Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Where did you find symbolism in Poseidon? What did it stand for?


  1. When he made the horse. It was a symbol of his love for Demeter.

  2. When it says in the story about his underwater palace with the pearl and the throne, so both of them represent wealth.

  3. I found the symbol for Poseidon in the fourth paragraph of the first page. The trident stood for him having power of the sea.

  4. The horse that Poseidon created for Demeter symbolizes how much he liked her and wanted to impress her

  5. The symbolism was when Poseidon made the horse and it stood for his love for Demeter.

  6. Poseidon gave his second wife the first dolphin to try to make her less jealous. He also made horses to try to make Demeter love him, which inspired him to create green ones for the sea.

  7. The olive tree was a symbol of Athene

  8. The horse that Poseidon made for Demeter because it symbolized how much he loved her.

  9. When it said he left olympus to come to his kingdom, which was a huge underwater palace with a great pearl and coral throne. That shows that he is a god and has a lot of stuff

  10. A symbol of playfulness and peacefulness could be the dolphin creation as a gift to Amphitrite to help ease her jealousy

  11. When Zeus chose the the shy because it looked so high is symbol that as you get higher you are on the top of the gods.

  12. When Poseidon was trying to make a beautiful creature for Demeter he took a week, he took the time to make a beautiful creature just for Demeter; he didn't give up just to make her like him.

  13. The dolphin Poseidon created for Amphitrite symbolizes his love

  14. The horse that Poseidon made for Demeter was a symbol of his love for her.

  15. All the Creatures that He created that weren't as beautiful as he intended symbolized his love, through the efforts he contributed towards Demeter.

  16. Poseidon's underwater palace has a great pearl and coral throne which represents his wealth.

  17. The horses that Poseidon made for Demeter symbolized his determination for her to love him, as well as, his love he that has for her.

  18. The horse that Poseidon made for Demeter shows his determination and perseverance because in the process he kept failing with all these other animals like the hippo and zebra but kept going and created a beautiful animal.

  19. The dolphin and the horse symbolize love, the horse more then the dolphin because he had to go out of his domain to make a beautiful creature, and ultimately impress Demeter more.

  20. When Poseidon jumped on the horse because of how beautiful it was and forgot about Demeter and this symbolizes how he can be materialistic.

  21. the Horse that Poseidon game to Demeter, symbolized his love

  22. The horse symbolized his true character and his feelings. for Demeter. He was so fond of her that he took his time in making the horse. He wanted it to be beautiful like Demeter. He was determinded to create this beautiful land creature that Demeter wanted.

  23. The horse he has made for land shows his creativity and determination, because everyone thought he could only make underwater monsters.

  24. Poseidon wanted to show his love for his wife Ampthitrite so he created her a dolphin, as a gesture of love towards her.

  25. Poseidon gave Demeter a dolphin and a horse. These were symbols of Poseidon's love for Demeter.

  26. When he stabbed the Attica to claim it as his own. It meant that he wanted everything to be his and make it sea like. When he came down to the sea, he made everything different than it was.

  27. Whenever Poseidon made the big storm the storm symbolized his anger.

  28. When Zues choose the sky it sybolizes that he wanted the highest olace in the world he wanted all the power, to rule all by himself.

  29. Their is symbolism whenever Poseidon created the horse whenever Demeter only believed that he could create monsters. This symbolizes that monsters can still have some good in them too. Although Poseidon was a monster on the outside and was cruel on the inside he still had some good in him.

  30. The horse that Poseidon gave to Demeter showed his determination in trying to create something beautiful which symbolized his love for her.

  31. In the story Poseidon, the author said that Poseidon was a very difficult god, changeful and quarrelsome. To me, this symbolized that even though he is a god, he still makes mistakes, and that people, although beautiful, will still make mistakes, and in that way gods and people are not so different after all.
