Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Write a few sentences about your morning using 2 vocabulary words :)


  1. As i woke up in the morning i went to go to the bathroom and saw my extremely vain brother checking himself out in the mirror. Then i went downstairs and saw my kindred sleeping in the living room, so i crept past the living room quietly.

  2. My fellow kindred woke me up in the early morning for school. I then got ready, and then i went to get breakfast. But when i looked for some nice cereal i was shocked! "This is bogus!" I shouted, all the cereal was gone and i went to school starving again.

  3. This morning i woke my kindred up and waited for my mom to take me to school. I was wretched at the thought of school today.

  4. This morning i woke up not feeling wretched like normal, i was happy and in a great mood. I got to school realizing how bogus everyone in school is.

  5. As I woke up this morning I saw my kindred all in there rooms sleeping. My vain sister was the only one who was awake doing her hair and acting like she is going to a fashion show.

  6. This morning when I woke up, I was wretched. I dreaded getting out of bed and getting ready. But I did it, like every other morning. A few bogus jokes were played today since it's April Fools day.

  7. Today I woke up to the smell of pestilence and death figuring out that my dog had pooped on the floor. I exiled the accursed dog to my mom's room and locked the door

  8. This morning when I woke up my mom was wretched because she was very sick. I went in to my little sister's room and told her she was bogus and then left for school.

  9. I felt very accursed the minute I woke up, just like every morning. I stumbled out of my room and into my kitchen to eat breakfast. I am not very vain in the morning which is why I try to plan ahead and get my clothes ready and lunch packed, which I did not do last night so I was in a rush this morning. When I was ready I went outside and stood for my bus at the end of my driveway.

  10. I woke up this morning feeling absolutely wretched. With my head pounding, I scuffled over to my parent's bedroom to ask my mom if I could stay home. My countenance must have said it all because when I approached her, she new immediately that I wanted to stay home.

  11. I woke up this morning and was wretched of the thought of going to school. My mother said she was apologetic for having to wake me up this early, but I knew her apology was bogus.
