Monday, March 9, 2015


This journal entry will be a little bit longer than most of the journal entries. This should be 7-10 sentences.  Directions:

choose any of the myths that we have read so far.  Answer ONE of the following prompts:

1.  How does the god or goddess in this myth relate to you or a person in your life (we are thinking personality wise)?  Give at least two specific examples.

2.  What is the purpose of the myth, and which one of the 7 attributes does it cover?  How does it cover this?  You may need to use your notes for this. 

You have until 8:05 to complete this.  When you're finished, read the responses of others and then use your independent book until everyone else is finished.


  1. In the myth of Demeter the goddess relates to my mother from how she would do anything to save me also how she would suffer with great quality. Because in the myth Demeter made a deal with Zeus and suffered and caused the earth to become vacant of growth. The myth purpose is to explain why the seasons change and this goes with the third attribute explaining natural phenomena which covers the changing of seasons.

  2. Demeter is a goddess that represents me well in my opinion. I say this because she is so controlling over her daughter and i like to be in control of things that matter to me as well, and she also was very stubborn and upset about not getting her way with her daughter and even if i dont want to admit it i am the same with things that are important to me. The purpose of the myth was to show how we got our two seasons, winter and summer. This falls under the explanation of the world and universe because it goes along with how all of our seasons were made.

  3. Prompt #2: In the myth of Demeter, there are many examples of the creation of earth. In the beginning of the myth, it was said another name for Demeter was "Ceres", which is where we get the word "cereal". Demeter is also the goddess of the cornfield, and was known as the lady of growing things. This further explain the creation of Earth through her gardening. This purpose of this myth explains Demeter's love for Persephone (Demeter and Zeus's daughter). Demeter was very protective of Persephone throughout the myth, and it described the unhealthy relationship between Demeter and Zeus.

  4. The goddess Athene has a personality that is similar to one of my old friends. Athene could not deal with the fact that a human girl names Arachne thought she was better at weaving than her. So she challenged her. My old friend always wanted to prove that she was better than others as well. After Athene won the weaving battle, she still did not forgive Arachne for saying she was a better weaver, instead she turned the Arachne into a spider. My old friend could hold grudges very easily and not have any remorse on someone even after she proved herself.
    The purpose of this myth is to show how Arachnids got their name. One of the seven attributes that it covered is to explain how and why something was created.

  5. Personality wise I am sorta like Hera. Hera is very smart and so am I. She uses her strategies to easily outwit Zeus. She also fights back. She doesn't let anyone push her around and I am the exact same way. When Zeus makes her angry she tries to get back at him and usually ends up making him even more angry. She also keeps promises. When she promised Zeus she would never rebel him again and Zeus promised to mend her ways and they both did but they kept and eye on each other.

  6. I am like the goddess Persephone because she is curious like me. She went to check out the bush that she hadn't noticed before. I am also like her because i am hard to please like she was when Cronos was trying to please her.The purpose of the myth was to give a reason of why we have winter and covers the attribute to explain the creation of the world and universe, because it tells about our seasons. It covers this when it says that the reason we have summer and winter are because Persephone is in the underworld. When Persephone is in the underworld plants cant thrive.

  7. Hera is the Goddess of the Hearth and Strategy. She relates to me because she was clever and plotted against Zeus. Hera was queen of the Gods. She kept her promises, and was very faithful to Zeus. The myth tells how she tricked Zeus, so that she could have her child without Zeus eating it. She was smart, and a good mother. She protected her children.

  8. Prompt 2 Athene: The purpose of the myth is to tell a story about a mortal who boasts and says she is better at spinning than a goddess. The myth covers many attributes. The myth explains the creation of the world because Athens is named after Athene. This shows how and why this place was named this way. The myth shows the nature of gods and goddesses and how they interact with humans. Athene is a goddess and she interacts negatively and competes with Arachne who is mortal.

  9. Posiden is like my brother. Posiden doesn't like to stay still and its the same with my brother. Also Posiden likes to adventure and my brother likes to adventure. This myth explains why the ocean at a certain spot is so dangerous. It also explains how so many animals have been created.
