearbook to meet a deadline and I had to stay after school to do it all.

  31. I had a swim meet then, had a friend over. We went ice skating on the lake. Then later that day I went to another friends house, Sunday i went to an indoor track & field meet. My horoscope says "You know you're going to do something, so you may as well find a way to feel good about it." I guess this came true because when i competed this weekend i stayed close to my pr in shot, but i didnt get a pr, because i was throwing like a jav, and my coach thinks i will do well with javelin this year.

  32. This past weekend I made breakfast and spend the day with my boyfriend from Bermudian Springs. I later went on a drive up the mountain with a really close friend of mine and had a heart-to-heart. The next day, I worked (at the Brafferton Inn Bed and Breakfast) then had a lovely afternoon with a girl that graduated from this school last year who now attends Gettysburg College.
    My horoscope today (thanks to the DailyHoroscope app in the App Store) said, "A recent betrayal or disappointment that came from someone's bad behavior may have soured you on humanity for a while, Taurus. someone let you down and so naturally you are a bit more cynical than you were before this happened. that may be why you are feeling mistrustful of someone else - someone who had nothing to do with the original disappointment. But you do know, (don't you?), that that just isn't logical. Have a little more faith in the goodness that exists in the world."
    It is rather surprising to see how accurate that horoscope was on my day. It is 10:49 PM and I just now read the horoscope of the day, so it in no way had an effect on how I would view the day, but reading it at the end of the day, showed me just how accurate it can be. But, one also has to think, can't this just be a generalization? Nine times out of ten, any given person you meet on the street has been hurt at one time or another causing them not to trust people as easily. Could it not have been simply a lucky guess that that was how I was feeling today? There is a fine line that is drawn between coincidence, and fate. Could this be the fate of the stars? Or the coincidence of a generalization?
