Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Describe Creon's character throughout this entire play using at least one specific example.


  1. Creon is very defensive and doesnt want a lot of responsibility. He also believes he is very innocent.

  2. Creon is very trustworthy because Oedipus thought he was trying to overthrow him but it turned out that he was wrong.

  3. He pretty told everyone to relax. This is proven when he told Oedipus to relax, hes not overthrowing him.

  4. he was a minor character who was trustworthy, even though oedipus thought he was a traitor

  5. Defensive, an example of this would be when Creon was fighting with Oedipus defending himself in that he wasn't trying to overthrow him and was lashing out a little when Oedipus kept on confronting him.

  6. Creon was accused by Oedipus of trying to over throw him. Creon is defensive because of this.

  7. Creon defends himself and and comes off as relaxed during an argument. When Oedipus accused Creon of overthrowing him, he stayed relaxed and fully explained to Oedipus that this was not the case.

  8. Creon is carefree and doesn't like being in charge. He doesn't like having a lot of work to do.

  9. Creon doesn't want a lot of responsibility and he is trustworthy because Oedipus believed he was trying to overthrow him and he was wrong and Creon got really defensive over it.

  10. He doesn't let someone tell him what he has to do or should not do, also defensive. An example is when Oedipus blames Creon for trying to take his thrown. Creon doesn't accept it.

  11. He was relaxed and did not want to overthrow Oedipus, even though that is one thing Oedipus was afraid of.

  12. Creon is defensive. This is shown when he is accused of trying to overthrow Oedipus.

  13. Creon is an innocent guy that gets blamed for a lot of things. he's pretty relaxed about things and doesn't really have a desire to be king
