Tuesday, January 28, 2014

4- Greek Mythology

What do you know about Greek mythology?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All of the gods and godesses represent something.

  3. Well its Greek and it has to do with Gods.

  4. I'm familiar with the different Gods and how each of them have different powers, but I'm not an expert. I need to refresh my memory and then it will all come back to me.

  5. Greek Mythology is beliefs and myths of ancient Greek. There is Hades, Zeus, etc. They are each gods of _________ . I read the Percy Jackson series so basically I am an expert.

  6. It talks about Greek Gods and Zeus...

  7. I know that it is Greek?? And that it talks about gods and goddesses.

  8. I know that there are 12 gods, and goddess. I know Zeus is the sky, Poseidon is the oceans, and Hades is the underground. They are all brothers and sisters. There is a lot of incest going on.They argue a lot.

  9. I know few things about Greek mythology. But i do know that all the Greek gods and goddesses are brothers and sisters. I know that Poseidon is like the god on the sea, and Hades is like the bad guy that lives underground.

  10. It's Greek and there are different gods and goddesses involved.

  11. I know that there is a minotaur, medusa, and zeus.
    Versace, Versace, Vercase,Medusa head on me like im iluminati.

  12. Zeus is the God of lighting. Poseidon is the God of the sea. Hades controls the underworld with this chick (cannot remember her name at the time). She was forced down to the underworld because she had sold something to him. Then there is Afrodiety (?) who is a Goddess of Love. I know the basics, but not too much.

  13. I don't know very much about Greek Mythology. But my father is from Greece, and every time I would talk to him, he would tell me stories. One story of mermaids seducing ships with their voices and killing the men on them. Another story of a woman who would reweave a blanket or a carpet or something because her husband went on a long journey and didn't come back for years and years and years, and the people said that she must remarry, but she didn't want to. So she said, when I finish weaving this, then I will remarry, and every night she would undo all her progress. Finally, her husband returned.

  14. Greek Mythology centers around the Greek Pantheon which is the group of Gods and Goddesses that the Greek people worshiped. These gods became the explanations of natural occurrences in the natural world such as lightning was thrown by Zeus, Hades took care of the dead and Poseidon was god of the Sea, and to shorten other things up Hercules and Percy Jackson are my boys and Aphrodite is extremely hot Athena isn't looking to bad either but she is a bit smart and Hera is a mama goose.

  15. I know some of the Greek Gods, but im not sure who is who, I really enjoy Greek Mythology. I know there is Zeus and Posiden but besides those two Im not really sure about anything about Greek Mythology.

  16. I know little about Greek mythology except the basic gods that most people are well aware of.

  17. Cronos eats his children, Cronos mates with his sister, and makes children. That Cronos can eat.

  18. I don't know much about Greek Mythology. I do know that Gods and Goddesses are involved.

  19. Greek Mythology has to do with the ancient Greek Gods & Goddesses and myths of the ancient Greek lifestyle.

  20. There are many stories and myths that exist in Greek Mythology and there are many gods.

  21. Greek Mythology is about the different gods and goddesses that were worshiped by the Greek people. Each god or godesses reflected/controlled different parts of the universe, such as posiden was god of the sea. Also, if any of the gods were angered the greek people believed that the gods would create some type of natural disaster in order to punish the people.

  22. I remember we did a play about it in 7th grade, it was the Odyssey. There were cyclopes in it and fairies.

  23. Poseidon is the god of the sea and he is half mermaid with his trident

  24. Well all greek gods have a special meaning behind them. I know that Aphrodite is the goddess of love and Poseidon is the god of the sea. Then Zeus is the main guy. He is the god of all gods. I know that there are other gods, but I dont remember the rest.

  25. I've heard of Aphrodite, Zeus and Poseidon but other than those I don't know much about greek mythology.

  26. Kronos the titan is Hades, Poseidon and Zeus's father. Poseidon is the God of the sea and happens to son named, Percy Jackson. Another god is Hades, ruler of the underworld. Then there is Zeus, the god of lightening. Medusa, Afrodiety, Aphrodite, Hera and etc. All the gods and goddesses are all brothers and sisters. The gods and goddesses do not always get along and tend to have arguments. Percy Jackson is a wonderful book and great movies, he is played by Logan Lerman, he is a god in our natural world (beautiful).

  27. I know that its about Gods and each one represents something different. There is Zeus, Afrodiate, Hercules, Medusa, and others. (Not sure if they are all spelled right)

  28. I know about the Big Three, Posiedon, Zeus, and Hades. They are brothers who are the son of Kronos, who is the leader of the Titans. At one point the three sons cut up their father into little pieces and threw him into Tartarus. I know there are a lot of creatures like cyclops, minotaurs, centaurs. There are many gods like Aphrodite and Hermes. Gods can have children with humans called demi-gods. There are 12 main gods of Olympus.

  29. Greek Mythology is a way that the ancient Greeks used as stories about their gods (the gods and goddesses) alot of the tales that are around today come from the myths and lots of the language and words today. All of the gods and goddesses come from Oranos and after him the Titans. A war was formed between the gods and titans trapping them in the pit of Taros (?). Each god had a different trait they were most known for. The gods also faced challenges with each other.
