Thursday, April 9, 2015


Where did we leave off in this play so far?


  1. They were getting ready to go get the servant to find out the real story of who killed Laius.

  2. Oedipus and Jocasta were talking about who killed King Laius and that they need to talk to the peasant because he saw who killed the King.

  3. Oedipus decides to ask the servant who was at the scene of the crime about if either a gang or a single man killed Lauis.

  4. Oedipus is starting to realize that he might have been the one to kill King Laius, so he is going to ask the servant that got away from being killed if it was a group of people or just one person that killed Laius.

  5. Oedipus was figuring out if he killed king lauis. He is calling the only witness to ask him what happened.

  6. Oedipus has been told he might have been the one who killed Laius. To get to the truth, they are heading to the servant to find out the story.

  7. So far today Oedipus and Jocasta are going to find Teiresias to find out if it was one person who killed the king or a gang because Oedipus is convinced that he did it. Jocasta still doesnt believe in the whole story and thinks Oedipus is not guilty. None of them have figured out that Oedipus is actually Jocastas son.

  8. Oedipus realized that he might've been the killer of Laius.

  9. Oedipus and Jocasta just got done talking about King Laius and Oedipus wants the servant that survived to come back so he can talk to him about the murder of king Laius.

  10. Oedipus might be figuring out that he's the one that killed Laius

  11. Oedipus is like, oh dag, I think I bippedthe king, cursed myself, and acted like a knob to Teiresias!

  12. We left off at the part where Oedipus Rex figured out that he may have been the one who killed Laius. The audience found out that Oedipus killed Laius. Jocasta and Oedipus are mother and son. Although we know this the characters do not yet.

  13. Oedipus thinks he killed Laius but he still hasn't figured out that he is his son.

  14. we left off whith Oedipus and Jacosta talking about laius and the servant is coming back to the palace to confirm or deny whether it was Oedipus or not who killed laius
