Friday, January 31, 2014

Demeter Myth

What does the myth of Demeter/Persephone explain?  What is the significance of the pomegranate?


  1. It explains why we have winter and summer. The pomegranate that she ate counts for the amount of time that Persephone must live with Hades in the year.

  2. The story of Demeter & Persephone explains the reason for the existence of winter, the pomegranate represents how many months Demeter must stay in the underworld every year, 6 for 6 seeds, that is how long winter must last.

  3. The myth explains why we have Summer and Winter. Persephone is on Earth for Summer, but when she goes to the underworld thats why we have Winter. The significance of the pomegranate its the reason why Persephone has to go back to the underworld for those six months, because she ate those six seeds.

  4. This myth explained the reasons behind Summer and Winter. The significance of the pomegranate is that Persephone has to go back to the underworld for 6 months because she ate 6 seeds and during those 6 months is when Winter occurs

  5. The myth of Demeter/Persephone explains how Hades kidnapped Persephone and took her to the underworld and how Demeter and Zues get her back. The significance of the pomegranate is that since she ate 6 pomegranate seeds, she has to speed six months each year with Hades.

    1. The myth also explains why we have winter and summer

  6. It explains why winter happens. She ate six seeds from the pomegranate which means she has to spend six months with Hades out of the year. It's kind of funny because the boy that gave it to her was the boy her mother had killed by turning him into a lizard then feeding him to a hawk.

  7. It describes why we have winter and summer. Thats why nothing grows in winter.

    1. She ate 6 pomegranate seeds so she has to stay with Hades for 6 months of the year

  8. It explains the myth of how we have summer and winter and the pomegranate represents how long Persephone must spend with Hades per year because she ate six of its seeds.

  9. The myth of Demeter/Persephone explains why there is a certain time for planting. The pomegranate represents how long Persephone has to stay with Hades. She ate six seeds so she stays with Hades for six months with Hades.

  10. The myth of Demeter and Persephone explains the way the Hades takes Persephone. Since Persephone refused to take anything that was offered by Hades, she hadn't eaten. The little boy that was with her offered her some of the pomegranate that he had. Because she had eaten 6 seeds, she has to spend 6 months with Hades in the underworld. Therefore, the creation of winter.

  11. The myth explains the seasons of the year. Persephone ate six seeds of the pomegranate and that symbolizes the six months.

  12. The myth of Demeter/Persephone explains why summer and winter happen. The significance of the pomegranate is that since she ate 6 seeds she has to stay with Hades for 6 months of each year.

  13. This myth explains how we got winter and summer, and since she ate six seeds, there are six months without any growing of plants.

  14. Demeter was the mother of Persephone and Persephone was taken to the under world with Hades and Hades would give Persephone gives but she would reject it and there was a little boy that was helping her and he said to take some pomegranate seeds and she took six, then Hades knew about it and reported it Zeus and told her that she would have to spend six months down there every year.

  15. The myth explains why we have the seasons winter and summer. The six pomegranate seeds she ate symbolizes the six months a year she must spend with Hades.

  16. This Myth Shows why there is winter/summer the pomegranate shows the amount of seeds she ate, the amount of seeds is the amount of months she has to stay with hades. That is why there is Winter and summer because Persphone has to stay in the under world for those 6 months until she returns in the summer.

  17. The myth explains why we have the seasons summer and winter. The pomegranate is important because for every seed she has ate, it is for every month she is to spend with Hades in hell. She spends six months with Hades, (winter) and six months on earth. (summer0

  18. The myth explains why there is winter and why it limits your ablity of growing things. The amount of seeds Demeter ate represents the months of winter and not being able to grow things.

  19. The myth explains what why winter is winter and you cant grow much in the winter time, the 6 pomegranate seeds represent how many months she needs to stay in the underworld. This judgement was made by Zeus. It also explains why some flowers look like what they look like because Persephone would paint them.

  20. This myth explains seasons and since she ate six seeds from the pomegranate so she has to stay with Hades for six months.

  21. The myth of Demeter Goddess of the cornfield is all about Demeter's daughter being kidnapped by Hades controller of the underworld. Hades treated her daughter with great respect and gave her a multitude of gifts. As Persephone's hunger grew she eventually was tempted into eating 6 pomegranate seeds. Demeter came and freed her right after this but Zeus punished Persephone for eating the seeds. She was forced to spend 6 months a year with Hades, and during this time Demeter didn't let anything grow. This is where winter came from.

  22. The myth of Demeter explains how she is the Goddess of the cornfield. Her daughter Persephone was taken to the underworld by Hades. She had not taken any offer Hades gave her to eat, she then ate fruit seeds in the garden from the little boy. Since she ate six seeds Zeus sentenced her to 6 months with Hades. Demeter made people suffer since she had to suffer, nothing will grow. That's why usmmer and winter are the way they are. Theres a time for planting and a time for frost. The pomegranate is significant because since she ate the 6 seeds from it, the six months with Hades was enforced and thats how the seasons came to be.

  23. The six seeds that Persephone ate signify the six months of the year she has to spend with Hades in the underworld. Which explains why plants typically die in winter, because she is with Hades. And in the summer she is with her mother.

  24. The myth of Demeter explains why we have winter and summer. Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds while she was in the Underworld with Hades, therefore she has to spend six months a year with Hades in the Underworld. During these six months Demeter lets nothing grow, that is why we have a winter season where nothing grows.

  25. This myth explains the reason that we have summer and winter. The pomegranate is significant because the number of seeds eaten by Demeter represents how long Persephone has to stay with Hades.

  26. the myth of Demeter/Persephone explains the seasons. the significance of the pomegranate is that since she ate six seeds she has to stay with hades 6 months of every year.

  27. Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds, each of which signify six months of the year she has to spend with Hades. This is the reason why plants grow in the summer and the earth is barren in the winter.

  28. The myth of Demeter explains why there is the seasons, most specifically winter and the pomegranate represented how long she must stay with Hades, for every seed thats how long she was to stay a year.

  29. The six seeds that Perephone ate from the pomegranate represents the 6 months of winter. This is whenever she is with Hades. She was punished for eating them so for each one she ate it was one month with Hades. The other 6 months she isnt with him represent summer.

  30. Zeus had a child with Demeter and her name was Persephone. Persephone loved the garden and took care of it, one day she saw a plant she didn't like with blood red berries on it, so she ripped it out. Then out of the hole came a chariot with a man wearing black and he grabbed her arm and took her away to the under world. Hades was the one that took her away. Then her mother Demeter went looking and could not find her so she went to Zeus and then they called the messenger God, so that he could go to the underworld and get back Persephone, but she can not eat anything in the underworld or she will have to be their forever and never return.Hades spoiled her with gifts and cooked wonderful food for her,but she showed that she did not care, so she could try and get away back to the earth. She ate six seeds or pomegranate from the little boy , her mother turned into a lizard, because he laughed at her. Then the messenger came to get her and she went to the world again, but since she ate the six seed of pomegranate she has to spend six months with Hades and six months with her mother. The seeds represent the six months of the year when nothing will grow or blossom, it is how we have our seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

  31. The myth of Demeter and her daughter Persephone explain why we have our seasons. Persephone ate six seeds when she was with Hades, and she was not to let any food pass her mouth or she couldn't leave. But, Zeus said that because there were six pomegranate seeds that she ate, she has to be with Hades six months of every year. During the time that Persephone is with Hades, her mother mourns by making trees naked, not letting flowers bloom, and by grass not growing so everyone suffers with her.
