Monday, April 6, 2015





During this video, your job is to respond to this journal:

watch this man's body language.  Notice as much as you can....write down exactly what movements or actions this man is taking.


  1. In the video the guy is standing in front of a bucket of pee. People around him are convincing him to do something saying the girl will never know. They're pressuring him to do something. he took his shirt off. Hes buff. HE PUT HIS HEAD IN THE BUCKET EWWWWWWWWW! but then he celebrates!

  2. pulls on his shirt, takes his shirt off, bends over and puts stuff in his hair, kneels down, dunks his head in the bucket of urine.

  3. The mans body language is hesitant. He stands still for a while thinking about what to do. He is also nervous because he keeps grabbing his shirt. He makes short movements and keeps adjusting his clothes. He takes his shirt of and holds it for a while. He puts antibacterial soap on and then kneels down and sticks his head in the urine. But he was excited because he got $400.

  4. His body is very stiff, tries to waste time by messing with his shirt, lifts arms because he is proud.

  5. cheering in the background, he's moving his shirt around nervously, he takes his shirt off, theres betting for him to do it, hes putting on hand soap on his head, bends down, hes on his knees, counting down in the background, he pushes his head in the bucket and stands up throwing his hands in the air celebrating.

  6. Guy is kind of reluctant to do it, takes off his shirt, puts antibacterial hand soap on his head, gets down by the bucket, and dunks his head in the bucket filled with urine. After he does it he is very happy and proud of himself.

  7. The many prepared himself. He took off his shirt and used sanitizer. He was hesitant at the beginning but celebrated afterwards, and was proud of what he accomplished.

  8. The man is taking a long time to get on with the task.
    He was messing with his shirt to add on more time.
    He kept fidgeting and second guessing his actions.
    The man is proud afterwards.

  9. he seems like he is seconding guessing and that he doesn't want to do it but everyone is trying to talk him into and he finally does do it. Then everyone started cheering and he was proud of what he had just done.

  10. Lots of drunken wobbling, fidgeting, and reluctant movements. Then afterwards, instant pumped.

  11. Man waving his arms, handling his shirt, twiddling his thumbs, takes off shirt, stands there cautiously, takes lotion and rubs it all over himself, bends on his knees, stares at bucket, shoves hair in the pee, shoots up with excitement hands thrown in the air screaming in happiness. Overall people were forcing him to do this, they promised not to tell his woman and in the end he did the deed and got $400 dollars in payment. (peer pressure)

  12. He wastes time by pulling on his shirt, talking and taking off shirt. He puts lotion on himself. Does it after a countdown and is extremely happy.

  13. he obviously doesnt want to, he takes a long tome to get ready, he seems to not want to because he swings his arms in front of him in a timid manner, he seemed to be glad that it was over when he finished. he messed with his shirt, he didn't want his girlfriend to know. he was obviously being pressured into doing it.

  14. He is very hesitant, and he doesn't want to, but he wants to earn the $400. He was peer pressured into doing it.
