Wednesday, April 22, 2015


List two differences that you see between the characters in the novel and teenagers today.

List one similarity. 


  1. he is poor. not a very good education, he isnt into drugs (yet), he actually walks instead of begging his parents to drive him or driving himself, he doesn't smoke, and he is nice

  2. The characters in the novel are a lot more independent than children in today's society. The children in the novel are also more respectful to their elders than children nowadays.

  3. One difference is that teenagers today can just drive their cars everywhere and not have to walk also teenagers today don't have that close of a family bond with their families one similarity is that teens and the novel characters enjoy rap music or at least half of them do.

  4. The characters in the novel are willing to walk somewhere even though it's really far away because they're trying to save money. Teenagers today would get a ride because they're lazy and they don't care if they spend all their money. The kids in the novel also tried to go back for their family when they heard they were attacked, but I think that teenagers now a days would just stay to protect themselves and wish the best for their families.
    A similarity is the fear they have for themselves and everyone around them when the rebels come. I think that all teenagers no matter where they live or the conditions, they would have the same amount of fear when something like that is happening and they would do whatever they could to protect themselves.

  5. 1. The teenagers in the novel travel a lot by foot, while teenagers today usually travel to places by cars.
    2. Teenagers today have more schooling than the kids in the novel.

    1. 3. One similarity is that they are interested in the same music as we are.

  6. We act the same in many ways like the music we listen to. We are also different in many ways also like they walk everywhere and they seem to be more respectful of their elders.

  7. Teenagers in the novel always want to be active and have a good attitude. Teenagers now are lazy and so negative about themselves.

    Both want to have a good outcome of their life after being a teen

  8. One difference between characters in the novel and teenagers today is that the characters in the novel have to walk everywhere they go. Another difference is that they have to go to a special place to watch their rap/dance videos and teenagers today have access to that pretty much anywhere and everywhere they want. One similarity is they both are interested in rap.

  9. The children in the novel are a lot more independent they also are very respectful in the novel. The children in the novel and children now-a-days are similar because they both like rap music

  10. A difference between the characters in the novel and the teenagers today is the characters in the novel go through living much differently like they worry about when their next meal is and most teens now a days have parents with jobs that provide them with that daily. Another difference is their homes and towns are destroyed because of these wars that occur by the rebels.
    A similarity is that they listen to rap music like we do.

  11. The children in the novel have more independence and have to walk to get places. They also are very respectful. They are similar to teens now a days because music affects their life a lot
