Monday, March 30, 2015


Tell a story about an ironic time in your life....what type....and why?


  1. One time I was thinking all day that my family should go out to eat at a pizza shop and at the end of the day my mom called me and said we were going there to eat.

  2. I ate a cookie when I wasn't supposed to, and it turns out I was allowed for that particular day, and I had just forgotten.

  3. I said i trust people at my work. then someone stole from me.

  4. One time Ms. Barnhart called me an emo, following the previous day when I had spent like a solid 45 seconds telling my Mom how Ms Barnhart was my favorite teacher after my Mom had asked about school. Ms. Barnhart is no longer my favorite teacher.

  5. it was situational

  6. Once I went to Oregon by myself, and I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen to my dog when I was away. A couple weeks later, I got a phone call from my dad and he said that my dog has been hit by a car and has passed away. I was devastated, but I also knew it was coming for some reason. This is dramatic irony, because I knew that would happen, but nobody else did.

  7. i went to the library everyday for lunch that week without being questioned by teachers, then the one day i bring britteny she brings it up and i tell her teachers dont mind or care. as we left the principle told us we needed a pass and we had less time to work during lunch because of this. Situational irony.

  8. I never go with my dad but the one time I decided I was going to, he doesn't show up.

  9. I was taking a keystone test and my instructor asked me if this one boy was here today i responded "no he ain't" he was like "well good luck on your English keystone." But secretly i knew i already took the test and passed it i just smiled.
    This is an example of Dramatic sense i knew something others didn't know.

  10. So sitting in class thinking of how hungry i am, i started thinking of the food i was going to eat. I planned on eating the leftover homemade spaghetti that was for dinner the night before. When i arrived home i walked into the kitchen and the first thing i heard was "Hey tasia that spaghetti was amazing I hope you weren't planning on eating any!" This irony is situational because i expected to come home and eat the spaghetti but when i got him it was already gone.

  11. One day I was really in the mood to go to the movies to see a new movie that just came out. Once I got to the closest theater to my house, I found out that the theater I went to was the only one not playing the movie I wanted to see. Situational.

  12. My dad and i were talking about how his friends hit a deer and then 10 minutes later we hit a deer.
    This is situational.

  13. Yesterday I told my mom that my sister is very helpful and good at math when we were having a conversation. I was doing math homework and asked her to help and she had no idea what to do and was not very helpful. Verbal

  14. During first semester, every Friday I used to get pizza maxsticks for lunch. However, I kept coming home, forgetting that most Friday nights my family orders pizza for dinner. The one Friday that I remember not to get pizza maxsticks, I come home only to be told that we would not be ordering pizza for dinner. This is an example of situational irony.

  15. One time I was struggling with a math problem. I had no clue how to do it so I asked the teacher. He was unable to solve the problem either. This is an example of situational irony because a math teacher should know how to answer the question, especially since he created the problem.
