Friday, March 13, 2015


Deity- a super natural being thought of as holy or sacred

The 12 Olympians were consider the MAIN deities.  They are the same Gods listed on your chart:

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, & Hestia...

Click on the following link.  Find what you believe to be the most interesting fact or information about Hestia & record it in the comment section.


  1. I thought it was interesting that she "was named as both the eldest and youngest of the six Kronides."

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  3. "As the first to be swallowed she was also the last to be disgorged, and so was named as both the eldest and youngest of the six Kronides." I thought this was interesting.

  4. She is the oldest but also the youngest god. This was interesting to me.

  5. i thought it was interesting how she was the "virgin goddess", as well as the youngest AND oldest goddess/diety

  6. She was named the eldest and the youngest of the six Kronides.

  7. If the fire of her hearth went out it could not be relighted with ordinary fire. It had to be from fire produced from friction or from the sun.

  8. Hestia refused marriage with both Apollo and Poseidon which i found interesting because both are powerful gods and usually gods and goddesses go for power and to better themselves but Hestia didn't do that which was strange plus i would of married Apollo because he's epic!

  9. Hestia was the goddess of the sacrificial flame and received a share of every sacrifice to the gods.

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  11. She was the first to be swallowed and the last to be disgorged by Kronos.

  12. i thought it was interesting that she was the first child swallowed by Cronos yet she isnt talked about very much and is treated poorly.

  13. The fact that she is the goddess of the sacrificial flame and therefore sacrifices was very peculiar and sparked my interest.

  14. The fact that she is the goddess of the sacrificial flame and therefore sacrifices was very peculiar and sparked my interest.

  15. she got a part of every sacrificce
