Monday, March 2, 2015


Satire is a genre.  How may an author decide what order to put events in a plot chart if they are trying to be satirical?  Why?


  1. A purposeful re-arrangement of the actual events if satirically retelling a true story, otherwise in any order necessary for the author to put their point across depending on the context of the story and what they're trying to imply.

  2. in some things, an example is family guy, they say what they are going to make fun of then do a flashback type thing. This is a difficult question.

  3. The author might decide to put the events in chronological order, or in any order that gets their point across.

  4. The events can be out of order so the characters can make satirical remarks

  5. The events can be out of order so the characters can make satirical remarks

  6. I feel as though the author would place plot events in an order that makes most sense of what they're trying to achieve in their satirical order for example they could simply rearrange the text fitting in the satirical effect or they could fit it in in other ways depending on how that want to express the plot being satirical

  7. The order of events is depending on what the author is talking about and if they use satires it should be in an order that they can get their point across in. It could be the total opposite order if being sarcastic.

  8. Putting the events in order so that it gets the authors put across in a ridiculous way.

  9. They decide what order to put events in a plot chart if they are trying to be satirical by putting them in the order that is true, but also uses irony or humor in order to criticize people's stupidity.

  10. Putting them in a chronological order which leads up to a humorous ending which gets the authors point across.

  11. Authors put events in whatever order they need to in order to get their point across.

  12. Authors put events in whatever order they need to in order to get their point across.

  13. You want to put the events in order in which it makes sense, but is still humorous. Then it will get the point across.
