Tuesday, April 7, 2015

This kid

What do you think this kid will be like when he grows up?  WHY?


  1. He will be persuasive and will try as hard as he can to get himself out of trouble.

  2. The kid will probably argue a lot to get his way. He could be a good lawyer.

  3. I think this kid will always have his own opinion and excuse for things that he does because he's serious about arguing with his mom about getting cupcakes.

  4. I think he will be very good at debating things and will always try to have things his own way.

  5. Persistent with things to try and get his way, and to get out of trouble.

  6. This kid is going to grow up to be a awesome debated with power! Hes going to win a lot of heated conversations but i also feel with this power of his to be good at debating he will be very spoiled, and expect everything to be handed to him and will freak out if he cant get what he wants.

  7. That was adorable. Clearly he;s very influenced by his environment, and is (albeit cutely) lacking some discipline, and thus I predict some turbulence in his future relationships with friends and family.

  8. He could become a part of the government because he is a good debater and he's only like 6. He could also pick fights with people a lot and won't give up

  9. Based on the video, this kid appears to be persistent and one who wants to argue to get what he wants. As he grows up, if this behavior isn't stopped, it will carry on to adulthood. I'm not sure how the mother is raising the child, but she seems to spoil him causing a lack in discipline. This could lead to actual issues later on in his life.

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  11. This kid will grow up to be very persistent and a good debater. This is because he is very persistent as a child and just very good at arguing.

  12. When the child grows up he will have a very strong opinion on many different things and he will always try and convince others that he is correct. He would make a good laywer or politician because he is determined that he is right and will argue with whoever disagrees.

  13. This kid will be very argumentative when he grows up because he is showing similar traits in the video.
