Tuesday, March 10, 2015


1.What is narcissism? 

2. Where do you see this in Greek mythology...be specific about the god & the myth.

3.  How does the word narcissism relate to Greek mythology?


  1. When you are very selfish and only care about yourself not others.

    Zeus is a narcissist when he cheats on Hera.

    Their is a god named Narcissus

  2. 1. having a strong interest in ones appearance
    2.Hera threw Hephaestus over the Mt. because he was ugly.
    3.it relates to Greek mythology because all the gods and goddess are obsessed with there appearance.

  3. when someone only thinks of themselves. most gods only think of themselves and they often end up in trouble because of it. narcissus was a greek hero who fell in love with his reflection in a bronze shield

  4. its when someone is obsessed with them self
    chronos is a narcissist because he thinks hes better than everyone else
    Narcissism came from the Greek good Narcissus

  5. 1. To be narcissistic is to be very obsessed with your physical appearance.
    2. In Greek mythology many of the gods are narcissists. Appearance means a lot to them and the more attractive they are the better they are treated. Zeus for instants is very narcissist he cares about his looks and he uses his appearance to intrigue many different women.
    3. Narcissism relates to Greek mythology because all of the gods are very self involved.

  6. 1. Narcissism is an egotistic admiration of ones old attributes.
    2. The term originated from the Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
    3. Narcissism was the root of the name Narcissus, a god.

  7. Narcissism is thinking highly of your own appearance. In Greek mythology, God's and Goddesses judge, and are judged, mostly on their appearances. Narcissism relates to Greek mythology because your appearance shows your worth. The God's and Goddesses who are said to be beautiful think highly of themselves through appearance.

  8. Narcissism is excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. Hera had a baby that was extremely ugly, so she threw it off a mountain because she was embarrassed that her child looked like that. Narcissism relates to Greek mythology because basically all of the gods and goddesses are narcissistic.

  9. Narcissism is excessive interest in one's self. I see this in Greek mythology in most of the Gods. I don't see it in just one specific myth, or God. They were all focused on beauty, and physical appearance. If they had a child that was ugly, they would get rid of it, and want nothing to do with it. If they saw someone ugly, they would be rude and mean to them. They treated the beautiful people with respect and honored them. The word narcissism relates to Greek mythology because the Gods cared a lot about themselves, and what they looked like. They looked up to beauty and people that thought they were great.

  10. Narcissism is when someone is very cocky and only thinks about themselves and is all about themselves. It shows up in all Greek mythology. For example, Zeus is a narcissist because he thinks he is better than all of the other gods and he believes he can get any woman. Narcissism was the root of the name Narcissus, a god.

  11. A narcissist is someone who is completely and utterly obsessed with themselves. Hades exemplifies this trait because he does not like change and feels like he can take whatever he wants like the goddess Persephone. All of the Greek gods and goddesses are narcissists in some way.

  12. Narcissism is excessive self-importance, holding oneself in unrealistically high regards, and generally being self-centered. The most prominent narcissism among the stories we've read is in Arachne before her confrontation with Athena, proclaiming her infinite skill and superiority as a weaver. Narcissism comes from Narcissus, an excessively proud man who was tricked by Nemesis into falling in love with his reflection, and then drowning.

  13. 1. When you only care about yourself and everything you do is for you.
    2. Posiden made horses so he could have intercourse with another person, he did this for himself not the other person.
    3. Almost all of the gods are narcissist.

  14. Narcissism is high self confidence gone cocky. Gods like Zeus loved himself and only did things to better himself but in general most gods and goddesses only cared about themselves and were totally over self cocky. The word came from the god Narcissus who fell in love with himself through his.
